
-not proofread-

"Then I kissed Minho's hand before I left. It made him blush and he looked really pretty." Jisung finished explaining to Mrs. Park as Minho tried to wave his hand in front of Jisung to get him to stop talking but resorted to laying his face down on the desk out of embarrassment.

"Sounds like an eventful day." She responded, "did you have fun Minho?" she asked but the older stayed still, with his head on his desk.

"Are you blushing again?" Jisung questioned, laying his head on his desk while still facing Minho as he gently poked his shoulder. "Minho."

"Well Jisung, your grade is a 100 now so good job," Mr.Park said and Jisung's eyes widened.

"It is? What did I get on the test on Friday?" He questioned as Minho also looked up out of curiosity.

"You got a 100." She replied, handing him his paper.

"Minho!" Jisung said happily and turned to show the older who was already giving him a thumbs up with a smile. "Mrs. Park..." He began, focusing his attention back onto his teacher.

"Yes Jisung...?"

"What if I want my grade to be higher than a 100 though?"

"You want a really crazy idea?"


"Ask him to hang out without it having something to do with my class." She recommended, already knowing why he was actually asking and Jisung laughed a bit.

Yes, he did want to ask Minho on a date but he was also terrified of doing so because he had never been on one.

He did have his little bursts of confidence like he did on Saturday when he kissed the olders hand but right now definitely wasn't one of those moments. And it wasn't helping that Minho was right next to him, hearing all of this.

"I'm gonna let you think on that one. I'll write both of you a note if you want to skip your next class since this took up your lunch. I have planning next anyway so you can stay in here." She said before leaving her classroom.

Jisung took a deep breath before looking over at Minho who now seemed to be more composed as he looked back, no longer laying on his desk.


"Hi," Minho signed back, "did you bring lunch?"

"Oh yeah-" Jisung said with a dry laugh, "I almost forgot." He reached down to grab his usual sandwich from his backpack before handing half of it to Minho.

"Are you sure that it's okay for me to eat half of it?" Minho questioned, knowing that there had to be some sort of reason as to why his mom was texting him so much about eating.

"I usually only eat half of it anyway and it's important for you to eat too."

"Thank you." Minho signed and quickly ate his half of the sandwich, maybe quicker than he should have but he wanted to talk to Jisung more, even if he was gonna have the entirely of next class period.

"Can you teach me how to sign the lyrics of 'Secret Secret?'" Minho signed and Jisung smiled as he nodded in response.

"Of course."

Did he ever get around to asking Minho on that date? No.

"Minho where's your next class?" He asked, noticing that the bell was about to ring and they did sadly have to leave this time.

"Why?" Minho asked, looking a bit pale from the sudden question.

"My next teacher doesn't care if I'm late so I want to walk you to your next class." Jisung explained.

"You don't have to."

"Please? I want to."

"No, I'm okay." Minho signed once again, "my next class is all the way across the school anyway."

"I don't care." Jisung shrugged as the bell suddenly rang, "please?"

Minho hesitantly nodded, hoping that for some reason this time would be different than all the other times that he is on the hallway since Jisung would be with him this time.

However, it didn't exactly work in his favor.

Jisung walked with him but not close enough to make it seem like they were necessarily walking together.

And Jisung was hearing everything that Minho hears in the hallways on a daily basis.

All the whispering, looks, comments, loud offensive insults, most of which Jisung didn't even want to comprehend but he had to. And so did Minho for who knows how long.

He noticed Minho looking down as he walked and gently grabbed onto his hand as they continued walking. It didn't make everything stop but it definitely worked as a form of comfort.

"This is my class, thank you." Minho signed, letting go as soon as they got there.

"Are you okay?" Jisung asked.

"I'm used to it. Bye," he responded quickly before rushing into his class, leaving Jisung with a frown on his face as he made his way to his own classroom.

He regretted pushing Minho to agree allowing him walk the older to class because he obviously didn't want Jisung to hear all of that but it was too late now.

Now Jisung was never going to let him walk alone in the hallways.

The next few weeks went neutrally well between the two. Jisung walked Minho to class whenever he could, which want in between every class but he did what he could without receiving a detention every day.

It made the talking in the hallways die down a bit, at least when he was there, he didn't know about that happened when he wasn't.

They hadn't hung out at all outside of school again but they still spent lunch together every day and continued to get closer.

Of course Jisung still managed to say stupid stuff that made Minho blush, which seemed like it was going to continue to happen no matter how close they got.

But Minho was confused. Jisung had mentioned it multiple times before and during the time they hung out for class but he seemed to completely forget about the date thing.

At first he thought that it may have just been a joke and Jisung was never actually planning on asking him on one but the more he tried to convince himself that, the less it made sense.

He wasn't the only one who blushed at the smallest compliments, Jisung did it too. Jisung was the one who continued to throw in flirty statements and compliments into their conversations. From the couple of times he had seen the younger interact with his other friends, he was quite touchy but never talked to any of them like he did Minho. Jisung had put so much effort to even be able to communicate with Minho in the first place and still was putting in the same amount of effort.

He hadn't lost interest and Minho was pretty convinced that their feelings were mutual.

And he was beginning to get a bit impatient.

They had just finished lunch in Mrs. Parks room, once again having no idea where their teacher had went but Jisung was about to walk Minho to class as that was now the usual.

"Wait," Minho signed as Jisung turned to look at him, confused. "I've been wanting to ask you something."

May have been a bit sudden but he couldn't wait any longer, it's already been nearly a month.

"What is it?"

"Will you go on a date with me?" Minho sighed and Jisung stayed still, cheeks flushed as he stared at him in shock.

"Did you just ask me on a date?" He asked, trying to confirm that he had ready that correctly and Minho nodded.

"You were taking too long to ask," Minho replied, now also blushing a bit out of embarrassment.

Jisung laughed a bit at Minho's response, "I would love to."

"Okay," Minho signed, trying to hide the fact that he was smiling as he grabbed the younger's hand so they could hopefully get to class on time.

Jisung of course by now could notice what he was doing and walked a bit faster as he moved his head so that he couldn't see Minho's face.

"You're so cute," Jisung complimented as Minho pushed his face away and sped up his walking speed.
