Where The Watermelons Rot


my iPad quit existence and school is just about to get out

im gonna be so fucking bored sob

send help


"Tim! Cmon!"

Jimmy glanced at Martyn. The kid in question was grinning, turned to look at Jimmy with his excited green eyes.

Jimmy doesn't move.

It's because behind Martyn is the darkness, the shadows that creep through the trees and smile at him with sharp teeth.

"We shouldn't go in there, Martyn."

"Whynot? What, scared? It'll be a fun adventure, Tim!"

He pauses, glancing at the darkness.

".. mom says we can't! that's- that's were They live."

Martyn snickered, walking over to Jimmy.

"Don't tell me you believe that! Cmon, you wimp!"

Martyn grabbed Jimmy's hand, pulling him forward into the thick forest. Jimmy yelped, stumbling along onto a partially concealed trail surrounded by curled plants that eyed Jimmy with predatory hunger.

It sent shudders down his spine as he was dragged further, following a grinning Martyn. The trees seem to lean down as they get further, trying to grab Jimmy and bring him into the crawling darkness. It moves and waves, always keeping its weird eyes on him.

They keep on the path until the plants start to wilt and droop, falling limply on the vaguer and vaguer path. Jimmy watched the dead flowers with wide eyes, fear hanging in the air as Martyn slowed down, letting out an 'oh my..'

Jimmy looked up. It was like a book, a large temple rising out of the mist. A strange symbol adorned the mossy cobble, seemingly glowing.

"what the hell..?"

Jimmy approached it first, finding a book infront.










He pauses, frowning. Martyn reads over his shoulder. They both glance around at the shadows.

Jimmy can still see the fangs of the shadows, awaiting a stray step.

But now he can hear. He can hear the whispers he once didn't notice, and the shadows seem all the more sinister.

"We should.. leave." 

He hisses to Martyn, clinging to the other's arm. Martyn nods. They leave.

Not for long.


The pair comes back the next day. 

Whispers and words weave with the wind, taunting them until they are forced to brave the brambles and thorns, dark shadows and looming trees until they find the temple.

It's less dramatic, with the anger of the day (they didn't want to hear anymore... they didn't want to listen) exploding at the temple.

"I don't know what you did, weird magical temple, but it's so fucking annoying. Neither of us want to 'listen' or 'hear these stupid whispers!"

There's no answer. Jimmy groans as Martyn searches the book, watching that instead of the shadows.

(never stop watching those who watch you)

The darkness creeps forward, whispers growing. Neither notice until the voices scream.


Jimmy and Martyn slam into the stone, staring at the eyes and the grins as the screams pound on their heads.




Jimmy knew that voice- he knew that voice, why did he know that voice- Martyn grabbed his hand, pulling him forward onto the dusty path. They race past the broken stems and the full roses, running from the haunting darkness.

They escape from the forest. The voices fade and the pair pauses and pant, staring at the black shadows that have calmed to a whisper.

Jimmy looks at Martyn. Martyn looks at Jimmy. They can still hear, but that's not the issue.

They recognize that voice. But from what?

It doesn't matter.

Jimmy heads home.


He wakes up with the voice ringing in his ears, a playful dialogue.

("Cmon, Timmy!")

It, it had been daylight. The forest was there. Jimmy was there, with two others. A girl and a boy. They were older than him.


The forest was dark, but not quite as dark. Jimmy went in with them, enchanted by promises of gorgeous flowers and lovely clear air.

They ended up split, thousands of trails that spiderwebbed through the ground masterfully isolating each child. Jimmy remembers crying out as the shadows grew darker. He remembers a faint glow.

When he finally came out, the others didn't.

His parents loomed over a sobbing Jimmy and told him that he was foolish to enter the forest in the first place.

("didn't we always tell you? listen to us. listen, for once.")

Why didn't he remember? Why did everyone keep saying Listening and Watching?

What was wrong with the forest? Why did that temple exist, what happened to his elder siblings?

Jimmy took a breath, the whispers edging at his mind. He slung a satchel over his shoulder.

Afterall, the only way to get answers is to ask directly, right?


"Why are we back here? Jim, you've got to know it's a bad idea.."

"Don't you have questions? Questions that only the temple can answer?"

There's silence. Jimmy takes Martyn's hand and glances at him before heading in.

He traces the same worn, shaded path of roses and thorns, wilted petals and vague dust. The shadows watch him with interest, and he shudders. It's like they're stalking him, prowling forward.

Jimmy keeps walking, ignoring the hisses and the eyes.

They reach the temple. It's the same as always, with the strange glow and the mist that crowds the bottom. Jimmy reaches the book, and Martyn rolls his eyes.

"I looked through that entire thing already, it's not interesting."

"i just.. I need answers. Like, what is this forest? What happened to.."

He puts down the book. Maybe, maybe he needs to retrace their steps. Yes! He just needs to.. to find them, and it'll reveal everything about this strange place.

"What're you thinking, Jim?"

"Follow me."

Jimmy stepped onto the main path and started off again, watching as it twisted and turned until..

A dead end.

Full stop.

He turned, looking for the path.

Shadows, again.

Where was Martyn?

"you were only meant to listen, you fool.."


was this any good lol its 1 am
