Chapter 30: Aoi's Room

Charity's P.O.V.~

"AOI, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? COMING HOME SO LA-" Mr. Sakura yelled then suddenly paused as he opened the front door to their residence. "Oh, hello Charity! Nice seeing you here with Aoi again."

I coughed a bit to cover up a laugh. Mr. Sakura completely adores his son but he's a bit too harsh with somethings. "Hi Mr. Sakura!"

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, giving the evil eye to his son who flinches a bit. "Won't your mother be worried?"

"Aoi already called her to tell her that I'm staying here for tonight." I said and Mr. Sakura's right eyebrow rose.

"I. See." He said in a somewhat terrifying tone. "Well, Aoi, it will be nice if you can call me to tell me that Charity is staying over next time."

"Next time?" Aoi repeats his fathers words. "What do you mean by next time?"

Aoi's father gave him a wide eyed expression. "You mean you are not dating?"

Aoi looked at him, absolutely mortified and I stifled another laugh.

"How can you even assume we are dating?" He asked his father, bewildered by his father assuming that.

"Well, I haven't seen you hang out with Charity for some time," his father said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Now all of a sudden, you guys seem to be on pretty good terms and you even brought her to SLEEP with you."

"I-It's not l-like that!" I stuttered. "I-I'm just having some trouble at home s-so Aoi offered me somewhere to s-sleep for only tonight."

"Is that so?" Aoi's father asked and crossed his arms. "Well, you are always welcome to stay over as long as you have your mother's permission-"

"Which we got." Aoi interrupted Mr. Sakura. "Can you move aside so we can go inside and talk? It's quite cold."

Mr. Sakura moves away from the door and stood at the side while Aoi and I entered the house. It had not changed much since my last visit, which was about two years ago.

"Did you take a bath yet?" Aoi asked and I shook my head. "You can go use our shower and borrow some clothes from me."

I hesitantly nodded and followed him up the staircase to his room, with Mr. Sakura watching us both behind us. Aoi lead me to his room and flung open his door.

"Sorry," he apologized. "It's a bit messy.."

If he considered his room messy, then my room is a landfill. His bookshelf had books in alphabetical order and his floor was spotless from grime. However, the only flaw seemed to be his desk, which was overflowing from books.

I smiled wearily. "You really have not changed this place much, didn't you?"

Aoi nods. "I've been a bit lazy."

He tosses me a travel size shampoo and soap then hurriedly searched his closet for something to wear. After a while, he finally threw a huge plain grey hoodie and a pair of shorts.

"I don't really have anything for you that might actually fit." Aoi said. "Since you are-"

"Yeah, I know." I said. "Short. Don't tell me that again, please."

"Do you know where the washroom is?" Aoi asked and I nodded. "Well, you can always use the one in my room."

"Alright then, thanks." I went into his room's washroom and quietly closed the door.

I stripped off my clothing and quickly took a shower. The soap and shampoo that Aoi gave me seemed to be his favourite one to use, since it smelled like him.

I exited the washroom, wearing the grey hoodie and his shorts as well as a towel to dry my hair.

Aoi was sitting on his bed, and seemed too engrossed with his phone to notice me leave his bathroom.

"I'm done." I announced and he looked up.

"You're really tiny," he said then looked down at his phone. "And I died. Just great!"

He puts his phone by his desk. Aoi seemed to have changed while I was in the shower since he is now wearing a white t-shirt with some sweatpants.

"Where should I sleep?" I asked him and he blinks.

"Where do you think?" He asked. "Obviously with me on my bed."

"S-Sorry?" I asked, not believing my ears. "Did you just say what I thought you did?"

"We did it as children." He said. "And you didn't seem to mind it then."

"But we were children!" I exclaimed.

"Unless you rather sleep on the ground?" He suggested. "You know I don't have any sleeping bags or floor mats that would be comfortable sleeping in.

I sighed and complied to his request, crawling into his bed and turning away from him. Aoi shuts the door and lights to his room as I buried my face into his pillow. It smelled exactly like him.

"Goodnight, Charity." Aoi said in a breathless voice beside my ear. "Sweet dreams."

"You too." I replied and slowly, being comforted by his scent and warmth, fell asleep.

Aoi's P.O.V.~

She's so cute when she sleeps. I thought as Charity turns in her sleep towards me. It has been too long since she came over.

I unconsciously moved some strands of hair dangling in front of her face behind her ear.

Stop staring so much! I came back to my senses. I kissed her lips, knowing she won't wake up until morning. She would never know about this kiss, the seventh one we had.


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