Chapter 22: Shopping "Date" with Aoi

Charity's P.O.V.~

  "How long do I have to wait for Aoi to show up.." I muttered under my breath for who knows how many times. I have been waiting for Aoi in front of the local mall since I ran away from Michael. I am impatient and cranky right now, since I had to wake up early.

  Michael made me get up early to practice dancing again. We are almost "perfect" in his standards but I just need to remember to not to step on his foot every time I see a chance to make him curse and get mad at me. It's not like I like Michael to get mad at me but, I want revenge for him lecturing me. Also, I'm good at zoning out so it doesn't really effect me if he gets mad for a short time period.

  "Charity!" Aoi's voice exclaimed. "I'm sorry! Did I make you wait long?"

I snapped out of my annoyed state. "No, I got here just a few minutes before." Just like two hours..

"So where do you want to go first?" Aoi asked and I shrugged.

"To be honest, I don't really know what people do on shopping dates.." I said.

Aoi grins. "I'm lucky that I researched a bit before I came here."

He grabbed my left hand with his right hand. "Let's get started!" He cheered as I blushed a bit.

(Okay.. So this part is a bit mature so like if you want to skip it, it's fine but if you do read it and get mad at me, I warned you sooo your fault- Also if you do  skip it, just scroll down until you see a huge paragraph that is bolded like this)

Aoi dragged me to an escalator. "We are going to that fancy pink shop that we always passed but never entered."

  The pink shop that we always passed but never entered A.K.A. Viktoria's Secret is the most pinkest store in the mall. I tend to avoid it because the undergarments there are expensive to me, unlike Wallmart.

  "W-Why are we going there?" I asked and Aoi smirked.

  "We are obviously getting you something cause it's a special day for us." Aoi sang and I began to blush like crazy. I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato.

  "Just kidding- My dad was asking me to get a birthday present for my aunt and he said to get something girly like lip gloss." He said and I exploded.

"Stop teasing me-" I said and whacked the back of his head with my hand. "It's not funny.."

I fumed for a moment then Aoi pats my head with his hand. "I'm sorry." He said.

Alright go on from here if you skipped this part-

Aoi and I walked in the mall for two hours. We went through many stores that sold clothing and took an average price for couple t-shirts and matching promise rings.

   "Charity, do you want something to eat?" Aoi asked, just before I could ask him if we could sit down to have a rest.

  Aoi was always a mind reader for somethings..

  "Yeah, what do you want to have?" I asked him.

  "How about some ice cream?" He suggested and I can feel my mouth drool a bit.

    "YESS!" I yelled, scaring some other shoppers and wipe my mouth. "Oops.."

  Aoi laughed. "Alright, let's go!"

   The ice cream shop in the mall wasn't busy today, which is great.

    "What can I get you?" The teenaged boy with nice hair asked us. Omg.. His hair is so silky-- Can I touch it.?

   "Can we get the couple deal?" Aoi asked and the guy with the nice hair nodded.

   "A-Aoi! We are n-" I exclaimed and Aoi covered my mouth. I could see that buying a couple ice cream could save us a bit of money.

  "What was that, dear?" He asked and smirked. He has another personality to save money?!?

  "Can we get one chocolate scoop and one vanilla?" Aoi ordered and the guy scoops two huge scoops into the cup.

"Want any sprinkles?" The guy asked.

  "The rainbow ones." Aoi said and the guy obliged.

   Aoi paid for the ice cream then dragged me to the fountain in the middle of the mall.

   "WHY DID YOU TELL HIM WE WERE A COUPLE?!?" I exploded, making him jump a bit.

   "So we can save money." He replied and shrugged. "We always shared anyways.. What's the big deal?"

  "That was when we were six, Aoi.. SIX!" I exclaimed and Aoi sighed.

   "What if I told you I want people to think we are a couple?" He asked and pulled me in, my face only a few centimetres in front of his eyes. "What if I told you I want to start dating you?


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