
"Han Jisung where the hell have you been?" His mother asked him the moment he opened the door to his house as Jisung just smiled at her innocently.

"Remember the pretty boy from my sign language class?"

"Can you please at least text me next time you go on a four-hour-long date after school?"

"It wasn't a date but we are hanging out again on Saturday."

"Is that a date?"

"No, he told me to ask him on one when it's not school-related," Jisung explained with a pout.

"I can't even be mad at you right now." She sighed as Jisung smiled and walked past her.

"If you do start dating him though, maybe you should teach me some sight language too for when I get to meet your 'pretty' future boyfriend."

"Really?" Jisung asked, quickly turning around to look at her.


"I will tomorrow. I'm extremely tired right now."

"Eat dinner first."

"But I'm no-"




He hadn't answered anyone other than Felix who happened to apologize for what had happened even though it wasn't his fault at all. He didn't even bother to look at Hyunjin's texts or Seungmin's because he knew it was just Hyunjin using Seungmin's phone and he didn't care what Hyunjin had to say at the moment.

Once he got to school he hugged Jeongin who was the only one in his immediate friend group who hadn't said anything messed up about Minho.

"Hi, Innie."

"Hey," Jeongin replied, quickly shutting his phone off and holding it off to his side.

"Were you texting your boyfriend?" Jisung questioned, interested in the younger's apparently existing love life.

"Don't have one."

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" Hyunjin asked, interrupting their conversation.

"I didn't feel like answering." Jisung passively-aggressively responded as he let go of Jeongin. "What was so important?"

"I'm sorry about being so mean towards Minho," Hyunjin replied and Jisung couldn't help but be slightly shocked by how quickly he was apologizing...'Felix really must have said something to him.'

Jisung just looked at him as if waiting for him to add more to it so Hyunjin continued speaking.

"I just- it's weird suddenly not seeing you as often every day and you're the comedic relief of our friend group. It's pretty boring without you there so I guess I may have gotten a bit jealous of Minho. Especially when you stayed to watch him practice because you used to do that for me too."

"Hyunjin- you're making it sound like you guys went through a breakup and you're not over him at all," Seungmin said, laughing softly at how serious his boyfriend was taking the apology. "Lunch is extremely boring without you though."

Jisung looked down as he tried to think of a solution but he most definitely didn't want to overwhelm Minho by introducing him to all of his friends, none of which knew any sign language, but he also felt bad ditching all of them.

However, they at least still had each other. Minho just had Mrs. Park and although she was a cool teacher, she wasn't necessarily a friend. And Minho was in desperate need of a friend...even if he didn't realize it.

"You do realize that we can always hang out outside of school together too, right? We don't really do that anymore. And if lunch is that boring just invite Changbin and Felix to sit with you. Felix can be the comedic relief."

"Considering that they don't already sit with us, I have a strong feeling they go somewhere to make out durring lunch." Jeongin added.

"Speaking of that...I have a question."

"About Felix and Changbin making out?" Seungmin asked back and Jisung quickly shook his head.

"Okay well, it's not really about that i guess but where's a good place to go on a date?"

"Minho asked you out on a date?!" Jeongin asked and Jisung once again quickly shook his head no.

"It's not a date this time but we're hanging out on Saturday and I don't know where to go."

"Well, are you trying to make it romantic or just a casual friend hang out like what we do?"  Seungmin asked.

"Not like what we do when we hang out," Jisung responded. "Cuter."

"Go to a karaoke room. That's always pretty fun and you can choose a love song." Hyunjin recommended.



"Oh. Right, I'm sorry I forgot. Wait- Minho's not deaf, right? He wouldn't be able to dance if he couldn't hear the music. So why doesn't he talk?" Hyunjin asked and Jisung stayed still for a few seconds, trying to think of an excuse since Minho didn't even entirely seem comfortable enough telling him that he was mute.

"Umm...I can't answer that." Jisung responded truthfully and Hyunjin looked slightly confused but didn't ask any further questions about it.

"Go to an arcade (by nct dream). It's pretty calm if you go durring the day and it's simple but still cute if you want it to be." Seungmin said and Jisung smiled at the thought.

"Love you Seungmin."

"I'm not saying it back." He replied and Jisung frowned.

"Bye, thank you for the idea, " Jisung replied once the bell rang and quickly rushed off to his class, wanting the day to be over as quickly as possible.


Jisung had completely forgotten about the test that they had in sign language that day. He may have been too preoccupied dancing with Minho the day previous to study but he wasn't too nervous about it...besides, hanging out with Minho technically was sort of studying. And if anything he could always ask Mrs. Park for another project. The first one already seemed pretty great anyway.

He and Minho didn't have much time to talk to each other before the test, which surprisingly took up pretty much the entire class period.

"How do you think you did?" Minho signed once all of the papers had been collected. The bell had already rung so now it was just the two of them and Mrs. Park who was grading the tests they had just turned in.

"I actually wrote answers this time which I didn't do on any previous test so I think I did better than usual."

"Why didn't you pay attention at first?" Minho asked and Jisung awkwardly laughed.

"I don't know."

"Was it too difficult? You seemed to learn it quickly."

"I may have been slightly distracted and couldn't pay attention."

"Extremely distracted,"  Mrs. Park corrected, sliding her glasses down as she glared at Jisung jokingly for a quick moment before going back to grading.

"Distracted by what?"

"Someone who sits in the front of the room who I thought was really pretty and I assumed was smart as well since he already knew a lot of sign language. So I may have been more focused and interested in him than the class."

Minho blushed once he came to the realization that he was the only one who sat at the front of the classroom.

"Another reason why you're strange," Minho signed, trying to ignore how sweet he thought it was that Jisung was curious about him, even before they sat next to each other. But unlike anyone else who claimed they wanted to get to know Minho, Jisung actually put effort and patience into it.

'There's no way I've developed a crush on someone this quickly', Minho thought to himself, looking back up at Jisung, 'I guess I did it anyway.'
