~Hansol's Ending~

Charity's P.O.V.~

"I think I like.. Hansol.." I said to myself out loud. As much as Hansol was somewhat awkward and random, for some reason, his looks attracted me completely as well as his voice. Since the boys had left me earlier, I decided to go search through the crowd for him.

I managed to squeeze past a bunch of dancing people and talking ones as well, but to my dismay, I failed to find Hansol anywhere. Dejected from the thought that he might've just left the dance in general, I went outside of the school; the night was as dark as any other Winter night.

I stayed at the entrance and quickly fished out my phone to call Hansol. However, right when I put my phone to my ear, someone managed to hit it out of my hands, making it spiral backwards then catching it with his free hand.

"Are you planning to go home?" Hansol asked me and handed me my phone. "I can take you home if no one is."

"Ah.. It's fine.." I said, hanging up then putting my phone away. "I was calling you for something anyways."

"What is it?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "Was it something related to what happened in the dance earlier?"

"Yes, it is." I confirmed. "Are you ready for my answer?"

Hansol nods, seeming actually serious for once. "Do you like me the way I like you?"

"Yes, I do." I replied and he gave an enlightened childish smile. "I like- No, love you more than you can imagine."

Suddenly, without warning like always, Hansol picks me up and spins me around in a circle.

"Put me down!" I protested which he laughed it off and ignored. "What if other people see this?"

Hansol stopped spinning me. "Then they know that we are dating and you're mine."

Hansol was so straight forward and he didn't seem embarrassed at all, however, his words effected me faster than a speeding bullet.

"Wai- How are you so fine with this so fast?" I asked him.

"It's because I've been dreaming of this day since forever," He replied. "Since I met you and every time after that. I originally came here to improve on my English to debut in a KPOP group, however, meeting you helped me improve my English by tenfold."

"Huh? You're a trainee?" I asked him and he nodded.

"My company wanted me to be the English speaker in the group I'm about to debut in so they sent me here for a year to get experience." He confessed. "I think my English level now has surprised the CEO so much that he wants me to come back sooner."

"Does that mean I can't see you anymore then?" I asked and Hansol shook his head.

"I'm willing to take you to South Korea and live with my family as long as you're willing to." He said, pretty much offering me to live a free paid life with him.

"How about your parents and mine? Wouldn't dating me effect your career as well?" I asked him.

"Well, we most likely would have to keep our relationship a secret for maybe a year after my debut." He said. "But my parents are willing to house you since they seem to think you're a good influence to me and such."

"I'll also go over with you to your house to convince your mom too." He added, finally setting me down to the ground and looping our hands together. "Might as well convince my new mother-in-law to accept my courting too."

"That'll be nice." I replied and we set off to our final destination to convince my mother to allow me to stay in South Korea and with Hansol for the rest of my life.


**When playing League is your new obsession**

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this ending~ Please vote and comment and I hope to see y'all in the next one as well (Hunter)~^.^*
