Vegeta and Tarble! The Saiyan Prince's Pride

Wait, Tarble- Vegeta said

Yes you know him- Damian asked

Yeah he's my little brother- Vegeta said


Finally, this land will be MINE- Tarble yelled


V... Vegeta, how are you alive- Tarble yelled

What do you mean- Vegeta said

I killed you along with our parents but how are you here- Tarble said

Vegeta then Went super saiyan and charged at Tarble

You fool, I have a far beyond that power beyond that- Tarble said going super saiyan 3

So it looks like I don't have to hold back- Vegeta said going into his ikari mode

What is that form- Tarble yelled

YOUR DEMISE- Vegeta yelled punching Tarble

Well then I WILL HAVE TO GO FARTHER- Tarble yelled at the Majin symbol appeared on his forehead

What in the - Vegeta said

Is that the MAJIN SYMBOL- Goku yelled

Oh no this is going to be bad- Momo said going super saiyan 2

VEGETA I GOT YOU- goku yelled going super saiyan god kaioken x20


GOONS ATTACK-Tarble yelled and an army of spillers charged into the village

I guess we have our own problem- bakugou said

Guys let's not hold back- midoriya said

I'll evacuate the citizen from the west gate when you deal with these guys meet us there- Damian said

I'll stay here and fight- Wukong said

No, you're helping me Wukong - Damian said

You're the leader here they need you it's my duty to protect the village now go- Wukong said unsheathing his sword

Fine but I better see you when this is over- Damian said

You bet- Wukong said getting into fighting position

Gohan then unleashed his potential as trunks went super saiyan

The ground then attack the lackeys and Damian evacuated the people

Tarble how could you where is your saiyan pride- Vegeta said

I left my pride when bibabi blew up planet Vegeta after I killed you and every one of royal descent- Tarble said

You bastard you'll pay for your betrayal- Vegeta yelled attacking Tarble

As from what I heard you were once a Majin but you denied the power and were save by the cheesy terrible attribute call love you'll never regain your place in the royal blood of the saiyan race- Tarble said

No, I have my Saiyan pride I am an earthling and a proud Saiyan warrior PRINCE VEGETA- Vegeta yelled

Vegeta then uppercut Tarble into the sky and punched him to the ground causing a creator

You talk about Saiyan pride when you've long since gotten rid of it YOU HAVE NO RIGHT CALLING YOURSELF A SAIYAN, GALICK GUN- Vegeta yelled

Where did he get this power is overwhelming, prince Vegeta you are truly one to admire, and that is why you MUST DIE BY MY HAND, GALICK CANON- Tarble yelled

FINAL FLASH- Vegeta yelled

The beams clashed as Vegeta pushed everything out of his body and killed Tarble with his beam

Goodbye brother I wish you could've been different, you have power and I want to fight you again- Vegeta said

Hey Vegeta could use some help over here, they're weak but when there's enough they are annoying-Goku yelled

Yeah I got you- Vegeta said going super saiyan blue

FINAL GALICK GUN- Vegeta yelled firing the blast and killing the goons

We did it- midoriya said

Yeah we did- Goku said

Let's meet up with Damian- momo said

(At the west gate)

Wukong- chi chi yelled

Daddy- gokong yelled

Hey guys- Wukong said getting tackled by his family

Where's Tarble- Damian asked

Dead, I killed him and I'm not proud of it- Vegeta said

What do you mean you saved us- a random villager said

He was my brother- Vegeta said

Oh I.. I'm sorry- Damian said

No, TRUNKS are we good-Vegeta yelled

Yeah we're good guys let's go- trunks said

The gang put their hands on the scroll and were teleported to another timeline

Goodbye Goku-Wukong said
