Chapter 38: Pool Trip

  -Does shameless self promo right now-

  Hi~! I recently published a Kuroko no Basket fanfic which you should totally check out~!

  I mean, if you want to- *turns away in embarrassment*


  Charity's P.O.V.~

"Do you need something?" I asked Hansol, who was staring at me from behind the counter rather hard. Hansol looks away for at least the hundredth time. "If you need something, just say it."

  Hansol opened his mouth and closed it again, forming a small line with his mouth. 

   "I think I'm going to start to have a mental breakdown.." I groaned outloud, clutching my head.

"It's not nice to leave a lady in pain~" Lance's voice joins our small conversation. "If you really need anything, you're always welcomed to ask any of us."

Hansol thought for a moment, probably trying to regain some self confidence, then spoke. "Do you guys want to go to a beach with me..?"

I had an urge to laugh out loud.

"The beach?" I asked, incredulously. "It's like pretty cold since it's in the winter."

"Oh.." Hansol's face dropped down to a gloomy expression, making me worry a bit.

"W-Well.." I stammered, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. "We can always go to a pool if you want?"

"Does it like the beach?" Hansol asked, probably not understanding my words that well. His English was getting better, but he's still at the point where he's confused over certain words.

I nod along. "It has water and we can go swimming! Plus it's a good place to go during the winter since it's warmer."

Hansol's face brightens up quickly. "Yes! Let's go as a group!"

"A group.?" I questioned, and he nodded.

"Lance, you are going with us too, right?" Hansol makes his puppy dog face to Lance, who seemed to be in a mix of confusion and horror that Hansol seemed to be begging him to do something.

"Yeah, of course." Lance said. "Do you want me to ask the rest of the guys who work here..?"

Hansol nods along happily to his suggestion. "Yes, please!"

"Can I invite Tyler?" I added. "I think that he's a nice boy who can probably get along with you guys."

"Tyler is that new guy who eats lunch with us.. Right?" Lance asks.

I fake gasped and grabbed a wet cloth to wipe a countertop. "Don't tell me you've been sitting with him for at least a month and you don't know his name."

Lance sheepishly looks away and gives and awkward laugh. "So.. I might've done that..?"

"How dare you!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest. "You could've just asked him but you didn't."

Lance holds his hands up in a surrender position. "Sue me- I only remember pretty girls names."

I shook my head in disbelief and continued to wipe the table clean. Of course, only Lance would not care of other people's names if they are irrelevant to him..

Time Skip~

"Thanks for inviting me!" Tyler exclaimed happily as we walked towards the pool entrance together, side by side.

"Don't worry about it!" I chimed, "The more people, the more fun we'll have!"

"Charity!" Cody's overexcited voice yelled. "Over here!"

  I looked on the side of the entrance to see everyone waiting for me. Everyone was in winter wear, even though all we packed in our bags are swimsuits and towels.

   "Is this everyone?" Hunter asked, shivering a bit in his black trench coat. "This better be everyone or I'll lose my mind.."

  "Yes, that's everyone." Lance said, closing the phone he was on. "Let's hurry up and get this over with."

  The lady at the counter seemed to be having trouble with the cash, probably since she was stunned that six good looking guys were right in front of her, not that I blame her or anything for that.

   "We should all go to the family change rooms." Lance said, winking towards me. "So we can be all close and in-"

  Michael, being the brotherly figure he is, managed to save me from Lance's flirting by slapping him on the back of his head. "Just go change already."

  I nodded along and went to the female changing rooms. The pool was awfully quiet, due to the cold weather outside and that we went on our day off school which was in the middle of the week.

   Grimacing, I pulled out my old swimsuit. Am I going to regret wearing this..

   A Little Time Skip~

   I poked the fat sticking out on my stomach and sighed. I wasn't overweight nor underweight, however, I haven't lost all my fat from my stomach so you can see a noticeable little bump. I know, it's not the most prettiest sight, but that's how life is.

   The swimsuit I wore was a bit outdated as well, since the last time I went shopping was like in grade nine, which was two years ago. As well, the swimsuit was nothing out of the ordinary, just a simple navy blue one piece swimsuit.

   Grabbing the extremely large towel I brought, I put it on like a cloak, leaving my face only visible and walked out of the change room.

  Oddly, I was the first one from the group out. I wonder what's taking them so long..

  Staring at the clock on the wall at the other side of the pool, I patiently waited for the boys to come out. After waiting for about five minutes, I was tempted to break into the boys change room because I was convinced that the boys somehow managed to get lost in that small space.

   Finally, after ten minutes, the boys finally came out and I thought the world had stopped spinning. All of them were shirtless and some were a bit more.. muscular than the others. Cody was holding some inflatable tube, which I'm guessing because he doesn't know how to swim.

  "Charity!" Hansol said, running towards me. "What's with the blanket on your head?"

  "No running near the poolside!" The lifeguard scowled at Hansol, who just laughs at him.

  "Oh, it's just something to cover me up from the sun." I explained, clutching the towel tighter. Now that I seen the guys, I felt even more self conscious and worse than before.  

"Nonsense!" Hunter smirked and pulled on the towel lightly. I grimaced at his action and held onto my towel for my dear life. "You agreed to come swimming anyways so we're gonna see it soon anyways."

  "Well, not now.." I muttered, clutching my towel protectively. "I can take it off whenever I want."

  Hunter gave me an evil smirk. "Alright, if you say so~"

He lets go of the towel then suddenly pushes me into the pool. I screamed, and felt the water engulfed me, seeping through my now wet towel. Thank god that Hunter only pushed me into the higher end because I was able to stand up and glare at him.

"That's my only spare towel!" I pouted, as I took off the towel, placing it by the poolside.

Hunter shrugged. "Like I said, you'd have to take it off at some point."

Aoi sighed, rubbing his temples. "You act like you're a five year old who gets
in trouble every ten minutes.."

"Five is my mental age," Hunter shrugged, not looking ashamed at all. "I don't see anything wrong with that."

"Are you all going to stand there all day?" Cody asks, hopping into the pool with the floatie around him with a small splash. "If you needed to bicker, we could've always go somewhere else."

  "I rather listen to a girl cry than a boy who's eighteen and should've learned to swim by now." Lance stuck his tongue out childishly.

  "Can't we all just get along like normal human beings?" Tyler asked and Hansol nodded in agreement.

  "No." All of the four boys said in unison, which was rather funny since all of the four boys were so different and yet they all had the same idea.

  Due to the entertaining commotion that the boys were making, I didn't hear Michael slide into the pool and he nearly gave me a heart attack when he tapped my shoulder from behind.

  "Do you want to head to the deeper end?" Michael asked and I shrugged.

  "Yeah, sure. Why not?" I replied and swam slowly to the deeper end. I finally got used to the somewhat cold water and it was starting to feel comfortable to be in. I could see the rest of the boys still arguing at the shallow end, and the poor lifeguard looked like he was going to lose his mind.

  It felt nice to go swimming for once though since it got my mind off of things back at home. Swimming always made me feel so free, like I could go anywhere.

   "Charity..?" Tyler's voice called out, echoing across the somewhat empty pool. "Where are you?"

  Will I embarrass myself if I yelled back to answer him..?

   "She's in the deep end with me." Michael replied. I could feel a rush of relief in my chest.

  "Thank you," I said to Michael who gave me a confused look.

  "You don't have to thank me," He said. "It's just so it won't be as boring since you're here."


  "Oh, I see how it is." I replied, swimming away from him. "Goodbye."

I thought Michael was going to be like 'Oh, she took it seriously- My bad.' But instead, he ignored me like I was never there. Huffing in annoyance, I climbed out of the pool and headed to the huge water slide. Honestly, I am somewhat scared of heights but since the tunnel for the slide is relatively dark, I'm fine with it.

"Alright, next person!" The lifeguard standing in front of the water slide entrance said, seeming rather dead to the world. I stepped forward, not really daring to look down since I know that I won't function well when I do so.

"Just one rider?" She asked and I nodded. "Go down whenever you're ready."

I slipped onto the lip of the tunnel entrance and was about to propel myself forward, however, I felt someone slip on behind me, hugging me against his warm, wet chest. Before I could turn around, the person behind scooted off the part that was keeping us still and we started going down the long, dark tunnel.

The tunnel was rather soothing, other than the fact that there was some unknown male behind me and I could feel my heartbeat going off rather loudly as well as his heartbeat as well. I wonder who is this.?


Aight, I'm done with life now and school in general-- Also, a huge thank you to _LisaNguyen_ for making a great cover once again! (Whenyoudon'tattempttomakeyourownanymorebecauseyouknowit'llbetrash)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~ Please vote and comment and I hope to see you in the next chapter~
