Chapter 31: Helping Liza with Her Film

Charity's P.O.V.~

I was having a fantastic dream about having a free all you can eat feast until I suddenly woke up due to my phone ringing.

I reached over to Aoi's desk to my phone.

"What do ya want?" I asked, half awake. "How dare you wake me up from my sleep."

"Hmm~" A strangely familiar voice hummed from my phone. I felt like I should have known this voice but since I was half awake, I could not think properly. "I need you to do me a favour."

"Well, I ain't doing anything you tell me!" I yelled at my phone and slammed my finger at the end call button. I tossed my phone once again at Aoi's desk and buried myself in the blankets. Aoi seemed to not be in his room, but I assume he's either downstairs or in the washroom that is not in his room.

Literally five seconds later, my phone rings again. I grabbed my phone angrily and clicked the answer button. I did not even bother to wait for the person to start talking. "IF YOU WANT TO SELL ME SOMETHING, I AM NOT INTERESTED!"

With a huff, I closed my phone and put it aside. Once again, my phone rang. I didn't bother to answer it however, that seemed to make it worse. The person kept redialing my phone number over and over again to call me. After what seemed to be the forty something time, the person decides to stop.

However, to my excitement to go snuggle back into bed, Aoi came back into his room and threw the blankets off the bed, making me shiver.

"Charity, Liza wants to talk to you." Aoi said and tossed me his phone, which I fumbled a bit to catch.

  "What do you want?" I asked in a somewhat wanting to kill her for disturbing me tone.

  "Well, that's rude." She replied in a sarcastic tone. "I was wondering if you wanted to help me with something."

"What is it?" I asked and Aoi stared at me impatiently like he wanted his phone back as soon as possible. "You might want to hurry."

"Can you help me with this movie I'm making?" She asked in a pleading tone. "I could really use you."

"And Aoi." She added. "He should come too."

I looked at Aoi and he looked back at me.

"What?" He asked, crossing his arms. "You need something?"

I decided to answer for him. "Yeah, he said he will come. Where are you at the moment?"

"By the park near your place is." She replied. "I'll see you then."

  Before I could reply, the other end of the phone indicated that she had hung up on me.

  "What have I said yes to?" Aoi asked, with a terrifying smile that made me shiver.

  "Well.." I said, fidgeting with my fingers. "I might of said yes to you being in Liza's film.."

  "You what?" Aoi exclaimed. "I hate being in her films."

  "Why is that?" I asked. If Aoi hates something, there must be a good reason why he did.

  "Her requests aren't always fun to follow." He said, his face turning dark. "Some of them are disturbing."

  "Pfftt- I doubt it's that bad," I said. "Liza is a sweet girl. I do not think she would do anything that bad."

   Aoi sighed. "Well, you'll see then."

  Time Skip~

  "Sorry for the wait!" I exclaimed as I spotted Michael, Liza, Livi and Cody. I had borrowed another hoodie from Aoi and slipped on my clothes from yesterday, which had been washed by Mr. Sakura.

Liza clicked her tongue. "It's fine, I guess we can start after we change Charity's outfit."

"What's the film about this time?" Aoi asked.

"Well," Liza said and clapped her hands together. "First of all, this film isn't going to be a yaoi one like last time."

"And since Livi looks like exactly like Michael when he was younger," she continued. "I have decided to make a film where an everyday average girl."

"Which Charity would play since she looks like your typical average girl," she winked at me. "Who would meet a boy who is a seventeen year old boy during the day but at night, he turns into a kid."

  "What's the point of me and pretty boy here?" Aoi asked, pointing at Cody with his thumb.

   "P-Pretty boy?" Cody exclaimed and Aoi made a motion to silence him.

   "You," Liza points at Aoi. "Will be her boyfriend that she thought she loved."

"And you," she looks at Cody. "Will be her best friend. Sounds good?"

  Cody and Aoi started to protest but Liza pretend she didn't hear them. "Alright, now we all got our roles!"

  "Charity," she beckoned me to follow her. "I need you to change into these clothes."

   She hands me a bag. "Go change in the public washroom over near the trees."

  I nodded and accepted the bag. I followed her instruction and went into an empty stall. I opened the bag and to my disappointment, I have to wear the clothes I absolutely hate the most again.


  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment~!^.^*
