Chapter 4: Working at My Job

The picture is Michael~


   Charity's P.O.V.~


"Charity..." I hear Michael say in an angry voice. This was the eighth time I dropped a plate today, breaking my own personal record of destroying seven plates today.

  "I'm sorry!" I exclaimed. This man literally is willing to kill me if I made another mistake.. which I did. I crouched down and started picking up the shards carelessly.

"Ow!" I yelped. I had accidentally grabbed one of the sharp edges and my hand started to bleed.

    "Are you dumb?" Michael sighed out loud and I almost answered with a yes. "Follow me.. We need to get that bandaged up."

    Cody, who was serving a table (but seemed to be hanging out with the girls sitting there..) looked over at me as I passed him.

"It's okay, Charity! I remember that when I first worked here, I accidentally spilled something on someone's shirt. But they forgave me~" He said cheerfully.

    That actually didn't make me feel any better. I trudged after Michael, with my bangs over my eyes.

  After Being Bandaged~

I was getting lectured by Michael. He's so scary.. I might even prefer my mom- Nah, I'm kidding..

    "Anyways.. Don't ever do that again.." Michael finishes, with a frown.

    I nodded. "Yes, sir."

   I got up with my finger bandaged and left the room. While I was walking back to the kitchen, I hear the flirty voice once more. "Oh, poor Charity.."

  Oh.. Just my luck.

  "Go away, Hunter.. Just go back to work." I said. "I don't want to deal with you too.."

Hunter, who was leaning on the wall, gave me a smirk. "I am doing work. I'm just making sure my adorable co-worker is okay, since I don't want to see her hurt."

   "Hunter, mind your own business." I hear Michael say behind me. Hunter clicked his tongue.

  "Whatever you say, master.." He gave another wink and walked out of the hall.

   Michael sighed. "That guy gets on my nerves so much.. If only his work ethics was as good as his mouth.."

   I smiled at him. "Thank you for helping me."

    Michael blushed. Wait.. What?

"Just make sure you don't drop anything again." He cried, as he ran past me.

  "Will do!" I replied, confused of Michael's actions. Huh..?


    Okay.. I was wondering if I should do some profiles for the boys so please comment if you think I should! Please vote and comment! Steffan out~^.^*
