

i just reallt wanted to write this

its 10 pm and my braincells quit working

idk why

typings not going well


tws : alcohol, two idiots


Grian was done with life, with others, with social construct. (mood) After his boyfriend of 7 years, Taurtis, was fatally stabbed ( again ) by a pissed-off Sam who spotted the two on a date, Grian hadn't been the same.

That was 3 years ago. Man, trauma really doesn't go away if you ignore it and pretend you're fine & refuse therapy. Weird.

Anyway, currently, Pearl is dragging Grian out to a club. Why? Because he needs to 'meet people' and 'socialize'. He'd much rather prefer sipping coffee & working on the latest blueprints; you don't become a famous architect by going to clubs.

However, Pearl is a force to be reckoned with, which is why Grian is stepping into a loud club that frankly frightens him atad. She pulls him to a booth with a red-haired woman seated inside already, Gem. 

Gem was Pearl's best friend, she'd been to many family gatherings and such. Anyway, Grian sits in the booth and glances around, his eyes finding the guy like right next to him.

(start song now children!)

Holy shit, he's pretty.


>> about an hour later <<

Grian's still sitting next to the hot guy, and now he's drunk off his ass. This can't go wrong, right?

Anyway, the guy & his group have sort-of befriended Gem & Pearl, which makes them Grian's friends too, by default.

Which is how he ends up mocking the pretty boy's accent. Hey, you can't blame Grian. Currently, he can't decide if he's in love or if he really, really hates this guy.

Since Taurtis is the only one he loves, right?

Yes. It's Taurtis & only Taurtis.

This is all that man's fault. Grian hates him, that's it. He hates every bit of this random guy, and his stupid, charming atmosphere. Anyway, Grian tunes back into the conversation, having determined that he definitely despises the guy next to him. They're chatting about... serial killers. Pearl's passionately arguing with a guy wearing a full-blown suit about ' how to commit murder & get away with it.'

This is not a concerning conversation, what are you talking about?

Gem appears, sliding drinks across the table to everyone. Grian grins.

" Dooo ya~ think i casn dowwn too shotz at the samee tim?"

" You're a menace to society when drunk." Gem sighs.

" And a coward. Do three."

Grian nods at Pearl, grabbing three shots and, remarkably, downing them at the same time.

" HAHA!"

Pearl rolled her eyes, grinning as Grian smirked at her.


( smooth pov change)

Scar was head-over-heels for this random boy who seemed to enjoy relentlessly mocking him. He doesn't know, either. Normally, he's smooth (as smooth as that pov change) , but around the blonde boy, he just can't talk.

Scar thinks it has something to do with those enchanting, ocean colored eyes. He really shouldn't be so in love with a random person, but here he is.


So, Scar watches the blonde boy yell and cheer with his two girlfriends. They're doing some drinking-game, a spin-off of Truth or Dare. Scar returns to the conversation X & Mumbo are having, but he can't help but feel bad. He's crushing on a boy he can't even talk to! He's talked to everyone else, too! God, he's rude.


Grian reaches forward for another drink, but unfortunately, the mystery man Grian 'hates' reaches too. Their hands brush eachother, and Grian feels butterflies in his stomach.

That is definitely not hate.

Eh, he's drunk as hell, who cares?

The two make eye-contact as Grian draws his hand away. He can swear he heard the man murmur something, but he brushes it off. About two minutes later, Grian finds himself wondering if the man has a girlfriend. He's strangely disappointed by the notion that man is straight.

If he was single? Grian couldn't handle that, not having a bases to go off of & find out if he had a shot-

Yeah, this is definitely not hate.

Panic rises in Grian's chest. No, he can't be in love again. That would be abandoning Taurtis. He's not- he can't.


Grian hates that man.



The eye-contact lasted for a split second, but Scar can't stop thinking about his eyes. His brain seemed to have memorized the blonde man's eyes, every detail and shade. He feels like he could sink into those eyes, swallowed by the lapping waves. He could see what lay underneath, hidden by the top's seafoam.

Mumbo taps Scar's shoulder, making him look over at the mustached man.

" someones got a crush~"

" Mumbo, what??"

He smirked. Scar stared cluelessly until X finally interfered, tilting Scar's head in the direction of the gorgeous ocean-eyed man.


Scar felt his face heat up, which was not a good sign. Mumbo giggled, slinging a hand over Scar's shoulder whilst he helplessly stared at the man.

" ddoonitt worri, wee shallst suced in getn yUo a dteee."

It's mildly concerning that an extremely drunk Mumbo is going to attempt to get Scar a date with an equally drunk shorter man.


Currently, Grian's started an internal civil war. One side of him tells him to run to the mysterious man who makes him happy (somehow), whilst the other tells him that he's betrayed Taurtis & misinterpreting hate.

The latter wins, for now. The former sighs in defeat and offers the notion that, ' he has a girlfriend..' which oddly stings more than the shot he's downing. It's about 2 am now, and Grian wants to go home. He's done with social interaction, however fun this had been.

" peral... img tird assfumk, lets go homeee"

Pearl looks at him for a second, before nodding her agreement.

" xD im so drink"

Grian giggles, attempting to stand and immediately tripping, right into the arms of the mystery neighbor. His face heats up remarkably fast, and he tries to stand up, but the man's kind of pulled him down.

Grian's sat on the couch again, with the Mystery man frowning.

" You should not be going home alone in your state."

Grian just giggled.

" yuO haz a silli accent :)"

" do I now?"

the man leaned incloser to Grian. If he wasn't bright red before, he is now.

" yOUR GORGEOUS " Grian blurts out. The man backs up abit, his eyes wide as he processes.

" I could say the same about you~"


All it took was the ocean-eyed man falling into Scar for his true flirt skills to return. It's remarkably funny to fluster the drunk; he goes bright red remarkably easy. With his companions & Scar's companions on the verge of collapse, he makes the executive decision to drive everyone home.

" Alright everyone, I'm driving."

>> they pile in the van & start getting dropped off. It's just Grian & Scar left. <<

Scar stops the van at Grian -he'd finally learned his name-'s house. It's wonderfully built, seated in a hill. It had a hobbit-hole feel to it, with the stained white glass & spruce adornments contrasting the moss & forestry perfectly.

Grian got out of the van, struggling. Scar exits too, helping the just adorable man inside. The interior is much like the exterior, with the homey & warm vibe. Grian pulls Scar over to a couch, collapsing on it and motioning for Scar to do the same on the couch mirroring Grian's.

With nothing else to do, and exhaustion setting in (mood) Scar settles on the couch. Just as sleep takes him, he thinks he hears Grian mutter something.

" you're gorgeous "







angsty scarian next bc The Long Pond Trio.

