Chapter 11: Back to Work..

    Charity's P.O.V.~

   The next day, I woke up on my bed. How, you ask? Well, I don't know or remember.

  "CHARITY! YOU HAVE WORK AGAIN TODAY! YOU ALREADY MISSED ONE DAY OF WORK!" My mom yelled and I checked my temperature, which was normal.

     "I DON'T WANT TO GET OUT OF BED.." I whined as my mom barged into my room and ripped the blankets off of me.

"IT'S COLD!" I shriek and got up in an instant. "YOU MONSTER!"

   "Did you not hear me?" She asks me, waving her arms madly. "You have work today and also school."

I sighed. "Okay then.."

  Long live dictator mom..

   Time Skip~ At Work~

     "Charity~? Can you serve table 16 for me?" Lance asks me. I nodded and took my notepad out of my apron. I walked towards the table.

    "Hello sir! Welcome to Bon Nuit! What can I get you?" I asked, not looking up.

    "Can I get a chocolate mousse?" A familiar voice said. I looked up to see Aoi sitting in the booth.

  "Oh!" I exclaimed. "Hi Aoi!"

    Aoi smiled at me. "Are you feeling better?" He asks me and I nod.

  "I'm just a little tired from school, that's all." I said with a small yawn. Aoi chuckles a bit. "But is this all that you want?"

   Aoi nods.

  "Please wait a moment!" I said as I went to the kitchen.

In the Kitchen..

I spot Hunter grabbing some cake for the customers. "Hunter!" I ask. "Can you pass me one?"

Hunter smirks. "Well, which one do you want, babe?" He asks.

   "I need a chocolate mousse one.." I said. Hunter takes one and pass it to me.

"Thanks-" I started until Hunter grabbed me by my waist.

    "Do you know what is sweeter than a chocolate mousse?" Hunter asks me, licking his lips. He grabs my waist to pull me closer to him, causing me to drop Aoi's chocolate mousse onto the counter. "Your lips~"

I hear a plate clatter on the ground and saw Cody standing at the door.

   "I-I saw n-nothing.. I'M SORRY!!!" He cried running away and I began to shake my head in disbelief.

"W-Wait! Cody!" I exclaimed pushing Hunter away from me. I glanced at Hunter.

   "Do that again.." I hissed in his ear. "And I will haunt you forever. Also, clean up this mess and deliver the cake to table 16. It's the owner's son, so don't charge him."

"Well at least you'll be together with me forever then." Hunter says cockily as I run after Cody, who seemed to abandoned his job out of embarrassment.


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