~Cody's Ending~

  Charity's P.O.V.~

  "Well," I said after a long pause, feeling awkward under all of the guys staring. "I want to date Cody."

  "REALLY?" Cody yelled and jumped up and down like a little boy who just received a present. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a huge hug.

  "She's mine now." He claimed, hugging me as if the other guys would take me away from him at any moment. "Only mine."

  "I really lost to him?" Lance shrugs then sighs. "I can't believe this. I'll just go look for other kittens to fill this hole in my heart now."

  "You better take good care of her," Hunter said, grabbing his leather jacket. "If not, you better know the consequences."

  "Of course," Cody said solemnly. "I'll never let her get hurt again by anyone except me."

  "Wait one moment here," I said, pushing Cody away to free myself from his hug. "What do you mean by that?"

   "Well-" Lance looked like he was going to explain in depth about what Cody just said but Aoi covered his mouth to stop him from continuing.

  "I wish you both happiness." Aoi said, looking at me especially, then drags poor Lance away.

  Now all that was left was a confused Tyler, Hansol and Michael.

  "I think we should let them enjoy the rest of their evening together." Michael said to the other boys. "Have a pleasant evening, Cody and Charity."

Now, I was left alone with Cody, who offered me a hand.

  "Will you complete my near perfect night with a dance?" He asked, smiling brightly.

"I can't refuse a smile like that." I replied and took his hand. He gently takes me to the dance floor as the DJ changes it to somewhat fast anime song.

  "This one is requested by a certain weeaboo for his somehow new girlfriend!" The DJ announced and Cody blushed a bit. "It's also the last song for tonight!"

   We danced around a bit; the other couples giving us room to dance. The slow melody filled the air and I found myself looking into Cody's mesmerizing eyes.

  "What is it?" He asked, breaking my train of thoughts. "Is something wrong?"

  "Ah, no." I said sheepishly, looking away. "I was just thinking about how amazing this song is."

  "This is my favourite song." Cody confessed. "It's from Detective Conan."

  "I don't understand any of it though," I admitted sheepishly and he laughed.

  "That's fine, we can always watch the English subs together and the anime now." He replied. "I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I will."

  "I think I'll enjoy anything if I'm with you." I said and he blushed lightly.

  "Why did you choose me anyways?" He asked me and I looked down.

  "I just want someone who would surprise me and make me feel special." I said. "You have done this for me on multiple occasions like when I saw you at the mall with the anime girl pillow!"

  "I CAN EXPLAIN THAT!" Cody shrieks a bit, and coincidentally, the music stopped at that very moment. "IT WASN'T FOR ME EVEN! Oh my go-"

  The whole room was quiet and was looking at both of us. Like always, I don't like attention so I squirmed around a bit.

  Luckily for us though, it seems like Lance was once again forced to dance with Michael out of peer pressure and so the awkward mood was dropped. Everyone circled around them, including Cody and I, and Cody slipped his hand into mine.

  "Thank you," He said once again and squeezed my hand. "You just made this the most magical night of my life."

  "You'll be a Prince now after though," I told him and he shrugs.

  "As long as I'm with you, I can do anything." His smile assured all my worries and doubts. "I love you so much, Charity."


  As you see here, Cody was not the ending with marriage- Also, I find it beyond rude of my classmates to not follow me back on Instagram once I send them a follow. It's not like I knew them for almost five years right-

  Anyways, thank you for waiting for this chapter and I hope to see y'all in the next ending~!^.^*
