
Jisung rushed around Saturday morning, fixing his hair for the millionth time, adjusting his red hoodie and black jeans, applying a bit of light makeup, and spending a good 5 minutes putting on the shoes that made him a couple of inches taller.

He wasn't sure why he was freaking out so much when he was well aware of the fact that it wasn't a date but he convinced himself that he was just excited.

He ran downstairs, said but to his mom, then began making his way to the arcade he had told Minho to meet him at.

He surprisingly made it there about five minutes earlier than he was supposed to and sat down on one of the benches outside as he waited for him.

He decided to scroll through his phone and jumped slightly when someone swiftly sat down next to him.

He smiled as he looked up at Minho and said a small "hi," as the older waved in response.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Minho asked and Jisung quickly shook his head.

"No, but maybe we should have exchanged numbers before we made plans in case either of us ended up having to cancel."

Minho nodded and handed Jisung his phone so he could put in his contact then sent him a quick text so that they each had each other's numbers.

"I'm going to try to sign as much as possible today." Jisung signed once he slid his phone into his pocket.

"Have you been learning more?" Minho asked and Jisung nodded.

"Yes, and I actually learned something that I wanted to show you but I want to wait until after this."

"Show me?" Minho asked, confused as it seem as though the only thing Jisung had brought with him was his phone and wallet.

"Later," Jisung signed as the two went inside and both purchased a bunch of tokens to play the games.

Jisung would fully admit that it was a bit awkward at first as they barely signed a word to each other but eventually they became more comfortable and began acting like their normal selves again.

Jisung would blurt out stupid things that made Minho blush and Minho would hide his smiles and laughs to the best of his ability, now even trying to ignore his unsteady heartbeat due to certain words or actions done by Jisung.

He did forget about wanting to strictly sign pretty quickly but Minho didn't mind he would much rather hear his voice anyway.

Jisung at some point led them to a claw machine in which he tried to win several times but miserably failed at each attempt.

"It's rigged." Jisung pouted and dramatically laid his head on the machine.

Minho tapped his shoulder to get his attention then signed, "can I try?"

"Sure," Jisung responded and moved out of the way, taking Minho's previous seat as he watched the older attempt to win a plushie.

Or more so stare at Minho who looked even prettier as he concentrated or maybe it was the dim lighting that was making his eyes sparkle or simply just the fact that he is Minho. Regardless, this was the first time he had actually gotten the chance to admire him since they got there.

"Did you see?" Minho asked excitedly as he turned to Jisung who just stared at him blankly in response. "You weren't watching were you?"

"No." Jisung replied and looked back at the machine, "I told you that it's rigg-" Jisung began but Minho cut him off as he opened the small door at the bottom of the machine and handed Jisung a tiny bunny plushie.

"How?!" Jisung asked as he looked at Minho in disbelief.

"Maybe you should have watched instead of staring at me," Minho responded.

"It's not my fault that you're distracting," Jisung said allowed as the older's lips pressed into another line. "Now tell me your secret!"

"I used to play this a lot with my sist-" Minho began to sign but stopped himself due to what he was saying though Jisung could already tell what he was going to sign.

"You have a sister?" Jisung asked curiously. "Does she go to our school?"

Minho froze for a few seconds, unsure of how to respond. He realized that he was the one to mention it in the first place but he hadn't even realized that he was doing it. He was also well aware that it wasn't Jisung's fault for being curious about it but he needed to change the subject before he ends up ruining their entire day.

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked, blowing off Jisung's question as the younger took the hint of him not wanting to talk about it.

"No, I'm the only child," Jisung responded and Minho just nodded a bit. The younger then decided to change the subject since Minho seemed a bit tense so he held the bunny up to Minho's face. "It kinda looks like you."

Minho then softly shoved it back into Jisung's chest before signing "you can keep it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, this is the closest you will ever get to hugging me." He joked and Jisung pouted.

"I will be mentioning this comment to Mrs. Park on Monday," Jisung said but then smiled once he saw Minho holding back a laugh.

They played a few more games before deciding to take a break from not only the game but also the neon lights that were beginning to give both of them headaches.

Minho, who assumed that they would now be going back to their own homes frowned at the very thought. He hated himself for it because he was used to being lonely, or so he thought he was. He enjoyed it even, but now he dreaded it. He didn't want to go back to his small apartment by himself. He wanted to stay with Jisung but he knew he couldn't.

Unlike himself, Jisung actually had something to go back home to, he had a family and his other friends who he could hang out with.

But Minho was unaware that Jisung's want for the day to end was just as nonexistent as his.

"Do you want to go to a cafe?" Jisung asked and Minho immedietly nodded.

"I know this really good one that I usually go to with Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin," Jisung explained and Minho nodded.

"Lead the way."

They continued walking next to each other as Jisung led the way there, they didn't really communicate too much on the way there due to the fact that it would be difficult to sign while walking. However, their hands did in fact keep lightly brushing against the others and both of their faces heated up each time the tiny interaction occurred.

Once they got to the cafe Jisung walked to the corner of the shop as Minho followed him, slightly confused.

"What are you doing?"

"Letting you look at the menu first so that I can order for you," Jisung explained and Minho held back a smile due to the fact that Jisung had even taken it into consideration.

Not even his parents would do something like this when he was still living with them. They became annoyed when he refused to talk and would try to pressure him into it when they went places by saying stuff like "if you can't order for yourself, then you aren't getting anything."

Minho signed to Jisung what he wanted and the younger nodded as he walked over into the line and eventually placed their order, Minho had tried to give him money for them but Jisung completely ignored him and paid for both of them instead.

Since both of them ordered just a drink, they finished making them pretty quickly so they then went and sat down at a small table in the corner of the cafe.

"Do you have any questions about how to sign anything yet?" Minho asked and Jisung nodded.

"Arcade." He said and Minho showed him the sign.

"Bunny." He asked and Minho showed him but realized Jisung's hand positioning was slightly wrong so he gently grabbed his hand to fix it as Jisung smiled softly at how small the older's hands looked.

"And pretty."

"What did you see that was pretty?" Minho questioned.

Jisung pointed at him in response and Minho shook his head a bit but then showed him how to sign it.

"I'm gonna check what time it is," Jisung said, pulling out his phone to see that it had already been 5 hours since they began hanging out.

"Do you have to go soon?"

"Not necessarily, I don't have a curfew or anything." Jisung shrugged, unknowingly making Minho a bit happier knowing that it still wasn't over yet.

They continued to sign more, getting to know even more dumb details about each other while Minho also taught the younger a lot more new signs.

Jisung's phone buzzed a few timed and both of them glanced down, Minho accidentally reading a bit of the text which happened to be from Jisung's mother.


Hey sweetie, I hope you're having fun!

Did you eat breakfast before you left?

I hope you grabbed something for lunch

And try to be home in time for dinner

Love you!

Jisung laughed awkwardly and turned his phone over onto the table.

Minho ate a pretty late and big breakfast before meeting up with him and he was way too preoccupied to even think about food but he quickly realized that the younger may not have eaten anything yet.

"Are you hungry? We can go get something. I can pay since you brought our drinks." He offered but Jisung shook his head a bit.

"I'm okay, she's just a bit weird about making sure that I eat enough," he replied quietly, taking another quick sip of his coffee.

Now Jisung was the one who seemed tense rather than Minho. This was the first time Minho had seen him not either smiling, pouting, or looking fascinated at something. He looked nervous. But Jisung hadn't pushed any of his boundaries so he didn't want to push any of his either.

"What's that thing that you wanted to show me?" Minho asked, changing the subject for him.

They didn't have to know everything about each other, it was clear that they both had some subjects that they weren't comfortable talking about yet...but they would be eventually.

And they were both willing to give each other however much time they needed.
