Special Chapter, One Shot: Meeting Cody in an Anime Expo~

  Hello all~ >.<~ I just wanted to express my gratitude for 31K reads- I can't believe it got this far- tbh, this story was not my main focus in the beginning but now it is- So to say thank you, I'll be writing one shots with all the guys separately! Once again, thank you >.<~❤️

Also, if you didn't know, (Y/N) means your name!


  Your P.O.V.~

"This is my first anime expo ever~" You squealed to your friend, who you forced to bring along.

"You've been saying that for the last seventy times, (Y/N).." Your friend complained.

"I know, but I'm just so excited!" You exclaimed. You have dressed up as your favourite anime character, which was (insert favourite character here).

"Oh my!" You hear someone gush. "Is that (insert in favourite anime character)? Oh my god!!"

    You turn around with a smile to see a beautiful blonde hair boy with blue eyes, and a huge camera around his neck. He looked like a tourist from a foreign country. Wait.. Did I just assume this person's gender.. I mean, this 'he' could be female..

  "Can I get a picture?" He/she asked eagerly with puppy dog eyes that you knew you couldn't resist. "People with this cosplay are so hard to find!"

   "Psst.." Your friend nudges you and whispers. "Get his number for me? He looks like my type~" Oh.. It was a guy..

   You sighed and whispered to your friend. "If you want his number, ask him yourself.."

You turned to face the pretty boy.

  "Sure! I'll take a picture with you!" You exclaimed, making this pretty boy give you a huge smile.

   "Thank you so much!" He exclaims and asks your friend to take a picture of you two.

    The boy pulls you in, really close, making your cheek touch his, and wraps his right arm around your shoulder.

   You couldn't help but blush from this action. You weren't used to pretty boys who are obsessed with anime being so close to you.

   "Alright, I'll take the picture in," Your friend announces.

   "3!" She yells, super loudly.



Right before she could click the picture, some kid ran past you and the pretty boy and shoved you aside. You managed to steady yourself before you fell however, you felt something on your forehead. Something a bit.. moist.

   -insert in the flashing sound/clicking-

"Oh!" The boy exclaims. "I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to kiss your forehead.."

You jumped out of his arm. "Nono! It's fine!"

"Can you send the picture to me though?" You asked him. It's not everyday you take a picture with a pretty boy like him.

"Sure!" He said, and gets his phone out. "Can you put your info on my phone?"

You add your name and contact info into his contacts and hand the phone back to him.

"Thanks for the picture.." He glanced at his phone. "(Y/N)!"

"Your welcome!" You exclaimed.

Your friend awkwardly coughs. "Well," she said and hands the boy back his camera. "It was nice meeting you. (Y/N), let's go get this day over with."

You nod. "Alright then. Bye.. Uh.."

You thought for a moment. You didn't know his name.

"Cody." The boy said. "My name is Cody."

"Bye Cody!" You corrected yourself. "I'll see you around here?"

Cody waves bye as your friend drags you to the front entrance.

Cody's P.O.V.~

"I don't think this'll be the last time I'll see (Y/N).." I muttered dreamily as I closed my phone.


Alright so if I offended anyone I'm so sorry--- please don't get mad at me ;( My one shot writing is terrible.. Also, Michael's One Shot is next~

Anyways, please vote and comment on this chapter~ Steffan Out~^.^*
