Chapter 42: Winter Formal, Part 3

  Charity's P.O.V.~

"Are you ready yet?" My mom asked me as I quickly put on the heels that Liza lent. "Michael is already here to pick you up!"

"Oh, and Tyler too." She added, probably more drawn to Michael's good looks so she forgot to mention him earlier.

"I'm coming!" I exclaimed, "Just give me a second!"

I quickly closed my room's door and sort of sprinted down the stairs, which was a big mistake for me. I'm still not used to wearing these heels, which made me step on a stair wrong and caused me to lurch forward.

"Charity!" My mom's panicked voice screamed and everything seemed to slow down. I braced myself for the impact of hitting the ground, but it never came. Instead, I felt strong arms embracing me.

"Are you okay?" Michael's concerned voice whispered into my ear. "You should've been more careful coming down here."

   "I'm fine!" I could hear the lie from my own voice easily. "That was just a small mistake!"

  "You know," My mom says awkwardly. "If you guys want to whisper around and do some 'nasty' things, you should get out of my house because I don't want any of that happening here."

  "And you're making me a third wheel!" Tyler added in.

  "It's fine, Tyler. You're irrelevant anyways." I replied to him and he turned towards the nearest wall; his face pressed against it in shame.

  "Why can't I deny this.." He groaned and my mother shook her head.

  "Charity, get out of my house before you make both of your friends upset!" She said, in a cold tone which meant that she was probably disappointed in me.

   My mom forcibly pushes all of us and slammed the door in our faces.

  "MAKE SURE SHE COMES BACK A NONVIRGIN, OKAY?" She yelled, making us all cringe.

  "Is she serious about that?" Tyler asked, fidgeting visibly with his fingers.

  "You thought she was serious?" Michael asked, his eyes widened. "You want to take away her virg-" 

  "Let's not talk about that.." I cut him off, mortified by my mother's actions. "She's just kidding."

  The awkward feeling was still around us while we walked silently towards the school, where the lame dance was being held.

  The music was so loud, since we were able to hear it from at least a block away.

  Michael's nose scrunches in disgust at the music choice. "Are they seriously playing non-English music?"

  "Got a problem with that?" I asked him, sort of confused. Foreign music may sound weird to my ears because I don't understand it, however, it sometimes sounds more soothing than English music.

   "Nah, it's just an interesting choice.." he trailed off, his fingers shoved into his pants pockets.

   As we walked towards the school's entrance, I could feel my hands start to become clammy from anxiety. It's just a school dance, right..? There's nothing to be scared of..?

   "Charity~!" Tyler's voice snapped me out of thought as he grabbed my moist hands. "Are you okay~?"

  "Do you think I'm fine?" I asked him, expecting him to complain about my sweaty hands, however he shakes his head.

  "I'm just as nervous as you." He confessed. "It's my first time going to a school dance with anyone, let alone a date."

  "This must be special for you then." Michael jumped into the conversation. "You should've went to the ones before this."

"I never really had a reason to go." He said, sheepishly. "I always found them lame."

"School dances are always lame." Michael replies. "It's just that being with others making it fun."

Michael's words of wisdom seemed to blow both of Tyler's and my mind.

"That was really deep." I commented and Tyler nods vigorously with agreement.

As we made our way to the front dance, I could feel my anxiety spike into a whole new level. What if I make a fool of myself? What if I become the embarrassment of these two? What if I-

"You sure you're okay, Charity?" Michael asked worriedly. "You don't have to enter if you don't want to."

"No, it's fine.." I said, forcing a smile on my face and gave a weak wave. "Let's just go."

Michael's concern face remained unchanged as he ushered us into the loud room, music blasting from all the speakers and people jamming out to the beat of the song.

I saw Tyler try to say something to me, but I couldn't hear anything he's saying do to the noise level.

"What?" I said, completely confused as he tried to repeat what he said to me. "It's too loud in here!"

Fortunately, the DJ decided to turn the music a bit quieter since the school had received a phone call from the police because of the noise level.

"I asked if you wanted to dance." Tyler repeated for the third time, however, his face was completely pink from blushing.

"Yeah, su-" I was going to agree to his request, however, I got backhugged from a certain blonde.

"No, she's going to dance with me." Cody declares childishly, as he pulls me closer to him. "You are her date but I can still hang out with her."

"That's rather childish of you." Michael commented. "You're the one who suggested that we look at a 'love calculator' to choose who she goes to the dance with."

"That's just to the dance." Aoi comes into my view, looking dashing in his pure white tuxedo. "We never said what she had to do in the dance with."

"What's the point of doing that then?" Michael asked, his eyes narrowing. "Was it just to hog her all for yourselves?"

"What if we wanted to?" Aoi challenged him, his eyes also glaring at Michael.

"Guys, let's not fight at the dance." Tyler pleads them, however, neither of them were backing off.

"You know what.." I sighed. I'm done with this in general.. "I'll just go back home if you all keep this up."

  "Don't do that!" Cody exclaimed, detaching himself off of me. "It won't be any fun here."

  "But, I don't want you all to get into fights just for me!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands on top of my tearing eyes. "I just feel like a terrible person, coming into your guys lives and ruining your relationships!"

  "Then.." Aoi spoke, somewhat solemnly. "Why don't you just choose one of us and cut the rest of us out of your life?"


  Oh, damn. Things are hella going down and the ending might be approaching soon *le gasp*

   Actually, I don't know when this book is gonna end do to my laziness so rip lol

  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~ Please leave a vote and comment and I hope to see you all in the next chapter~
