
i didn't go to sleep until 5am so if this doesn't make sense...that's why 🥲

it's also not proofread

Minho was trying to think of a way to apologize in the next two days before Jisung ended up switching out and he no longer got to see him but he was scared to tell Jisung exactly what was going on.

Jisung trusted him and it wasn't necessarily that he didn't have any trust in him but the idea of telling him seemed terrifying.

Then again, he could always leave out some of the bigger details, which was exactly what he decided to do.

It felt like a hopeless decision but it was better than not trying at all...now he just needed to find a way to get Jisung to stay in the room with him and watch him explain.

Luckily, that's where Mrs. Park came into the plan...or rather an entirely separate plan since Minho still refused to talk to her about the subject.

The next day in class, Jisung was packing up his stuff as Minho stayed at his desk as he didn't plan on going anywhere else.

Jisung happened to be one of the last people leaving due to the fact that he was barely awake by the time class ended and he usually took a while to pack up anyway.

"Gotta go make some copies real quick, I'll be back at the end of lunch," She explained, grabbing the keys off of her desk and then quickly leaving, closing the door behind her.

Jisung assumed that she was just talking to Minho...Minho however, noticed something weird about her behavior. She never brings her classroom key with her anywhere.

He shrugged it off, not thinking she would do anything as drastic as what he was thinking.

Jisung walked to the door, went to open it then sighed as he leaned his head against the door mumbling, "of course, she would lock us in a classroom together."

Minho's eyes widened in shock but he ultimately decided to take advantage of the situation while he could.

Jisung sighed and turned around to look at Minho, "You didn't ask her to do this, right?"

Minho shook his head no then pointed at the desk beside him, "can I explain what was going on last week? I know it probably won't excuse what I said but I want to anyway."

"Okay," Jisung agreed, knowing there was nothing else to do for the next hour or so since his phone had died earlier in the class period.

Minho looked a bit tense and thought about it for a while before he started signing, not looking up at Jisung once in the process because he was scared of what his response was going to be.

"That day when I came in and slept the entire class period...was the anniversary of the day my sister...died." Minho began and Jisung immediately felt an immense amount of guilt.

"I'm sorry," Jisung said quietly, unsure of how else to respond to the sudden dark conversation topic.

"We were really close when we were younger and it caused a lot of stress in my family," Minho explained, leaving out a huge amount of details.

"I've never really handled it well and it took me a while to learn how to accept it but then the anniversary of it comes and it feels like I relive it all over again."

Jisung wished there was some way to comfort him while he was signing since he could see the tears gathering in the corner of Minho's eyes but he couldn't think of any way to.

"I know I should just miss a few days of school and let myself get over it again but I can't...for some other reasons. My emotions are just all over the place and I tend to sign things that I don't mean...I've said some pretty messed up stuff to Mrs. Park too."

Minho paused for another few minutes as he began to wonder how exactly to apologize since he most definitely didn't want Jisung to easily forgive him out of pity. Even if he had a warning, what Minho said was still messed up.

"Mrs. Park didn't force me to be your friend. She encouraged me to be your friend because she thought that I needed one and that you were the perfect person for the job. She was right because meeting you is the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me. I know it might sound weird and you probably don't feel the same about it since you have other friends and I'm just really clingy but I don't like my 'normal' life that I'm living right now. I miss the 'normal' with you in it and I'm sorry that I made you believe otherwise. You don't have to forgive me. I know what I said was messed up but I at least want you to know that I didn't mean what I said."

He finished signing, still looking down at his desk. Jisung wasn't able to catch every single sign but he understood enough to know what Minho was trying to say.

Jisung stood up as Minho sighed, assuming he was simply going back to his spot in the back of the classroom.

However, he was surprised when he felt arms wrap around his shoulders loosely and a small kiss placed on top of his head.

"I'm sorry too...I shouldn't have pushed you so much. I was just really worried about you and I wanted to help somehow but I should have respected the fact that you needed space." He mumbled quietly.

"Also," he began again, moving away from the hug as he moved his hand to the side of Minho's face to get the older to look at him. "My 'normal' without you is pretty miserable as well."

"Are you still going to transfer out of this class?" Minho signed.

Jisung shook his head, "No, you're stuck with me again."

"Did you bring lunch?" Minho asked and Jisung pouted a bit.


"Have you been eating properly?"

"...Also, no." He replied honestly.

"Is it because of me?" Minho signed and Jisung shook his head.

"No, my brain is just messed up. I've done it a few times...whenever I get stressed out or sad about something I'll start eating less again to distract myself from it and focus on that instead." He admitted for the first time out loud.

Minho frowned at the explanation and at the fact that they couldn't leave the room to go get lunch but he stood up and walked over to Mrs. Park's desk, opening it and handing Jisung a small bag of chips.

"Is this allowed?" He asked, looking up at Minho.

"Yeah, she could never get mad at either of us. It's her fault for locking us in here anyway."

Jisung slowly opened the bag and began slowly eating them as Minho smiled, quickly kissing his forehead, shock caused the younger to smile back up at him.

"If you would like to, I think we should go on a date so we can get some actual food after school."

"I think that's a good idea," Jisung grinned.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."
