☁️Q and A☁️


Q- Why are you so cute like fr ._. i relate way too much to you loool

A- um- thank you! i hope you don't relate too much to the bad aspects 🥲


Q- on a scale 1-10, how much do you like Minho?

A- 11 (stan Ive)


Q- are you eating enough? at least more then you were? it'll take time for you to eat healthy again so don't force yourself to right away ily <3

A- i think i'm eating enough? i'm definitely eating more now thanks to Minho :')


Q- How to clone U

A- Trust me, you wouldn't want to


Q- What would be your reaction if minho talked to you for the first time

A- hmm well, I wouldn't be lying if I said so hadn't thought about it before...I would never force him to of course but I think I would either scream or cry...or both


Q- Do you have a certain way you imagine Minho's voice? Like one way you think it's sounds

A- I think his voice would sound just as pretty as he is. I imagine it coming off as quiet but it would be really easy to differentiate



Q- No real question just wanted to tell you that I am very proud of you and you deserve the world:)  you really are such a kind and sweetheart <3

A- thank you!


Q- How much do you like jisung on a of 1-10

A- ♾


Q- Does it hurt to try to talk now? Was it weird to just stop talking one day? Was it right after whatever happened, or after it had set in over time? How did you do things before Jisung could help order for you?

A- It hurt a lot at first, before I started getting help because I was forcing it too much and trying to make my voice louder than it was capable of going too soon. It wasn't really that weird to stop talking because I didn't have the motivation to do anything, much less talk since either no one believed what I was saying or they were just asking me if I was okay for the millionth time even though I didn't even know the people who were asking. It wasn't immediately after but it was definitely pretty soon after. I never went out and ordered anything by myself, I kinda just had to force myself to learn how to cook once I moved into my apartment.


Q- i hope you're don't get mad at yourself for not being able to talk right away, it'll take time and i bet you're making a lot of progress

A- I was mad at myself at first, but now that I'm learning at a normal pace, it's going a lot better! ty


Q- Not a question but from one fellow mute person to another don't beat yourself up about not being able to speak right away it takes time n training and can hurt n it's stressful but you're doing great <3

A- i know it's gonna take a while but luckily it's not as stressful as it was when i was trying to do it by myself anymore...thank you <3


Q- Are you a top?

A- umm...


Q- How old we're you when you learned sign language? And where did you learn sign language?

A- I started learning it when I was 14, as soon as I found out it was an option at school. Mrs.Park found out that I was mute and began spending lunch and other free time teaching me everything. Before then, I watched some videos and stuff but Mrs. Park was definitely a lot more helpful


Q- how old was your sister when she died?

A- 19



Q- Why did you even say stuff about minho in the first place?

A- I was just being stupid. Jisung has always been my best friend and this was the first time he's ever spent more time with someone else. I was also skeptical at first since I heard a lot of bad stuff about Minho and I know how sensitive Jisung is. I was being really stupid and jealous though, I shouldn't have said that stuff.


Q- I'm glad you leaned from your mistakes <3 just be a bit more careful in the future 😀 ily

A- I will! I think Minho and I are becoming friends <3


Q- Have you ever met a disabled person before 😶

A- i don't think so?



Q- How is it like to have a bf like hyunjin? How did you manage that 🥲🙌🏻

A- you have to deal with a lot of stupidity and clinginess but- other than that he's really sweet. Also, I didn't manage it, Hyunjin was obsessed with me 😞


Q- you're literally perfect and ilysm <3

A- aww ty



Q- Who's your bf? Hm? Hmm? Hmmmmmm?

A- what boyfriend?


Q- As someone else said, who's your "not bf"?😉

A- "not boyfriend"...meaning I don't have one ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Q- you're so cute and ily, but are you planning to tell people who your boyfriend is? hope you don't feel pressured

A- ilyt~ but i don't have a bf to there's nothing i need to plan or feel pressured about 💛


Q- So who's the dilf 👁👄👁

A- he's not THAT old 😭


Q- The hot bf is chan right?

A- Chan is hot



Q- Not a question but you're just like... so pretty. It should be illegal

A- ahsksjdksjdk thank you!


Q- how are your grades? i have an f 💀

A- it's ok, i have several f's 😌



Q- are you a soft boy or a bad boy?

A- good boy gone bad 😎


Q- ilysm like idk what to ask so are you mentally okay? idk

A- mentally?...you do realize that i'm dating Felix, right? I'm on my last brain cell



Q- Are you perhaps dating someone younger than you 👀
If not are you interested and anyone?

A- I am actually dating someone a bit younger than me haha he's really cute, maybe I should ask him to be my boyfriend soon


Mrs. Park:

Q- Soooo my lovely wife,
I already know you and love you so I was gonna ask what you would like to have for dinner so I can cook it for you :3
- your loving wife

A- I have a wife??? cool, i've always wanted one. If you weren't aware, we have an adopted son named Minho.
Cook whatever you would like <3


Q- Why didn't you invite me to your and a_book girls wedding? I thought we were homies, Mrs. Park 😩

A- I wasn't even aware that I had one- I would have invited you if I knew about it


Q- i love you sm <3

A- i love you too 🥰


Q- Please adopt me Mrs park

A- you want Minho as a step brother?


Q- I'm your child how was i not invited to your a_bookgirl s wedding????



Q- How and when did you become close to Minho?

A- I met Minho about 3 years ago...it was actually my first year teaching and it was a bit difficult to get him to open up at first but now he's like a little brother/son to me



Q- Have you planned another story after this one or will you just see when it's time?

A- i've been so focused writing this one i haven't thought about anything else yet :(( today is my last day of school though so i'll definitely be posting a new story soon 💕


Q- How are you, dear author? Do you think the story will be a lot longer, or do you think it will wrap up soon (not that i want it too of course!!) Do you plan chapters/ plot in advance or just have a vague idea and go with the flow?

A- i'm okay! this story only has 3 more chapters...sadly. And no, I wish I planned ahead but to be completely honesty I make most things up as I write.

I planned the story as to why Minho went mute ahead of time but Jisung's eating issues and a few other details weren't planned. I honestly wasn't even planning on Mrs. Park being a relevant character but um- now a reader is married to her so 🤷‍♀️


Q- I really like your books! just don't overwork yourself and take breaks when you need them

A- thank you! writing has been a stress reliever recently so updating so much as actually been nice :')


Q- Hi this is quickly becoming my comfort book ily fhkskfj

A- ahskshksd that's so sweet, i'm happy it can be someone's comfort book <3


Q- I love this book so much

A- ty, i've loved writing it a lot so far as well


Q- Do you know sign language?

A- i've taken it for two years at school so I do know a bit but i'm definitely not fluent yet ^^


Q- Not a question but I just wanna say ily and you're an amazing author! 💖💖💖

A- ilyt 💖 and thank you 😅
