Chapter 1: Mom Forces Me to Get a Job

A Year After the Confession~

Charity's P.O.V.~

"CHARITY! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF YOUR ROOM!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. I sighed loudly, slamming my phone onto my bed. Why does my mom always bosses me around.. I'm not her slave or anything..

  I grabbed my hoodie hanging on my door and quickly slipped it on. I took a deep breath. "Coming!"

I looked at the mirror in the hallway as I passed it. I totally understand why Aoi rejected me. My features are too plain. It's just like those typical movies. The hot guy (cough, cough, Aoi, cough, cough) and a beautiful girl with huge boobs become a couple.

   Lucky for me, I'm neither of those, I'm just the girl in the background who no one pays attention to unless I bump into them. Pretty much side character A, but I think I have more of a personality than them.

"CHARITY! RIGHT NOW!" My mother yelled again.

I groaned and grabbed my phone.

  "YES MOTHER!" I stomped down the stairs to the kitchen. "What do you want?"

"Don't give me that attitude now, young lady!" My mom yelled. "I want you to get this job. It's at a small restaurant that my old friend owns. I can guarantee that you'll get in."

"What? Why?" I demanded, as she placed food on the kitchen table. "Shouldn't I get to choose what I want to do?"

"You have been a mess for the past year. I just want you to do something for once. Here's the place." She forces a scrap of paper into my clenched fist and shoves me out the door.

I sighed. You know how moms are. Once they have their minds stuck on something, you can't change it.

I looked at the address. 'Bon Nuit, xxx xxxxxx street' it read. Oh, it must be a new shop, I thought. I usually pass that street when I go to school.

At the Restaurant~

I looked at the scrap of paper. Then I looked up at the sign on top of me.

     What in the heck is this?!? I expected a small cafè but what's in front of me is a huge restaurant that looks like a castle. Mom!! You told me that it was small! But I might as well go in since I'm here already..

I did not prepare myself enough when I saw what's inside.


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