
♪ you can show your tears that you've been quietly hiding ♪

Things going back to normal lasted two about two weeks, but then, everything seemed to be falling apart.

Jisung walked into sign language class with a smile, as per usual but frowned when he saw Minho sleeping on his desk, even more so when he moved closer and saw how swollen his eyes were along with some tear stains on his face. He felt his heart drop, something felt extremely wrong.

He kneeled down in front of Minho's desk and tried to gently wipe the tear stains from his face, without waking him up.

"Jisung, leave him alone please." He heard Mrs. Park say softly as he pouted and moved to take his seat.

"Did something happen?" He signed but Mrs. Park completely ignored him as she looked away and instead gained the class's attention, losing Jisung's in the process.

He spent the entirety of the period staring at Minho, hoping he would wake up so he could ask him what happened but he didn't. Even when the bell rang and the rest of the class had left, Minho stayed completely still.

"Minho," Jisung said softly as he moved to touch his shoulder to wake him up but Mrs. Park stopped him.

"Jisung, sweetie, I think you should go sit with your other friends today."

"I'm not going to leave him, something's obviously bothering him. I need to be here when he wakes up to make sure that everything is okay." Jisung explained softly.

"That's really sweet of you but trust me, he's not going to want any company. He'll end up saying something to you that he regrets which won't help anything so just try to give him some space, okay?"

"I don't care if he says something he doesn't mean, he's sad about something. I want to be here for him."

"Please, just trust me."

"No," Jisung responded, not moving from his seat as he looked back at Minho.

However, he did have to leave once the bell rang and Mrs. Park said that Minho could stay in her room for the next class period so he decided to leave and meet him in his last period so he could find out what was wrong.

Minho had already left by the time he got there. He wasn't answering any of his facetime calls or texts, and he was asleep the next day in class as well, except this class his eyes looked even more swollen.

However, this time Minho woke up in the middle of class but before Jisung could sign anything he had already grabbed his backpack and simply walked out of the classroom, Mrs. Park didn't say a word about it.

Jisung stood up to follow him but got stopped.

"Jisung, sit down."


"He's fine." She said and Jisung sat back down though it was driving him insane that she wouldn't let him do a singular thing to help.

For once, as soon as the bell rang, Jisung tried to run out of the classroom.

"Jisung." Mrs. Park said, grabbing his attention.


"Please, please just give him some space right now." She said but Jisung couldn't care less about her input on the situation.

He rushed out of the classroom and walked all around the school, looking at every place he could think of but he couldn't find Minho anywhere. one last place came to mind and he rushed to the old dance studio which was no longer used. He felt his heartbreak when he heard crying the moment he opened the door.

In his mind, he always imagined the first sound he would hear from Minho would be a laugh, or even a sneeze or cough...he never imagined  it would be loud sobs that were impossible for him to keep silent.

"Min," he said quietly as he sat down next to him, still giving him space as he inched closer to him, not wanting to make the situation worse.

He wanted to at least hold his hand to somehow provide him a bit of comfort but he was terrified to touch him at all.

(a/n i tried to write metaphorically but i think i'm too dumb to know how to make it make sense so-)

He had never really realized it but everyone at school treated Minho as though he was the most durable piece of plastic in the world. Saying things as if Minho couldn't hear them or as if none of their words could cause any damage.

And he was starting to think that it wasn't just people in school either.

But Minho wasn't plastic, he was glass, covered in cracks and now Jisung was scared the smallest touch would cause him to shatter.

Minho was shaking as he continued to sob and Jisung had no idea what to do, he was completely frozen in place.

"Min, take deep breathes, okay?" He asked but the older shook his head no.

"Leave me alone." He signed quickly as Jisung nearly started sobbing once they made eye contact for a split second. He looked so broken.

"I'm not leaving you alone right now," Jisung responded quietly.

"I don't want you here."

Jisung hesitantly reached out to hold Minho's hand but the older started shaking his head as he moved away.

"Minho, please, just take a deep breath." Jisung said, staying still in his spot away from Minho.

"Go away."

"No, I'm not leaving unless you come with me. I'll walk you home and then-" Jisung tried to say but stopped when he saw Minho sign something that caused his own eyes to tear up.

One of Minho's shards finally broke off and it scraped Jisung pretty badly in the process.

"I never wanted your help in the first place. Mrs. Park forced me to be friends with you so leave me alone."

Jisung stayed still, blinked a few times then felt tears fall down his face, not looking up at Minho who was also still crying.

"Can I please just walk you home?" He asked and Minho shook his head no.

"Do you really want me to leave?" Jisung questioned and Minho nodded.

"Okay...I'm sorry that I ever bothered you in the first place."

♪ don't be the only one hurting ♪

a little bit of angst </3
