
not really grian angst but


we're ok, we're ok 

lets do this shit


Scar settled with Grian on the grass, who was overly excited to bring out the bracelet making supplies. It was winter, so there was a slight chill to the air. Scar shivered, and Grian noticed, looking up from his work-in-progress bracelet to the taller man. Scar just loved his baby-blue eyes, holding the innocence of a child yet, at the same time, the wisdom of a immortal.

" Cold? I think I have a second sweater!"

Grian turned, digging into his bag. Scar was speechless, too caught in the moment as Grian threw a red sweater at him, looking up from his deep brown, leather bag. Scar smiled,

I still remember, Third of December, me in your sweater

" Thanks!"

If only he knew.

Scar pulled the sweater over him, it didn't quite fit, but Scar didn't mind. He didn't mind anything involving Grian. It looked more like a crop top, and Grian had to point that out.

" pff- my sweater as a crop-top looks awesome, especially on you!"

Scar felt his heart practically burst. He wanted to whisper all of his worries to Grian, to spirit the avian away on some amazing world-adventure.

Of course, Mumbo had to walk through the shopping district and notice them. Grian looked up at the mustached man, a new spark in his eyes lighting up the blue. It was like a dagger to the heart, a crushing weight. Grian was in love with Mumbo, of course. Grian pulled Mumbo into bracelet making, giggling, his attention caught on Mumbo.

Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty.

Grian shoved one of his finished bracelets into Mumbo's hands, starting to instruct him on how exactly to weave it. Scar forced himself to tear his eyes from the two, starting to weave his bracelet again, too.

Wish I were Heather..

The three continue weaving in comfortable  silence, the weight of unrequited emotions weighing on Scar heavily. Every time he glanced up, it was another pose of Mumbo & Grian. Them sharing funny glances, Grian correcting his braclet-making. He adjusted the sweater, wishing it could warm his freezing heart.

It was times like these when Scar wished Mumbo wasn't here. But, it was Mumbo. The funny, awkward man.

But how could I hate her? She's such an angel.


But then again, kinda wish he was dead...


Mumbo laughed with Grian at the café during lunch, when Scar walked by. He was the cheery one, always happy, always silly. The cause of that one spark in Grian's deep, oceanic eyes. Grian always talked to Scar, no matter what. He'd always draw the avian's attention. It killed Mumbo inside, every time, just a little bit more.

Why would you ever kiss me?

Mumbo understands Grian's affection, Scar was the pretty one. He was tan, buff. He was the literal embodiment of a golden retriever for god's sake! Mumbo twiddled with the bracelet on his wrist as Grian bestowed a silly little charm to Scar. It's just resin, but it made Mumbo feel colder than ever on the summer day.

I wish I were Heather.

Grian dragged Scar into sitting at the table, eating with the rest of them. Mumbo didn't fail to see how Grian's attention was on Scar the entire lunch. Mumbo wished it was him who sparked up Grian's eyes, who got his undying attention.

He wished he was Scar.


Grian settled into his lonely bed, looking at all the shadows driven into corners by dim lanterns. He sighed, picking up a framed photo and smiling softly at it. His heart belonged to him and only him. Even if Grian never found him, even if he'd moved on.

Grian would always love him.



plot twist!!



Said i'd make longer oneshots and then gave ya this smol guy 

Oh well
