Chapter 43: Choice

  Charity's P.O.V.~

  "What did you just say?" I asked again, telling myself that what he said was something nonexistent. "I think I heard you wrong."

  "Choose one of us boys and cut the rest of us out of your life." Aoi repeats, making reality sink in quickly.

  "But I can't!" I exclaimed. "You are all my best friends!"

  "Yeah, but you know that we all like you." Aoi said, straight-faced while I gapped a bit. They all like me? Like-like me?

  "You shouldn't tell her that!" Cody fumes at Aoi. "Now you ruined my perfect confession speech I made just for her!"

  "Also, w-what do you mean I like her?" Michael asked, his face completely red. "I d-don't like her that way.?"

  "You're stuttering and blushing gives it all away." Aoi replies, looking rather annoyed. "As for Lance and Hunter, they've been flirting with her since the beginning."

  "Where are they now, anyways?" I wondered out loud and magically, they appear out of nowhere.

  "You look beautiful, tonight." Lance said, taking my hand and kissing it. Hunter ruffles my hair a bit but stops when he noticed that the atmosphere of our group was tense.

  "What's going on here?" He asked, but only an awkward silence answered him.

  Tyler broke the silence. "So, apparently, all of you guys like her."

  "As a friend?" Hunter seemed a bit confused.

  "As a lover." Cody corrects him.

   "Ah.." Hunter nods and becomes silent again.

  "Maybe we should give her a few days?" Lance said, considering my feelings. "We shouldn't just push it all on her at once and force her to choose plus we're disturbing the dance."

  "I agree with that." Aoi said. "Maybe it's time to leave her alone so she can think."

   All the boys nodded to each other and all left separately, leaving me feeling absolutely mortified. Did they really expect me to choose right now..?


  Bam! This is a short update, HOWEVER, this is the final chapter before the endings!

*gasp* That's right! After tw-three long years, this book is coming to it's end. As well, each of the characters past and deeper secrets will be revealed, each in their own special chapters. I'm also considering to write one marriage scene for only one character so please comment who you think deserves it the most!

So the route endings I am creating are (but not in order)

- Cody's Ending

- Michael's Ending

- Hunter's Ending

- Lance's Ending

- Aoi's Ending

- Hansol's Ending

- Reverse-Harem Ending

- Surprise Ending

- Family's Ending (Probably if I get very bored..)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~ Please vote and comment~! (Especially on who you think should be chosen for the marriage scene) And I hope to see you in the endings~!
