
-not proofread-

~ a couple of weeks later~

"Let's skip dance practice today," Minho sighed as soon as Jisung had walked in to meet him so that they could practice.

"What? Why? Do you not feel well?"

"I feel fine, I would just prefer to go ln a date rather than practice today." He explained, looking up at Jisung, waiting for his response.

Jisung smiled and nodded in agreement, "where are we going to go?"

Jisung noticed how Minho seemed to freeze up at the question as pink covered his cheeks.

"Do you have any ideas?"

"Actually, yes, I do," Jisung responded as an idea suddenly came to mind and he began pulling Minho down the sidewalk.

"Where?" Minho signed with his free hand.

"It's a surprise," Jisung replied, causing Minho to sigh and just follow him in silence.

They seemed to arrive at a place and Jisung lead him through a small white gate which lead to an open area with multiple different types of flowers neatly organized and a bunch of small little stone statues and water fountains.

"Where are we?" Minho questioned as he looked around in awe.

"It's a botanical garden...I'm surprised there are never really that many people here. I used to come here a lot to study last year but I kinda forgot about it after summer passed." He explained as he walked over to one of the benched, Minho following and sitting down next to him.

"I actually wanted to ask you something."

"You always want to ask me something," Jisung replied with a smile since Minho usually started off conversations like this.

Minho glanced up at Jisung and opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but then closed it as he thought carefully about how to word what he was trying to ask.

"I kinda wanted to ask y- actually never mind," Jisung shook his head a bit but now Minho was too curious to let the question slip away.

"No, what did you want to ask."

"We already agreed that I would ignore that it happened so I don't want to ask any questions about it," he explained with an awkward laugh.

"You do this a lot."


"You want to ask me questions but you don't because you're too scared that it would be too personal." Minho signed and Jisung couldn't deny the fact.

"Well- yeah. I wouldn't want to ask you anything that you wouldn't feel comfortable answering."

"I would feel comfortable answering any questions you have. You don't have to be cautious about asking me anything."

"What made you want to start talking again?" Jisung blurted out and blushed when the older quickly pointed a finger at him.

"I hadn't even thought of the idea of speaking again until I met you."

"Was it difficult?"

"At first, yes. I expected myself to be able to easily speak at a normal volume again but there was a few more steps then that," Minho signed and Jisung couldn't get rid of the smile on his face as he watched. He was previously too scared to ask Minho any questions about it but the answers he was receiving made him unexplainably happy.

"Did Mrs. Park help you?"

"Mrs. Park is paying for me to go to therapy."


"Mhm," Minho hummed in response.

"If you start feeling more comfortable again...would you want to reconnect with your parents?"

"You're the only person, besides my therapist, that I think I will ever be comfortable enough to speak to."

"What about Mrs. Park?"

"No, not yet at least...just you."

"What did you want to ask me?" Jisung asked as he tried to hide the fact that he was very obviously blushing.

His eyes widened when Minho suddenly grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him gently as he moved away and looked into his eyes. He nearly got lost starting at his pretty brown orbs but somehow managed to recollect his thoughts.

You would think that Jisung would be used to it by now considering that kissing had pretty much become a regular thing for them but he still managed to panic every single time.

Minho contemplated it for a few moments. Jisung had already heard him say something and he didn't feel like moving away when he had such a nice view of his sparkling eyes and his flushed cheeks.

"Why aren't you my boyfriend yet?"

"Minho!" Jisung yelled, moving away slightly as he covered his face to with his hands to hide the fact that his face was quickly turning red. "You can't just do that without warning!"

Minho moved his hands away so that he could see him sign, "you need me to warn you before I talk?"

"When your voice sounds like that, yes."

"Sounds like what?"

"Perfect," Jisung stated and now Minho was the one who's face flushed red.

"You didn't answer my question," Minho pointed out.

"Oh- well I guess because neither of us has asked yet."

"I'm gonna talk again," Minho warned.

"Okay, thanks for the heads up," Jisung laughs a bit as he looked up at Minho and tried to mentally prepare himself in the couple of seconds he had available before Minho spoke again.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Minho!" Jisung yelled once again out of shock even though they already acted like they were dating. Actually being able to say that they were felt like something entirely new.

"What? I warned you this time."

"Yeah, I know but still-..." Jisung began as he recollected his thoughts, "yes, I would love to be your boyfriend."

Minho quickly grabbed both sides of Jisung's face, placing several kissed as they both smiled into the kisses.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Jisung said with an uncontrollable smile as he leaned in for several more kisses. "I never would have imagined I would actually ended up dating the 'pretty boy' from my sign language class."

"I never thought I would feel comfortable enough around someone to talk again."

pls- i hate this chapter ughhajdjakdhskdn
