โžฏ ๐™™๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ง๐™ช๐™ข๐™ค๐™ง๐™จ !?

(this has to be my absolute favorite picture of victor)

โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


5:32 am

i zip up my luggage and grab my jacket.

god why do we always take these early ass flights??

i finally open the door to head out.

man i'm gonna miss this room... lilia seriously lives like a queen.

today we're getting on our flight to canada for our first event. we fly there today and then the competition is already tomorrow, or rather mine is, yurio's is the day after.

my free skate has gone well... although the amount of jumps make me think lilia is tryin to kill me.

i'm using the song victor suggested, of course he was right and it'll fit perfect. however i'm still trying to figure out what emotion to portray... hopefully it'll come to me eventually.

i go to lilia's front door, where outside the rest of them are loading their stuff into a taxi.


time skip cause i'm lazy


we finally made it onto our flight. it was a pretty chill car ride here, security was a pain but it was fine. thankfully yurio seems to be as tired as me and isn't making any stupid remarks... yet.

"y/n, you're seat is over here." lilia points to a window seat.

i make my way over and get myself comfortable.

"oh, and yurio you're seat is next to her in the aisle."

"what!? why do i have to sit next to her AND get the aisle seat??"

"because the seats are in rows of two, and because i said so." lilia leaves us and goes to sit across from us in the other row.

as i said, YET.

"stop being a grumpy little kitten yurio, it's too early for this." i start to put in my earbuds.

"shut up piglet, it's your fault i'm mad now!"

i whip my head to look at him, "how is it my fault!?"

"you took the window seat!"

"for fuck's sake yurio..."

i'm done with his shit.

i reach across the seat and pull his hand down into his chair so he finally slumps into the seat.

"there. now deal with it."

"hmph. whatever."

he finally turns and starts rummaging through his backpack for something, probably earbuds as well.

"attention passengers, we will now commence our take off. stay seated and buckled until the seatbelt sign is off. thank you for choosing to fly with us."

alright, finally we're taking off.

as we take off i look out the plane window. yeah no way in hell am i giving up this seat.

the sunrise shines through the window, and i lean against my hand enjoying the view.

until i hear a camera click then a curse follow soon after.

i turn to look at yurio, "uhh, are you good kitty boy?"

"i... uh..."

i notice his phone out. he sees this and immediately puts it down.

"i just- i forgot my earbuds!"

i stare at him tiredly.

i sigh, "i mean you can share mine if you really need some, i don't know if you'll like this music though."

i lend him an ear bud and he hesitantly takes it while glaring at me.

i go to my music and put on "fine line"

(if you don't like harry styles it's cool, i just chose this cause i was thinking of like relaxing music ig...? but think of whatever you want, relaxing music will just go with the vibe.)

"now stop being so grumpy, i'm too tired for that yuratchka."

"yuratchka!? who told you-!"

"shhh~ don't worry about it." i put my finger on his lips and close my eyes, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"don't talk," i yawn a bit, "just sleep."

geez what has gotten into me?? i never sleep on planes... but i can't help it now i just feel so at home.

i guess all that training and lack of sleep caught up to me huh? oh well...


ใ€Ž๐™ฎ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ž '๐™จ (๐™ฎ๐™ช๐™ง๐™ž๐™ค) ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซ ใ€


before i know it y/n's head lands on my shoulder, and soon i hear her steady breaths follow telling me she's passed out.

dammit. how am i supposed to move?

wait what am i saying of course i can move. just shove her over to the other side, who cares if she wakes up. pfft, i don't.

i'm about to push her off when i look down at her.









UGHย why am i doing this?? this is all your fault y/n.

i take the blanket given to us by the airline and put it over her, doing my best not to move too much.

stupid little piglet... making me take care of you! you're just a bunch of work y'know that?? asking for my clothes and using me as a headrest!

...although she also lent me her earbud... and let me sleep in her room... and despite it all she's cheered me on the most...

whatever ัะฒะธะฝะบะฐ (svinka)! this is just a one time thing!ย 

i guess i'm still your number one fan too... not that i'll ever tell you that. so you better win tomorrow, alright?

god who am i even talking to? what are you doing to me y/n?

i finally decide to sleep as well, so i rest my head on y/n's.

wow her hair smells good...ย 

my head shoots back up.


stupid ice princess-fairy-dove thing!

i hesitantly rest my head back onto her's, and close my eyes, letting the music from her earbuds engulf me.


ใ€Ž๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™ฅ๐™ค๐™ซ ใ€


i feel someone tapping my shoulder.

i slowly open my eyes to find yurio doing the same.

we both freeze and look at the cuddling position we're in.


we launch back away from each other but our earbuds rip our heads back forward and we hit each other in the head.

"OWW! what do you think you're doing dumbass!?" we shout at the same time.

"ugh i am NOT doing this again." i start to wrap up my earbuds.

"well if you two are done cuddling, the flight lands in half an hour, so get ready." lilia, who woke us up, then turns back to sit next to yakov.

"we were not cuddling!" we shout in unison again.


time skip brought to you by happy ~ ' aNd tHeN~ ' (it's from fairytail tell me someone gets this-)


after a chaotic mess on the plane, then through the airport and the taxi, we finally make it to the hotel.

lilia and yakov go ahead to check in, they come back and tell us our room numbers on the 5th floor, but before we can follow them up reporters and fans start to crowd us.

"y/n, yuri, answer some questions here then join us on the 5th floor. it'll be good for publicity."

i nod.

great... the last thing i needed right now.

i see some other skaters walk in to check in before they're blocked from my sight.

the cameras start flashing and i hear the reporters:

"y/n katsuki! you surprised us all with your last short program choreographed by yourself and victor. what can we expect in your newest up and coming performance?"

i sigh.

well might as well get this over with.

i look up at them and flash an innocent smile, "well sir, the whole point of a surprise is to keep it a secret! you'll have to wait and see!"ย 

i give a small wave, finishing off my innocent look with a closed eye smile.

the reporters blush and turn to their cameras, "well there you have it folks, the charming and sweet y/n! she was gone for almost a year before coming back better than ever! a dove on screen, and on the ice! japan's ice queen and fairy!"

oh god, these reporters are so annoying.

at least i've fooled them so far with continuing the innocent and sweet look... they have no idea what i've got prepared.

suddenly yurio comes up next to me.

"yuri plisetsky! this is your first year in the senior division! are you prepared?"

he scoffs, "of course i'm prepared. i'm going to be the one to win gold at the grand prix final!"

wow. humble as ever yurio.

i thought the questions were over, but just as we're about to walk away they cut in front of us with a whole new set of questions.

"yuri, y/n! you two seem to have gotten close in the past few months, how long have you known each other?"

"are the two of you training together?"

"are you living together?"

"have you ever considered pairs skating?"

"are your programs about each other??"

"can you confirm here and now any dating rumors???"


yuri seems to freeze next to me, looking down at his shoes.

why isn't he saying anything??

before it can get anymore out of hand, i grab his wrist.

"we're here to skate, not talk about our love life. now if you'll excuse us, we have to go our coaches are waiting for us."

i pull yurio with me and we finally push our way out of the crowd, towards the elevators.

i look up at yurio next to me, he still has barely made any motion or reaction since the reporters asked all those questions.

what is wrong with him..?

but before we can reach the elevators, someone new cuts in front of us.

what the hell do you people want now...

"well, if it isn't the russian tiger! you're pretty bold to be claiming about winning gold when we all know i will be the one who wins."

fuck not this guy, anyone but him.

"what's wrong plisetsky? cat got your tongue?" he laughs obnoxiously at his own pun.

"get out of our way JJ." i do not have the energy to deal with this prick right now.

"what, need your ugly girlfriend to stick up for you now?"

he seems to finally notice my presence.

"well, if it isn't japan's fallen fairy. the wingless dove. that's right, we haven't forgotten about your last screw up a year ago, y/n."

i grit my teeth.

the urge to punch him in his smug face has never been SO INCREDIBLY GREAT-

"you..." yuri suddenly looks up at JJ with a look that could kill.

"...you, have no right to speak to her like that. let alone even say her name! y/n is an incredible skater, and neither you nor anyone else in this world can take that away! i will win gold, and she will too! now get the hell out of our way."

i stand in shock at yuri's words.

did i just hear him right? did he just... defend me?

yuri pushes JJ to the side and pulls me with him. it's only now that i realize we've been holding hands this entire time.

we make it to the elevator without any further interruptions, and wordlessly get in.

i stand there awkwardly, internally panicking.

what the fuck am i supposed to say? do i say anything at all!? what even happened??

i finally clear my throat a little, "um... thanks for that."

he stares at the ground silently.


"it's whatever. that guy's an asshole he had it coming."

i gulp and nod.

i look down at our hands, still together.

"uh-um sorry i didn't realize we were still holding hands i can stop-" before i can fully pull my hand away his grip tightens.



"i mean... i don't really mind... if you don't."

he meets my gaze.

"i... i don't mind at all."

he gives me the smallest smile.

i feel myself blushing and look down.

he gets down to my level and looks up at my face.

"wow, you really are a piglet. your face is all pink."



โžฏ๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™ข๐™š๐™ฃ๐™ฉ!


i didn't have motivation to write this before but now i kinda like how it turned out... anyways the actual canada competition will be in the next chapter, it'll basically be all about skating and shit so yeah.

now i'm gonna go fail spanish, adios
