Is It Over Now?

i have three other drafts ontop of this one


its ok..



It was one of those nights.

One of Grian's inner reflection nights. Afterall, what better then to ponder existence after having a nightmare? Nothing. Oh, maybe watch youtube. Other than that, nothing.

And so, Grian sat, pondering the topic of his nightmare, Sam. It was strange; he was oh-so far from the rabbit, he was oh-so alone ( in bed..), and yet, Sam still persisted in his thoughts. Grian knew what he thought of Sam, but what did Sam think of him?

Probably a traitor.

Grian hears something clatter and, sadly, sees it's his lamp that's just ... crashed. It still seemed to be working, dimly lighting up the room. Grian could've sworn he'd seen Sam's face in the shadows.

That's been happening alot. In the main world at restaurants, in water, and always in shadows. 

They seemed to hunt him, although they're just ghosts.

All he had to ask was;

 ' When would it truly be over? Was it over now?'


Taurtis shot up in bed, clutching his side as it ached. A phantom pain, the memory of his almost-death rushing forward in his mind. Of the silver knife, Grian's shocked eyes. Even thinking of Sam made Taurtis feel sick. He still remembered when Sam made Grian into his clone.

Taurtis can only imagine what Sam thinks about him. As a ghost, or 'spectator', he'd seen what Sam dreamed of. It was always him, of the three being happy. But it was mainly Sam and Taurtis.. and Grian. Then, later, he'd watch Sam dream about Taurtis stabbing him. Of Grian frantically calling the police.

' Traitor '

That was always what dream-Taurtis said. Sam had shuddered and fallen, sobbing. Taurtis could actually remember that moment, when the rabbit had realize it was all over.

As the memories push at Taurtis, he only has one question;

' When would it be over? Is It over Now?'


Yuki lay awake. She hated lying awake, thinking about him. She'd spent so long on him, only for him to throw her aside like a fucking trashbag. She remembered the night she'd jumped, running up the stairs. Her pink hair in her eyes as she reached the top.

Yuki was so, so, sure Sam would come running. He'd say sorry, and it would be ok. It would be ok.

He'd be there.

Instead, he said it was over. He said it was over.

Yuki remembers the way her heart shattered, fragile glass stabbed with a knife. A knife she gave him. So, she fulfilled her idea.

She'd jumped.

Yuki remembered the air rushing past her as she fell, fell, fell.

As the life drained out of her.

Yet, even now, so long, she still asks:

' Is it over now?'


Whilst all of them wonder, Sam wonders too. He stares at the steel walls of his prison and he wonders.

He smells the dank air and wonders if the others are smelling fresh air.

He sees the crappy bed and wonders if the others are sleeping on high quality ones.

He wonders if they wonder too, about him.

He wonders if it will ever be truly over.

Or is it over now?



