
i wrote this in class on a new phone so there are probably a lot of mistakes :')

my phone kept trying to autocorrect Jisung to Jesus and i don't have time to proofread rn so who knows what this chapter will be

"Hi," Jisung greeted, letting go of Minho's hand and greeting specifically Hyunjin with a hug since he knew about the older previously getting jealous when he first began hanging out with Minho.

"This is Minho and Minho this is Hyunjin, his boyfriend Seungmin, and my baby, Jeongin."

Minho glanced at him weirdly at first before he quickly realized that he was referring to the one who looked the youngest out of all of them.

"Your 'baby' is dating someone older than you," Seungmin said aloud and Jisung's jaw dropped.

"What do you mean??? Just because I don't sit with you doesn't mean that you guys should not update me on stuff." He pouted and pulled Minho's arm to sit next to him.

"No I'm not," Jeongin awkwardly laughed it off, "hi Minho! It's nice to meet you!" He smiled as Minho waved in response, not completely sure as to how he was supposed to communicate with Jisung's friend group.

"You can sign," Jisung reassured, "I can translate for you."

"Wait- you can hear?" Hyunjin asked, see in how he replied to Jeongin as Jisung froze, not thinking about how obvious this situation made it.

Luckily no one else was around them to hear what Hyunjin had just asked but Jisung was still worried that Minho would be uncomfortable.

But Minho just nodded in response to Hyunjin's question.

"Oh...okay." He said, trying not to say anything about the multiple times Minho had come off as rude.

Jisung glanced over at the oldest, wondering if it were okay for him to explain and Minho gave him a small thumbs up.

"Usually when people find out that he's not deaf they try to force him to talk."

"I mean-" Hyunjin began but Seungmin cut him off before he said anything stupid.

"That makes sense. What grade are you in?"

"One grade above us." Jisung translated though he didn't really need Minho to sign it, him doing so made the conversation feel more inclusive.

"How long have you not talked for?" Hyunjin asked out of nowhere.

"Why are you like this?" Seungmin questioned with a sigh.

"I don't think you're just supposed to ask that-" Jeongin said.

"Why not?"

"Because what if he can't talk? Idiot."


Jisung looked over at Minho, not knowing exactly what to say but Minho started signing.

"Four years?" Jisung confirmed since not even he knew the information Minho was signing.

Minho nodded and Jisung frowned a bit as he told his friends who had obviously already overheard his response.

"Why did you stop talking?"

"Hyunjin I swear to god," Seungmin put his hand over his boyfriend's mouth. "Please stop talking."

Though they all glanced at Minho, wondering if he was going to explain anyway despite how personal of a question it was.

"I'm sorry... I can't answer that one." Jisung voiced for him.

"You don't have to apologize, Hyunjin should stop asking stupid questions," Seungmin reassured.

"Are you doing the dance competition thing?"

"Is he asking me?" Hyunjin questioned.

"Yeah, Jisung confirmed, "you're the only other one here in dance class stupid."

"Oh umm- I don't think so. Are you?"


"Who are you performing with?" Hyunjin asked and Minho pointed at Jisung with a small smile on his face.

"You're what?" They all asked in sync since although being loud, and somewhat enjoying attention, it definitely seemed like something out of his comfort zone.

"He asked me to." Jisung explained.

"Yeah but..." Hyunjin started with a frown, "okay."

"What song are you guys gonna perform?" Jeongin questioned.

"We haven't figured that part out yet." Jisung replied for him but felt Minho tug in his sweater sleeve.

"Your song."

"My song?" Jisung asked aloud with side eyes.

"You've heard one of his songs?" Seungmin asked surprised and Minho nodded his head though he still looked confused.

"He refuses to let us listen to anything he's written." Jeongin explained for him.

"Wow, being your boyfriend comes with a lot of benefits, doesn't it?" Hyunjin teased.

"He not my boyfriend." Jisung replied as his face flushed red...and Minho didn't help.

"I would like to be."

In response, Jisung slammed his face onto the table in front of him.

"What did he say?" Jeongin asked, laughing at his friends reaction.

"No." Jisung mumbled.

"Jisung, it's really rude of you to not translate. You're ruining our chances of becoming Minho's friends." Hyunjin explained with a small smirk on his face.

"Yeah, you're restricting his ability to communicate with us," Seungmin added.

"He said 'I would like to be.'"

"Oh? Minho are you aware of the massive crush he had on you before he even began learning sign language?" Hyunjin questioned.

"Hyunjin shut up!"

"It was cute."

"Stop signing stuff like that right now!"

"What is it?"

"He said that it's cute. Please change the subject now."

They surprisingly left Jisung alone and changed to less embarrassing conversation topics as they all got to know Minho a bit better and Minho learned a lot about them.

Jisung felt Minho tug on his sweater sleeve again so he turned to look at him, "hmm?"

"Did you bring food?" Minho questioning, just now coming to the realization that they hadn't had time to eat breakfast.

"I forgot," Jisung signed and quickly involved himself in a conversation again to avoid the subject.

Minho however, wasn't having it and pulled out a small piece of paper, handing it to Hyunjin since he for sure knew he was aware of Jisung's eating issues.

can you come with me to get Jisung something to eat from the cafeteria?

Hyunjin looked at the note, then at Jisung, then at Minho as he showed a small smile and nodded.

"Be right back. Stealing your boyfriend for a moment."

"Wait, what?" Jisung asked, confused as his best friend and well...closer friend? Stood up.

"Don't worry about it," Hyunjin said quickly as he walked into the cafeteria with Minho.

"Did Jisung tell you about his um...?" Hyunjin began, knowing Minho would know where he was going if Jisung did in fact tell him.

Minho nodded in response and was about to sign something but stopped once he realized that Hyunjin probably wouldn't understand.

"Thank you for reminding him...I'm really bad about remembering when we're talking about other random stuff." Hyunjin explained. "You also seem to make him really happy."

Minho felt awkward not responding but Hyunjin seems a bit too lost in thought to even realize.

"I know Jisung probably didn't tell you and I don't really need to either but uh...I said some messed up stuff about you when Jisung first started hanging out with you and I just want to apologize for it." Hyunjin explained and Minho quickly shook his head.

He thought of any possible way to assure Hyunjin that it was okay then held out his hand as if he were greeting him, as Jisung had done soon after they first met.

Hyunjin assumed this was his way of clarifying that it was okay so he grabbed his hand and shook it.

Hyunjin ordered Jisung's food and Minho carried it back, placing it down in front of him before holding a spoon full of food up to Jisung's mouth, making the younger realize what he and Hyunjin had left to do.

Jisung shook his head again.

"Please? We can share it." Minho signed, referring to the food he had just gotten.

The older took a bite of food before getting another one and offering it to Jisung again who hesitantly took it.

All three of his friends watched with small smiles on their faces, it was undeniable that they were a cute couple despite the fact that they weren't actually together yet.

They were perfect for each other.
