Let us Adore you!




ok lets do this

(@bleepbloop_duo-this is for you( after you thought the other one was from Steven universe lol))


Grian was fucked. Somehow, the Main Trio had decided that the rift was a Wonderful gateway to mess with his life again!

Basically, the Watchers had crashed the Hermit's meeting.



" Xelqua! Please...."

It was Xeyla, looking down at him with a smile- her best pleading face. Grian rolled his eyes, letting them observe the three large figures. 

We had Xeyla, the biggest of them all, the leader. She had large, bright purple wings- six to be exact. She enjoyed having Grian in her domain because she saw him as a pet, an adorable little child who couldn't ever reach her level.

Then, Xoynd, smaller than Xeyla but still topping off at 8 or 9 feet. He had five wings, all a sparkly purply blue. He'd lost a wing in The War, something Grian never learned more about. Grian was pretty sure he simply enjoyed babying him and teaching him little tricks. Like a pet, again.

Finally, Xunle, the same size as Xoynd with deep purple wings. He had 4 wings, younger than the others. He didn't care much for Grian, but he definitely found him amusing- like the third roommate who'd moved in after the other two got a dog.

(start song)

Around him, the Hermits had made a semi-circle with Grian at the front, glaring at Xeyla. They were all defensive and confused, watching with drawn swords as Xeyla reached out for him.

" Come live with us in the palace!"

Xeyla's honeyed tone, mixed with magic & bit of begging rang out. Grian shuddered at her attempt at slyly making him go peacefully, she'd never been one for violence.

" There's a room waiting for you..."

Really, Xoynd now? His attempt at magic was much less concealed, blatantly trying to convince him.

" Just let us adore you,,,"

Grian stepped back, watching as Xeyla reached out for him, joined by Xoynd & Xunle.

" Come live with us in the palace!"

" Grian, who the hell are these.. gods?"

It was a very confused Mumbo, staring up at the beings.

" Right, they're basically... my owners, kindof? They kidnapped me from my old SMP... I'm kindof like a pet to them..?"

" WHAT."

" Right!"

Mutters of 'what the fuck ' rippled through the defensive hermits, and quite a few moved infront of Grian.

" We know your not a pet, but we love you.."

" Xunle, respectfully, shut the fuck up."

Xunle's eye twitched. Xeyla's smile dropped for a moment. Xoynd psychically tried to just grab him, to be stabbed by Cleo's sword.


Xeyla was frowning now. Shimmery purple magic started to hum around her, vibrating the air itself. Grian's eyes widened, just barely throwing a shield- one of his mixed Watcher & Admin magic- around all of the hermits. 

The blast bounced, magic splintering and shooting back towards Xeyla. She screeched, eyes wide with fury- and fear. 


Grian scoffed, weaving through his friends and letting the shield melt away.

".. just let us adore you.."

" Go away, psychopaths. Looks like your time's up!"

Grian pointed at X, who had images of the rift on his screen- the rift that was currently sealing itself. The shapes of Xeyla, Xonyd, & Xunle started to fade. Grian watched as they melted away, grinning.

"... ok, wow, Grian, YOUR A GOD??"

It was Tango, staring at him with a bewildered look. He timidly nodded, immediately swarmed with questions. Grian was blushing now, trying to calm the crowd.

" don't worry Grian, we'll always have your back!"

He couldn't tell who'd yelled that, but it was joined by cheers of ' YEAHHHH'.

The crowd quickly turned to a group hug, and Grian practically melted into it.

God, he loved his home.



mixed feelings

