
"Where were you yesterday during lunch?" Hyunjin asked as soon as Jisung joined the other three the next morning.

"Did you miss me?" Jisung questioned, hugging Hyunjin quickly before Seungmin even had the chance to say anything about it.

"I had to third-wheel during lunch because of you," Jeongin pouted and immediately regretted saying anything because now Jisung was hugging him and gently pinched his cheek. "Did my baby miss me?" He asked teasingly.

"Get away from me," Jeongin stated, attempting to move away from the squirrel-like boy who laughed at his response.

"Why do none of you love me?" He asked dramatically, finally letting go of the youngest.

"Jeongin you weren't third-wheeling Jeongin, you were texting your boyfriend the whole time anyway," Seungmin said causing Jisung to look at him in shock.

"What boyfriend?!" He asked, grabbing both sides of Jeongin's shoulders so that he could see his face. "I was gone for one day. What the heck happened?"

"The nonexistent one because I have no idea what Seungmin is talking about," Jeongin explained as his ears turned pink from embarrassment.

"You've been texting someone every day during lunch for the past month." Seungmin pointed out.

"And you smile while doing so," Hyunjin added.

"Pfft, no I don't."

"I'll be watching you," Jisung said with narrowed eyes as he let go of him.

"You never answered my question." Hyunjin pointed out and a smile spread across Jisung's face as he remembered what he was doing yesterday.

"I sat with Minho!"

"In silence? Sounds great. Can I go sot with him instead?" Seungmin asked and Jisung glared at him. "What? It's not like he talked to you. You're probably just wasting your time trying."

"I don't care if he never talks to me. We can still communicate with each other," Jisung replied. "It's not a waste of time."

"No offense Jisung but you only think that because you think that he's attractive," Hyunjin stated and Jisung further pouted.

That may have been his initial motive to talk to Minho but it wasn't anymore. Now he simply wanted to know everything about him though he couldn't exactly explain why but for some reason every single little fact about the older seemed like the most fascinating thing in the world.

"That's not why..." Jisung trailed off but decided to brush it off with a small laugh since he hated having arguments or being in any sort of disagreement with any of them.

"Sure," Hyunjin responded and continued to talk to Seungmin about something else.

"Is Minho nice?" Jeongin questioned, noticing that Jisung seemed a bit sad about what Hyunjin and Seungmin had said.

"Mhm, he's really nice. He also gets shy super easily, it's really cute." Jisung responded with a small smile.

Lucky for Jeongin, the bell rang before he had to hear Jisung go on a rampage about Minho and he quickly said bye before running off to his class.

Jisung also said a quick bye to Seungmin and Hyunjin to make sure there would be no awkward energy between them next time they spoke...he was kinda mad but he wasn't going to say anything about it. At least not yet.


Jisung smiled as he was greeted by Minho waving at him as he walked into the classroom once again.

Jisung waved back as he assumed suddenly speaking to Minho would draw a lot of attention to both of them which he assumed Minho wouldn't want.

He was spending nearly all of his free time after school practicing sign language anyway so he didn't mind.

"How are you?" Jisung asked as he sat down, also quickly waving at Mrs. Park who smiled at him.

"I'm good, you?" Minho asked back and Jisung gave the same reply. Then took a moment to take in how cute the older looked today.

His brown hair was getting a bit long, nearly falling into his eyes, he had round glasses on which wasn't a usual accessory of his but Jisung found them adorable, and he was wearing a large grey sweater. Jisung was quite a clingy person in general but he had never wanted to hug someone so badly in his life. However, he also didn't want to scare him away.

"Are your glasses real?" Jisung asked curiously, glancing down for a moment before it became obvious that he was staring.

"Yeah, I woke up late so I didn't have time to put in contacts," Minho explained, then had to spell out contacts since Jisung hadn't learned the sign for it previously.

"You look cute with glasses." Jisung complimented, smiling once again at the color that spread across Minho's cheeks.

"Thank you," Minho signed quickly before doing what Jisung was starting to recognize as his usual routine every time he got flustered. He quickly looked away and made it look like he was now busy doing something else.

Jisung however wanted to remind him of one more thing before Mrs. Park began teaching.

He tapped Minho gently on his shoulder to gain his attention again.

"I can't wait to come to watch you dance after school," He signed and Minho pressed his lips into another line, preventing Jisung from seeing his smile.

"I can't wait to hear one of the songs that you wrote," Minho replied.

"Mrs. Park," Jisung called, earning his teacher's attention who was previously working on quickly grading their papers from yesterday. "Is the project still an option for me and Minho to do in order to bring my grade up?"

"But you already have a-"

"Is it still an option?" Jisung cut her off before she could reveal his grade which has already managed to go up to a B.

She shook her head a bit at how obvious Jisung was being but rolled her chair around to sit in front of them as she tried to think about what she could possibly assign them.

At first, she was just going to make them ask even more questions but they had already been doing that on their own anyway.

"Do either of you have an issue with taking some time outside of school, on a weekend day maybe?"

"No," Jisung quickly replied then looked over to Minho.


"Okay then, your assignment is to go spend a day together and then on Monday, come back and explain to me everything you did in sign language. You can ask Minho ahead of time if you aren't sure how to say something."

"Are you assigning us to go on a date right now?" Jisung asked, looking at her with wide eyes as Minho was nice again suddenly became amazed by the blank piece of paper on his desk.

"Well- I said to spend a day together but comprehend that however you wish." She gave Jisung a small wink before going back behind her desk.

"Minho," Jisung said, causing the older to look at him once again, his face completely red.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Jisung asked, knowing he could easily play it off as a joke if necessary though he mainly just wanted to see what his reaction would be.

"Maybe some other time, when it's not for a school project." Minho replied swiftly and now Jisung was the one madly blushing.

"Ok," Jisung replied, suddenly understanding why Minho was so fascinated but his desk.
