You'll Be Back

sorry for dropping off the earth i was busy watching yt on a swing set & reading a horror book

it was very good

anyway im back on my hamilton shit so we get watcher thingz


Xeyla clutched the papers in her hands. They were light purple. They told her the one thing she'd never wanted to read.

' As of 198:0, Heir Xelqua has gone missing. Note found in his bedroom, partially unreadable. Extremely offensive words made out, note had been stored for safe keeping.

Currently, we believe that Xelqua left willingly, and perhaps of his own violation. '


Xeyla punched the wall. The obsidian and PurPur shattered under her strength, and she looked up to the ceiling.

" Xelqua....

You say, the price of my love's not a price that you're willing to pay! Don't you understand, I'm doing this for your own good.. why did you have to sob when you see me go by?

Why so sad?"

It wasn't like Xeyla abused her heir. No!

"The harsh knives. Pulling feathers. Solitary confinement. Starvation, there's more but I don't want to trauma dump."

Grian listed off his fingers, looking at the Hermits.

She started pacing, grinning like a mad man.

" We had an arrangement, you'd go to EVO & come back. No force, no violence.

Now, you're making me mad...

It was that shitty server that changed you, our estrangement. Xelqua, I was your mentor, your mother, even!"

Xeyla flared her many wings, her breathing picking up. Turning and strutting behind the black desk that marked her office, Xey started rustling through papers..

" You'll be back, you have to be back.

You will be back. You'll remember, you belong to me."

She pulled out a contract, a piece of paper dictating Watcher Law. It was true, no human shall be without a master within the city, even if they are turned.

Xeyla owned Xelqua.

She could & would get that little shit back, when he comes begging for guidance, when he sees the error of his ways.

Xeyla laughed.

She opened an eye with a small burst of purple magic, using it to guide her vision towards the avian.

" When push comes to shove, I will find that little server..

And I'll send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love!"


Zephyr stared at the door, side stepping away like a crab. He was not interacting with that hot mess. His tea spilled a little, but he was out of here. What had happened to grade-school Xeyla, the one that wasn't an inhumane pyschopath??


Xeyla had switched from making promises to the sky to writing a letter towards her little pet. It refuted his note, which she could actually read, despite the other's best attempts.

' You say, ' our love is draining & I can't go on!!' ...

You'll be the one complaining, when I am gone!

Look, Xelqua, you're my favorite subject. Please, my sweet.. submissive subject...

My loyal, royal subject!

Come back!

Forever, it can be like this!

Forever & ever & ever!


" He'll be back, like before. I will slaughter thousands just too see his tiny face again, oh, Xelqua-

I Will win the war for you, child. I will get your love & your praise and you'll grow out of your stupid phase. 

I'll love you till my dying days!"

Xeyla was back, strutting around the room with a mad grin and yelling at the ceiling, her mood swings fast & unprecedented.

She grabbed her letter, dotting it harshly and whisking it away with MLP type magic. 

" you're not gone... i'll go mad.... Don't throw away this thing we had."

The eye reappeared. Xeyla could see Xelqua, prancing around with strangers.

" I will find that silly server...

& I will kill your friends and family .. to remind you of my


She cackled with overwhelming laughter, letting the eye close and storming out. Recruits & servants scattered.

" I want everyone trying to find Xelqua's new place of rest. If that slippery little bastard thinks I'll ever give him up, he's got another thing coming."

Oh, Xelqua, be prepared. I won't be holding back, & you definitely won't be staying.

People rushed around as Xeyla stormed to the throne room.

".... see you soon, Xelqua."


" xeyla your fucking mad go take your pills."



Well that was short lol
