~Lance's Ending~

Charity's P.O.V.~

  Why is making this decision so hard on me..

  "Charity?" Lance's voice disturbs me from attempting to make a decision. "I brought you something to drink to let you relax a bit more."

  "Ah, thanks." I said, absentmindedly attempting to grab the drink only to drop it on the ground. "Oh crap.."

I was going to bend down to pick up my fallen drink, however, Lance's reaction was faster than mine and he had already grabbed the drink.

  "I'm just going to grab some napkins and inform a janitor that a drink has been spilled." He told me and I nodded in shock. "I'll be right back with a new one."

  When was Lance this dependable?

  I watched in awe as he handled this situation, just like when Lance helped me with my history presentation. He knew when he had to lead, and I admired him greatly for that. Lance even helped me out with Cody when we had our small misunderstanding.

  "I'm back." Lance said with his signature playboy smile. "And I brought another drink- Which will be great to actually consume instead of dropping it on the ground."

  "Haha.." I laughed dryly, carefully taking the drink from him this time. "Thanks for the warning."

  "But seriously," Lance looks into my eyes, which I sheepishly look away from. "If this is stressing you out a lot, you should honestly just reject us all, as heartbreaking as it sounds."

  "I can't though," I sighed. "I feel bad that I'm the one who's going to break all except one's heart."

  "I know what you mean." Lance laughs a little bit, darkly. "It gets worse when you have do to it often."

  "I highly doubt that those girls were serious about you." I scoffed. "They probably just wanted to date a handsome looking guy for their own benefit."

   "No, you're wrong about that in some way." Lance said. "Some were so entranced by me, they decided that their own life is worthless and tried to send parts of themselves to me to prove that they love me."

  "P-Parts?" I repeated hesitantly. "Are they even sane?"

  "Perfectly sane, at least that's what I heard now." He said. "But, being pretty young back then, it traumatized me a bit and made me fear women."

  "But you get along with them so well now." I replied and he gave a sad smile.

  "It's an attempt to get over my trauma." Lance said. "I force myself into positions even I'm uncomfortable with just to get over it."

  "But, you're the first one in a long time I felt comfortable with." Lance continued. "Even if you don't choose me, I am still grateful you thought about it and hope that we can remain friends."

"Who said I wasn't going to choose you..?" I said, sort of just doing this in the moment. "Maybe your uncomfortable personality charmed me just a little bit."

  "Really?" He asked; his perfect face forming a soft smile that made me melt inside. "I'm sorry to say that my real personality is nothing like that."

  "It doesn't matter as long as it's you." I said. "I'm willing to love everything about you."

  "That's why I love you." He pulled me into a hug. "Now, would you let me call you Kitten after all this time?"


  "It's just a joke, I swear." He said. "I'll call you whatever makes you comfortable from now on."

"Please do," I said. "You really need a better way of nicknaming."

  "It'll get better once you help me with it." He replied. "Since we are together from now on."


  One more solo ending left ;-; Y'all should listen to the Hotel Del Luna soundtrack when you can because it's honestly great.

  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~! Please vote and comment and I hope to see y'all in my next chapter~!^.^*
