Washington on Your Side


i said i was on a Hamilton kick!!

season 8, mycelium resistance 


There was a large poster up. It had wonderful artwork, but that's not why Impulse, Etho & Grian were standing infront of it & scowling.

It was because of what the poster said.


" I can't believe Xisuma allowed this!"

" I can."

Impulse looked at Etho, a tad confused by his reply. Grian had started pacing.

" It must be nice, it must be nice.. To have the admin on your side."

" It must be nice, you're right, Etho."

The two had taken note of Grian's pacing.

" Every action has an equal opposite reaction, thanks to mAyOr Scar, the server's fractured into fractions."

His voice was cold, considerate. It was saddening to hear after everyone had watched Third Life. He was right, however. Scar had started this madness, this pounding stress. 

" We smack each other in the press, and we don't print retractions."

It was Etho, who seemed rather disappointed this was the state of the server. He'd also been connected to a HEP agent, Bdubs.

Speaking of Bdubs, the short hermit was in the HEP building by the billboard. He was grinning down at Impulse. What a shit-head.

" I get no satisfaction witnessing his fits of passion."

" The way Scar primps & preens & dresses like the pits of fashion."

Grian gestured to a photo of Scar, some HEP propaganda. Yeah, his outfit was rather... random. Random, yes.

" Our poorest citizens, our farmers, live ration to ration! While HEP robs 'em blind with bullshit laws put in."

Impulse was getting angry now, how dare HEP? He knew he was right, too. Grian stopped pacing, looking up at the forbidding HEP offices with a dark gaze.

" This prick is asking for someone to bring him to task, somebody give me some dirt on that sash, 

so we can atlast unmask him!"

" I'd pull the trigger on him, someone load the gun & cock!"

Impulse was resorting to threats, adding to Grian's little speech of frustration.


" While we were all watching, he got Xisuma in his pocket."

" I can't believe X let this pass! This is crazy!! Banning us??"

Ren had smacked his hands on the table, dark wolf ears flattened against his mop of hair. Grian had called an emergency meeting after the discovery of the poster.

" It must be nice, it must be nice, to have Xisuma on your side."

Grian stood up, kicking his chair back.

" Look back at the election, which I STARTED! I got us into this mess. I'm ready to fix it."

The avian waved his arms and wings as he talked, exaggerating the words through movement. The air immediately fired up with him, a whiteboard taken out as people began planning...


" So, he's doubled the size of the goverment-"

" What was wrong with just a mayor??"

Impulse scribbed on the drawing of Scar someone had added to the board.

" Get back on track. See how he lies? Follow the scent of his enterprise.."

Grian drew some red lines connecting images of Scar making speeches to a bubble labeled ' bad things done / and or lies ' 

" Remember folks, somebody had to stand up for the mycelium- IT'S THE PRINCIPLE !"

No one knows who threw that in, but everyone stared cheering and creativity started flowing.

" Somebody has to stand up to his mouth,"

" That should be Mother Spore, respectfully."

Everyone nodded, and Stress scribbled it on the whiteboard.

" If there's a fire your trying to start, you can't set it off from outside the house.."

" We need someone in HEP, someone secretive."

" ETHO!"

Once again, cheers erupted. Etho = Secret Agent was added to the board.

" If X isn't going to listen to reasonable advice.."

"We oust Scar from the office! "

The board was a crazed mess people adding things to the 'plan ' constantly.

" Oh, this grass isn't something that we choose.."


Everyone joined in for the last verse.


The room filled with noise for a second before Grian yelled out on top of it, gathering everyone's attention.

" We have a plan.

Follow their trails & see where it goes.."

Grian hit parts of the board with a capped marker, everyone watching intently.

" If we follow their trails & see where it leads, go through the weeds, look for the seeds of HEP's plans.."

Every Spore put their hands together in the center. They had a plan, it was set in gold. People stared leaving, aiming for their beds until it was just Grian, Impulse & Etho left again.

" It must be nice, it must be nice.. to have Xisuma on your side."

They'd been cleaning up when Grian had said it, more casually than earlier.

" When we win?"

" We won't be banned, we won't be denied."

Impulse grinned, ready to finally be able to walk around the shopping district without fear.

"Still, it must be nice, it must be nice.....

To have Washington on your side.."


shortie but i like :>
