Someone Help! Trunks has been Injured

Gohan- Momo yelled

YOU WILL NOT HURT HER- Oozaru Gohan yelled

What the hell- King Vegeta yelled

Gohan Fired a ki blast from his mouth destroying the throne room

Gohan Grab us- Todoroki yelled

Gohan grabbed the gang and jumped away

All right Todoroki, your turn- Gohan said

Got it- Todoroki said freezing the cuffs

You guys planned this- Goku said

Yeah now we have to, where's the scroll- trunks said

You bastards, you'll pay for what you've done- King Vegeta yells

Well just see about that FINAL FLASH-Vegeta yelled

Flying through the sky with the royal army right behind them

FUSION HA- Goku and Vegeta yelled fusing into Gogeta

He put his hand into the air and collected the energy from the planet


Gogeta then went Super Saiyan blue and charged a soul punisher

As the smoke cleared King Vegeta blasted through the cloud hitting trunks in the chest

Defusing back into Goku and Vegeta, trunks was dying

TRUNKS- the gang yelled

You will not escape from me- king Vegeta yelled

MY BABY BOY- Vegeta yelled

Vegeta then charged and the king with rage in his eyes

Vegeta no- Goku said

VEGETA YES- Vegeta yelled firing a ki blast at King Vegeta

Gohan then flew down shrinking back into a human

Trunks- Gohan said

Vegeta Was enraged by his son's death and was in a rampage


DON'T TALK DOWN TO YOUR KING- King Vegeta yelled

DAMN YOU BASTARD- Veget Yelled firing a Final Flash

The Beam Hit him head-on and killed King Vegeta

Vegeta flew down to trunks

Trunks, Son Answer me- Vegeta Asked

F..father- Trunks stuttered


Goku brought Vegeta a senzu bean and gave it to trunks

Dad- Trunks said barely Conscious

We need to get back to his Timeline, Gohan how do we get there- Vegeta said

Let's go, guys- Gohan said pulling out the scroll of his timeline

(in trunk's timeline)

(At the Hatsume Residence)

OH MY GOD TRUNKS- Future Mei Yelled

He's Been Injured and we need help- Goku said

Future Mei Grabbed trunks and took him to his room

(after healing trunks)

Were here whats the problem- Future Goku said

Future Midoriya and Future Todoroki arrived along with Future Goku

Future Me- Goku said

Bakugou Told us to come here and Bakugou he wanted to see you- Future Todoroki said

Fine- Bakugou said flying away

How does he know where the lookout is- Future Goku said

They're basically the same person so they probably know where they are - Midoriya said

Hey past us we need your help- Future Goku asked

Yeah sure dad- Gohan said

They flew all the way to Ginger Town and found is desolate

What the hell happened here- Trunks asked

They found a news reporter talking about the town

This is Flash Stormwood reporting live for CQTV here on location in Giner Town, Mass Unadultared painc, Hal Just Moments ago screams erupted throughout only to be followed by a deafening silence, Now there seems to be nothing left but a ghost town, littered by the clothes of its inhabitants- He said

Okay that's Spooky- Goku said

Yeah we're just here yesterday but now there all gone- Goku said

Well, Hal, I cannot say for certain; however, recreational marijuana use was recently legalized in the region, So we can all come to the same conclusion- Flash said

What the hell is that- Todoroki said

Hold on someone is approaching, WHAT THEY HELL ARE YOU..AHISHUGH- Flash gargled as he was liquified and sucked out off his own body

Holy shit- Gohan said

(with Bakugou)

So what did you want me here for- Bakugou asked Future Bakugou

Go into your true form- Future Bakugou sai

Fine then- Bakugou said

They went into their Namekian forms and walked towards kami

So then you brought him- Kami Said

Katsuki its time for you to know the truth- Kami said

What truth- Bakugou asked

Your Father is not me, have you heard of Demon King Piccolo- Kami asked

Yes what does he have to do with this- Bakugou asked

Goku killed your father- Kami said

Bakugou was shocked and appalled by the comment

Goku my comrade, killed my father, and my father was Demon King Piccolo- Bakugou said

Yes as a child he killed your father and you were only an infant at the time- Kami said

That bastard, how could he even after I somewhat grew a rivalry with him- bakugou said

But don't take this the wrong way but Your father was a villain one of the biggest and Goku took him down- Kami said

Father its time- Future Bakugou said

Okay Katsuki its time that we fuse- Kami said

What do you mean- Bakugou asked

First, put your hand upon my chest-Kami said

Uh why- Bakugou asked

This is a technique that combines our power and I want you to take mine- Kami said

Fine let's get this over with- Bakugou said

Bakugou put his hand upon kami and kami then disappeared as bakugou absorbed his power

Thank you, father- Bakugou said
