
Jisung walked into sign language class and right away noticed that Minho looked a bit worried or maybe even nervous about something.

"Hi Min," he greeted normally, kissing the top of his head as Minho looked up at him, "are you okay?"

"Mhm," Minho hummed in response and Jisung looked at him weirdly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm fine...I just have something I want to ask you. But after class."

"You can't just say that then not tell me," Jisung pouted as he still couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bothering the older so he pulled his desk closer, sat down, then grabbed his hand to hold throughout the class.

Jisung was actually trying to pay attention to class for once since they did have an exam pretty soon. He knew he shouldn't worry much about it since he was at this point fluent in sign language but he wanted to see Minho's proud smile when he receives a 100% on the test so he was determined to receive one.

Minho however sat silently with his head leaning onto his desk as he played with Jisung's hand throughout the class period, occasionally kissing the back of it whenever he felt like it had been too long since he has last seen the younger smile...which was quite often.

Eventually, the bell rang and Jisung leaned his head on his desk to face Minho once it did.

"Ask me the thing you wanted to," Jisung stated as Minho sat up with a sigh.

"Do you want to come to my house after school today?" He sighed and Jisung turned pale.

"Oh- umm...As in like, meet your parents?" Jisung questioned as Mrs. Park took a hint once again and left the two alone.

"No, they won't be there."

"Oh..." Jisung said with an awkward laugh, "Minho-"

"I need to tell you something but I don't think school is the right place so..." He explained, looking up at Jisung who showed a small smile and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll go to your house. I can meet you by the dance studio after school. Why do you seem so nervous though?"

"I'm not," Minho shook his head before quickly changing the subject before he started seeming even more nervous. "Did you bring lunch?"



Jisung immediately noticed a few things as they approached Minho's 'house.'

The apartment seems quite small, even for a small family.

It felt...lonely? Jisung wouldn't be able to describe it correctly in words if he were asked but it didn't feel like a house. He wouldn't feel comfortable there by himself, nothing about it felt like home...he hoped Minho didn't have the same feelings about it.

Beyond that, the decorations were plain. All of the furniture was pretty modern and nice but the walls were blank until they got into a small hallway where Jisung saw pictures of child Minho and who he assumed to be Soomin as he passed to look.

"You're so cute," Jisung thought aloud as he held onto Minho's hand, making him stop in the process at all. "...And she's really pretty."

Which she was. She had a lot of features similar to Minho... pretty cat-like eyes, the same pretty smile, cute pouted lips.

"She was," Minho corrected with a small frown on his face as he looked at the picture.

"She still is," Jisung shook his head and took a couple of more steps closer to Minho as he gently tapped the side of his head before loosely holding the side of his face, "in your memories...You haven't forgotten about her, and she's still pretty, right?" He questioned as Minho nodded with a weak smile.

"I wish you could have met her."

"Me too..." Jisung smiled a bit as he glanced back at the picture. "Would I have passed her 'big sister evaluation' to make sure I'm good enough to date her pretty brother?"

"Definitely. I think she would have teased us more than Mrs. Park and all of your friends combined though."

"So, you guys got along?" He questioned, earning another nod from Minho who suddenly looked like he was about to start crying.

Jisung quickly took it as a sign to change the subject.

"Where's your room?" He asked as Minho began pulling his hand again to a small room. Nothing was particularly special about it...as the rest of the house, it just felt plain and empty.

"It's cute!" Jisung tried to compliment but Minho shook his head no.

"You don't have to lie, I know there's nothing special about it."

"Well technically, you live here which makes it special."

"Shut up."

"Make me."

Minho gave him a quick peck in response which caused Jisung to smile as he sat down on the bed next to Minho.

"I've been wanting to tell you something but I don't think signing it would work out well so umm..." Minho began and handed Jisung a small notebook, "I would like for you to read this."

"Okay?" Jisung said hesitantly as he took the journal, flipping through the first couple of pages which were covered with scribbles until he got to a page full of writing and began reading it.

-a/n this is gonna be broken into several paragraphs simply bc I hate writing large paragraphs-

Hi Jisung, I know it probably seems awkward to read this but I wanted to tell you somehow and this was the only way I could think of.

I appreciate you never asking questions about it and always being really patient with me. I can't explain with words how much I appreciate you and because of that, I think it's time for me to tell you why I went mute.

Jisung froze when he read the last sentence and looked back up at Minho who was nervously hugging himself.

Jisung shook his head and tried to hand the notebook back, "I don't want you to feel like you have to tell me just because of what happened last week. You were dealing with some stuff and I should have minded my business. You don't have to share this with me."

"I want to," Minho signed before pushing the journal back towards Jisung.

"Are you sure?" Jisung asked and Minho nodded.

"Okay," Jisung said quietly after a few minutes of comprehending the situation, then he opened it and continued to read.

should i do a Q and A...?
