You're Not Sorry.




SAM, ER .. SAMNESS yk yk


First, we must go far back. To an ancient time all of us would like to forget.

Yandere High.


Tears streamed down Grian's cheeks as he stared at Sam.

His tormenter.

His best friend.

A shudder racked the Avian's body as he stared, stared, stared. Deep into those hazelnut eyes, the same eyes that shone with glee whilst they played video games.

The same eyes that shone with sick pleasure as another body fell to the ground, staining the white tiles of the school crimson red.

The same eyes of a man Grian would never be rid of, of a ghost that would haunt his best dreams and worst nightmares.

He takes a step closer to the red portal behind him. His bright feathers, tinted gray by the broken lights of the classroom, dim like his spirit, can feel the distinct pull of the magic. Of safety. Sam looked frantic. He knew Grian would leave. They all would leave, or they'd eventually fall.

That was how it worked.

" Look, Gree-oon, I'm- I'm sorry." Sam said, a desperate attempt to regain the trust he'd already broken a million times over.

Grian almost laughed.

" Your sorry?" He says. His voice is haunted, yet dripping with poison that stung Sam more than it should've.

" I don't believe you. I never should've."

" You're not sorry."

Sam's eyes widened as Grian took a step backwards, closer to the humming portal. He'd leave. It really sunk in now, at the worst moment.

Sam would be all alone, left to rot in this classroom of sick memories and dried blood. Truly, he deserved it. Even Sam was aware of this.

But even then, he still had that slimmer of hope, a false sliver that snaked its way around his dying heart, telling him he could make it better.

All Grian had to do was stay.


The portal beat like a heart. He was running out of time. The slight breeze it summoned rustled his hair, his gorgeous feathers. Grian stared at Sam. Why was it so difficult to leave?

Because Grian knew too.

All he had to do was stay.

Stay here, with his best friend. With his abuser. With the psychopath that replaced the Sam he knew & loved.

The sharp-as-knives one that replaced the soft shimmering one. 

And yet, he hesitated.

Sam took a step closer. Grian waited for the familiar feeling of suffocating panic to rise in his chest, but for once, he was calm. Because Sam couldn't do anything.

For once, Grian had a choice.

He waited, for Sam to say something. Anything that would make it ok, even though nothing would.

Sam waited too, for Grian to close the portal. Apologize for doing this. For trying to abandon him.

They stood like this for several minutes, watching, waiting for words they'd never hear. 

Grian stepped back again. For once, it was Sam's turn to cry. Silent tears flowed down his stained, bloody cheeks as Grian spared him one last glance.

In the future, Sam would sit in his prison cell and think about those large, sea-blue eyes. How they looked like ocean waves. The hurt and pain and sadness that lay underneath those waves, buried under an ocean of tears & blood & covered by a thin layer of foam, a mask of bubbly energy.

Alas, this is not the future.

And so, Grian takes his last glance before turning and stepping through the portal, Sam lunging helplessly at him as the blue shape fizzled out of existence.

It was there, on the floor, sobbing, did the police find Sam. By that time, the blood had dried. The water of guilt had not.

Sam had given up; he had lost the one he thought would be there forever. No matter what happened. They'd be fine. 

He was wrong.

When the police came to arrest the psychopathic rabbit-hybrid they'd heard such horrors about, they did not expect him, covered in his classmate's blood, never his own, to give himself up.

They didn't expect him to sit in the squad car and sob quietly, mumbling fantasies where Grian stayed. Where they worked it out. Where they fixed the trust that'd been broken one too many times.

Where that trust was never broken at all.


On the other side...

Grian landed harshly on the ground. He hadn't expect to fall from 10 ft, but that was what happened. The blue portal fizzled out as another appeared; purple and bright. 

Grian froze. He almost thought it was Sam.

The avian shoved himself up, moving towards a tree.

He could hide. It'd be fine. The portal warbled when he'd just gotten to the trunk, still exposed in his tattered shirt, dripping with blood, and ripped pants. There was a noise of confusion, of peaked interest.

Grian spun around a tad too fast, his wings flaring as the feathers poofed up. He stared up at the man, who was wearing some-sort of helmet. There was a magical presence about him; he must be an  admin.

Grian had landed on a server.



how was that for angst?? HM??


Anyway, do y'all want me to continue this? Like pt 2 w/ Grian yk meeting confused af hermits?
