
"So...I'm introducing Minho to my mom today," Jisung announced as he approached his friend group.

"Why would you do that?" Jeongin immedietly asked.

"Yeah, your mom is really scary around people she doesn't fully trust around you yet," Seungmin replied.

"Also, why does your mom get a proper introduction before we do?" Hyunjin questioned as Jisung took a few seconds to process their questions.

"My mom has been wanting to meet him...she even made me start teaching her some sign language and I don't think she's like that anymore anyway. I also didn't think you had any interest in meeting Minho and I didn't want to overwhelm him by introducing him to all of you at once."

"Well, we're next," Hyunjin responded as Jisung nodded a bit with a small grin.


The school day went by way quicker than Jisung thought it would. He rushed to the spot where he was supposed to meet Minho once it ended, enlaced their fingers together, then began walking in the direction of his house.

He noticed Minho gently tapping on the back of his hand with one of his fingers which wasn't a usual habit of his.

"Are you nervous?" Jisung question.

"Maybe a little bit," Minho signed back with one hand, refusing to let go of Jisung's with his other.

Jisung, moved their hands up, softly placing a kiss on the back of Minho's.

"There's nothing to be nervous about Min, she's gonna love you."

"What is she like?"

"Well...she's really nice and understanding. She was really supportive when I came out to her which was good because I sorta had a hard time coming to terms with it myself. She's really caring, maybe a little too much at times to the point that she ends up making things worse without meaning to but I know she had good intentions." Jisung explained quietly though his voice faded as he seemed to be fro firing off into his thoughts. He didn't mean to rant, he knew this probably wasn't the stuff that Minho wanted to know from asking that question but it's what came to his mind and he said it without thinking.

"She's extremely nice. And excited to meet you. Sorry for ranting, none of that stuff was important anyway...what are your parents like?" He questioned, trying to change the subject as he assumed that he might meet Minho's parents one day as well.

But the only response he got from Minho was a 'no' head shake, implying that he didn't want to talk about it at the moment.

Jisung just nodded, squeezing Minho's hand to try to silently tell him that it was okay that he didn't want to talk about it.

Soon they got to Jisung's house and the younger laughed softly at how nervous Minho seemed as he stopped at the front door, grabbed both sides of Minho's face, and kissed him quickly, for comfort reasons of course, definitely not because he was already addicted to the butterflies he felt whenever they kissed.

"She's not even home yet, calm down."

"She's not?" Minho signed and Jisung shook his head.

"She doesn't get off of work until around five," Jisung explained as Minho could assume it was only about 3:30ish.

Jisung unlocked the door and pulled Minho's hand as he led him to his room which somehow screamed Han Jisung in every way possible.

He basically had a mini studio set up in the corner of his room. with a microphone, keyboard, some other stuff which Minho didn't know the name for, much less what it did, and a few papers scattered on the desk with what he assumed were lyrics. He then glanced over to Jisung's bed which was neatly made with the small bunny he had one in the claw machine sitting up against one of the pillows. Then lastly, at the small vanity Jisung had makeup and skin products neatly organized on it.

"Cute." Minho signed, refusing to leave Jisung's side since he was unsure of what to do. This was the first time he had ever been to anyone else's house.

"Do you want me to show you how I do my makeup before my mom gets home?"

"Sure," Minho signed which resulted in Jisung pulling him over to the vanity all of his makeup was on, he smiled at a picture of Jisung and Hyunjin which was on the corner of it but he couldn't help but notice that Jisung looked extremely thin in it. He already had a tiny figure now but he looked so fragile in the picture that it for some reason, made Minho want to cry.

It was starting to make sense in his head, why his mom was so concerned about him eating enough, why Jisung seemed uncomfortable eating near large groups of people, and now the picture which Jisung had on full display which Minho hoped wasn't there because Jisung was satisfied with how he looked in it.

"When was this taken?" Minho signed, hoping that Jisung wouldn't think too much into his question.

"About two years ago...I look...better...in that picture...I guess it's because I- was umm...exercising more." Jisung trailed off, looking at the picture with a small pout on his face.

Minho gently laid the picture frame down, causing Jisung to look at him with a confused gaze.

"You're so pretty." Minho sighed and Jisung showed a forced smile.

He then saw Jisung's eyes tear up a bit as he forced out a laugh and then tried to change the subject.

"So umm...I actually didn't do my makeup on the day of our date. Seungmin and Jeongin did but I think I know what they used so I can still try to show you."

"I think your makeup looks better today anyway," Minho replied as Jisung froze for a moment.

He didn't have time to put on makeup because he woke up late.

"I'm not wearing any." He replied, tilting his head a bit as Minho's eyes widened a bit in shock.

"Really? I had no idea someone could naturally look this pretty." Minho complimented and smiled when he saw a faint blush appear on the younger's face.

"Idiot," Jisung mumbled jokingly, "do you want me to instruct you on how to do it, or do you want me to explain and do it for you."

"You do it," Minho responded and Jisung nodded as he skipped applying a base altogether since one, Minho didn't need it and two, he didn't think his concealer would exactly match Minho's skin tone anyway.

"Okay so," Jisung began and grabbed a makeup brush, and pointed to one of the brown shades. He was explaining what he was doing but Minho wasn't really comprehending any of it as Jisung was extremely close to him and all he could do was stare at him, admiring his features up close, gently closing his eyes whenever Jisung told him to do so. 

"Open," Jisung said, without moving away at all, so he was inches away from Minho who widened his eyes a bit as Jisung glanced up at his eyes before grabbing a lip gloss and applying it.

As soon as he put it back down Minho stopped trying to pass the urge he had had for the past thirty minutes and leaned in, pressing his lips against Jisung's.

"Minho-" Jisung began to say but stopped when Minho began to sign something.

"The color is really pretty," he signed, referring to the lipstick which rubbed off into Jisung's lips a bit.

Jisung blushed but ignored him as he turned Minho's head to look into the mirror.

"Do you like it?"

"I'm still don't look as you..but yes, I like it a lot, thank you."

"Stop signing stuff like that." Jisung wined and Minho laughed silently.

It was random, but this was the first time Minho had ever truly felt the urge to talk. He had the urge to say three words in particular, out loud for only Jisung to hear but he was scared of doing so.

He hadn't talked in 4 years and he was terrified of how his voice might sound after not using it for so long.

He could of course always sign it but if Jisung were to say it back he would feel as though signing it would seem meaningless compared to the actual words.

He had never wanted to talk ever since he went mute but Jisung was starting to make him think that maybe he did.

However, at the moment, he knew the boy in front of him would be the only person he would be willing to talk to, at least for now.

He just needed to figure out how to, because the idea of talking in general still seemed pretty terrifying.

i need to stop writing so many details :(( i'm not going to let this story surpass 30 chapters
