
Jisung explained what had happened on his date to his friends who didn't entirely seem like they believed him but he didn't really care. He just wanted to get to sign language class and see Minho again.

His classes felt five times longer than they actually did until he got to sign language where he immedietly approached Minho with a smile which turned into a confused look when Minho shoved a paper towards him and looked away, blushing lightly which confused the younger even more.

Jisung glanced down at the paper and saw that it was some sort of group or duo dance competition in their school and he assumed this was Minho's way of asking him to come to watch him dance.

"Do you want me to watch you perform?" Jisung asked aloud as Minho shook his head no before elaborating.

"It's a group or duo thing but I can't really work in either since no one knows sign language and everything would just get aggravating and confusing."

"I can ask Hyunjin and Felix to do it with you. Then I could just come when you guys practice and translate for you."

"I don't know if that would work very well either."

"Then, why did you show him the flyer?" Jisung asked, tilting his head a bit out of confusion as he did.

"Can you participate in it with me?" Minho asked, now blushing even more because he was embarrassed...and because he felt like he was asking for way too much but considering the fact that he had mentioned the idea to Mrs. Park, there was no way Jisung wasn't going to find out about it.

"I'm not good at dancing though."

"I don't care, it would still be fun...if you want to do it."

"Are you sure you don't care about how well we do?" He asked and Minho shook his head no, "then sure."


"Yeah, I had fun dancing with you last time so it should be fun," Jisung replied as a smile spread across Minho's face.

"It isn't for another 3 months since some people are going to take a while to get a group together but maybe we can think of a song within the next couple of weeks."

"Okay," Jisung signed and quickly looked up once Mrs. Park began teaching.


"Mrs. Park," Jisung said once class had ended and it was just them three alone in the room.


"Guess what?"

Minho seemed to catch on to where he was going and stood up, covering Jisung's mouth with his hand before he could say anything else and shook his head no.

Jisung then resorted to using the sign that he had learned the night of their date and pointed to Minho and then himself before signing "kiss."

"It took you guys long enough." She said with a small laugh, "I actually have a teacher meeting thing today though so I have to go."

Once she left Minho glared down at Jisung who smiled up at him innocently.

"What? I would have never talked to you unless she made me sit next to you. I at least thought that she should know."

"She's like a mom to me. No, she didn't." Minho responded. Then quickly noticed how that may lead to Jisung wondering about things that he didn't want to answer yet so he changed the subject. "Can we go on another date soon?"

"Of course," Jisung smiled, "I know I'm gonna be embarrassed when you do meet her but my mom has actually been wanting to meet you...she started making me teach her sign language so that she can talk to you. So maybe, if you're okay with it we can go to my house."

"When?" Minho asked.

"Hmm...you can come over tomorrow if you aren't busy."

"Okay...wait- why does your mom know who I am?" He asked and Jisung froze.

"I told her that I made a friend in my sign language class." Jisung responded, "and I obviously had to tell her who I was hanging out with when we went out."

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not," Jisung shook his head, not wanting Minho to know that he had been telling his mother about him before Minho even knew who he was.

"Do you talk about me?"

"Pfft no."


"Shut up," Jisung replied, not realizing that those words slipped out instead of his usual "stop it" and Minho definitely wasn't going to let the opportunity slip away.

"Make me."

"Minho-" Jisung sighed then figured out a better way to handle the situation rather than being embarrassed so he grabbed both of his hands as Minho glared at him.

"What? Isn't this what you wanted me to do?" He asked and Minho tried to move his hands away but the younger held on even tighter as he moved the slightest bit closer to his face. "Min, are you wearing makeup? It looks really pret-"

Now Jisung got cut off by Minho leaning down and pressing his lips against his quickly then shook his head no as Jisung finally let go of his hands.

"Why do you do stuff like that?" Jisung asked, dramatically slamming his head onto his desk before recollecting his thoughts and looking back up at the brunette. "Also, why are you embarrassed about it? I think it looks nice."

"I thought you looked really pretty so I got some makeup and tried to do it too but I didn't know what I was doing," Minho admitted.

"You're so cute," Jisung mumbled and grabbed Minho's hand to shake it a bit in order to get his attention. "I think it looks pretty but I can show you how I put mine on tomorrow if you want me to."

"Okay," Minho signed with a small smile on his face. "Did you bring lunch?"

"No, I'm sorry I forgot it today."

"Let's go get lunch in the cafeteria." Minho signed and Jisung quickly shook his head no.

Even before he sat with Minho, he refused to eat in the cafeteria and would eat in one of his classes instead.

When he used to sit with Jeongin, Seungmin, and Hyunjin they would sit at a table outside of the cafeteria where it wasn't as crowded, he has only really been inside of it once or twice. And he hated it.


"I'll go with you but I don't want anything."



"We can come back in here and eat, Mrs. Park wouldn't care," Minho reassured, guessing that might be the issue and assuming he was right when Jisung nodded in agreement.

The cafeteria wasn't a very enjoyable place for either of them. Minho heard a bunch of completely unnecessary comments as he usually would when he went anywhere in school where there were a lot of other students.

Jisung was too anxious to be much help at the moment and tried to order for them as fast as he possibly could.

Luckily both of them seemed to forget about it not long after it was just the two of them inside Mrs. Park's classroom together as they silently ate their lunches with small smiles on their faces.
