
Jisung had missed the rest of the week yet Minho had barely noticed.

That was until the second week when he started realizing what had happened.

Mrs. Park tried to ask him several times if something had happened but Minho would completely avoid the subject altogether.

Yet he did go to therapy for the third time, and that was the only thing going well for him.

She had told him to do simple things that he hadn't even thought of such as starting off by humming responses and then slowly starting to speak...but it was beginning to seem pointless anyway.

As much as he was trying to ignore the situation with Jisung, he knew he had messed up.

He knew way ahead of time that he wasn't going to be okay but for some reason, he thought this year would be different.

Yet apologizing to Jisung over text seemed wrong and the younger hadn't shown up to school.

He eventually tried to text him but they failed to go through at all.

Part of him was scared that Jisung wouldn't accept it because even if Minho explained to him why he was acting like that, he knew it probably seemed stupid.

Frankly, he didn't have the mental stability to deal with the situation at the moment even though the stress of it was only making things worse.

He did seem to be getting past it a lot quicker than he usually would he wasn't sure if it was because he missed Jisung or if he was finally starting to get past it.

It was yet another normal day in sign language class, Minho silently laid his head on his desk and sketched random images on a piece of paper since he didn't need to pay attention. He had finally managed to get to the point where he didn't sleep durring the entirety of the class but now he would prefer to since there was no longer anything to look forward to.

He didn't like this normal anymore. He no longer enjoyed the normal in which he would sit by himself and not socialize with anyone except Mrs. Park.

He missed the normal with Jisung.

But he was terrified that he had thrown that normal away.

He glanced up and froze when he saw the familiar brunette walk into the classroom in the middle of class, everyone else was taking a test but Minho had of course finished early.

Jisung walked towards Mrs. Park's desk with his hair slightly messy, a huge hoodie, sweatpants, and...well then it got to the details that Minho didn't like as much. Swollen eyes and the non-existent smile on his face which was strange considering he was almost always smiling.

"Hi Jisung, I'm glad to see you back here," Mrs. Park said with a bit of an awkward laugh as she glanced at Minho for a quick second. "Everyone is taking a test right now and I'm sure you could pass but you can wait until tom-"

"I came here to get your signature for something actually," Jisung said, handing her a paper as she glanced over it.

"You want to...transfer out of my class?"

Minho heard the words but only looked back down at his paper with a frown, he truly did throw away the normal he loved.

"Yes," Jisung said but stared in shock when Mrs. Park simply ripped the papers in front of him and then threw them in the garbage.

"Mrs. P-"

"Go sit in your original seat from the beginning of the year. We'll talk about it after school," she said with a small smile.


"After class." She repeated and Jisung sighed and walked to the back of the classroom where he originally sat at the beginning of the year.

He used to enjoy sitting there, admiring Minho from a distance but now everything just hurt.

He was aware that Mrs. Park warned him that Minho would say some things he may regret but there was no reason that what he had said was a lie.

Jisung was failing class and Mrs. Park originally made him sit with Minho to boost his grade in the first place. Minho seemed uninterested in the beginning, so he had no doubt that what Minho said wasn't truthful.

The bell rang and everyone else left the classroom, Minho was unsure if he was supposed to leave or not but he really didn't want to. He wanted to see if it were possible for Mrs. Park to change Jisung's mind about switching classes.

"I'm not letting you switch out of my class." Mrs. Park claimed as she sat down on the desk in front of him.

"It's not your decision to make," Jisung replied, looking up at her with a pout. "Hyunjin has English in this class period too so I want to switch to his class."

"You're already nearly fluent in sign language though, you could easily finish taking this class."

"I don't want to be here with a creepy teacher who forces her students to befriend each other. Do you want me to tell the principal about your date assignment for extra credit? Is that even allowed?" He asked and Mrs. Park looked down, letting out a small cough.

"If your decision is still the same by the end of this week then I'll sign the paper."

"That's in two days, why not just sign it now?"

"No." She replied, getting up and walking back to her desk without another word as Jisung sighed and grabbed his backpack so he could leave.

He felt someone grab his hoodie sleeve as he walked by and he sighed as he glanced up at Minho.

"Did you bring lunch?" Minho signed, not looking up to make eye contact as he was scared of what he would see. No shining eyes and no cute little smile, just a cold glare and he knew that without even having to look.

"You were forced to be my friend...you don't have to pretend to care anymore," Jisung replied and Minho felt his eyes tear up as he walked out of the classroom.
