Drifter in the Dark

guys my friend is shocked everytime i upload twice in like three days like

tHatS nOt aLoT coNsiDerInG tHeSe aRe ShOrt oNeshOts


you know who you are, pheonix. also, that's misspelled.



Do you ever walk alone?


Like a drifter in the dark?

"Who are you..?"

Seeking out what isn't there?

"Let me go!"

Looking only for a spark...

From a girl who's all alone,

Pearl runs through the dense forest the shadows falling dark on her red cloak. It was a deep scarlet, like her life & the blood of the fallen- the blood on her hands.

Maybe she's a-drifting too?

Pearl sinks into the void for a split second, a purple eye glowing for a minute. The picture glitches out.

Like a shadow in the night,

The red eyes of the wolves glow in the darkness, a foreboding force for any who dare see it. There's the glint of the iron sword in the darkness, shadowed and harsh.

Waiting just to meet with you.

The voice grows deeper, darker. Pearl, with a tilted purple crown, standing on the bodies of the others, their links, their life-forces, their strands- grey. Dead.

And then perhaps in love, you'll stay.

Grian, helping build a sandstone castle.

Grian, grinning as the TNT blows.

Grian, standing with Scar- both wearing crowns as they smirk at an unforeseen force.

Or fall & go your separate ways.

Scott, high-fiving Pearl.

Scott, defending the Scottage with his life.

Scott, bow in hand, wearing that same damned crown; standing over Ren's body.

Still searching for a spark..

Scar, raising his shop out of the ground.

Scar, burning communal places and threatening the lives of all.

Scar, standing infront of a dark lightning strike, staring at the glowing purple symbol. (do you know that symbol?)

Like a drifter in a dark.

Different scenes, glitching and static but clear all the same.

Grian, his wings spread and face distressed, falling into the void. (The symbol again.)

Scott, stabbed through the heart with his own arrow, falling too. (The symbol again.)

Scar, in the darkness, holding the sparks of purple that threaten to consume him. (THE SYMBOL, AGAIN.









"I know this."

   "Do you?"

"Yes. I watched all of it, until I joined them."

"Foolish, egotistical Listener."

"I wouldn't be a Listener if you hadn't insisted on interfering with EVO."



The void snarls, like a harsh, aggravated lion. It's like an orca; tamed at one moment and murderous at the next.

He steps back. It's useless, because the void is everywhere, an ever impeding darkness that swallows everything, snatching it up in sharp jaws with no mercy.

"You need to watch your tongue, foolish one. You seem to forget I pull the strings, I hold the cards. I have the power- you never did."

Purple magic illuminated the space, swirling circles around him. The world, the space, the scene is glitching as he tried to fight it with his own harsh green color.

There is no fighting the fabric of the space & time, there is no winning.

The floor jiggles beneath his feet before it falls away, evaporating. He's falling as the world glitches, patches of the place before, the downside up, patch through the darkness.

Like all the others, he falls.

Do you ever walk alone?

Martyn's feet, hitting the slippery sand of the coast. Water laps at the shore, snatching pebbles only to return a different set, every few seconds.

Like a drifter in the dark?

The coral is amazing, sparkling and glowing in the perfect blue water. It shouldn't be that blue-(the blood will fix that)- it's unnatural, strange.

Martyn doesn't mind.

Seeking out what isn't there?

The red changes it all. Martyn can see things, things he shouldn't- things he doesn't want to. The world glitches and shifts and changes and

he's falling, falling, falling...


Looking only for a spark?

Impulse & Scott grinned at him, standing without their armor.

Martyn grinned back.

His blade flew, blood flying like sparks off the bright steel. The bodies fell, maimed and pouring scarlet blood that dripped, dripped, dripped like a clock.

The world snapped out.

Like a drifter in the dark.

Darkness, darkness, darkness. 

Like a drifter in the dark.

A spark of  purple magic.

Like a drifter in the dark.

A glowing symbol, opening to stare at its victim.

Like a drifter in the dark.



how'd you guy like this goofy ah oneshot 

