I-Island part 3

The Party started yet none f your Gang hadn't arrived yet, fortunately, they'll miss out

Vegeta- Kakarot are you okay

Goku- I'm fine, just something feels off 

Goku ran in a different direction 

Broly- Where are you going

he ran through multiple corridors until they found an overhead of the ballroom

everyone  noticed that Bardock and All Might was tied up 

Midoriya- Jiro

she plugged her jack into the ground and Midoriya flashed his light to get their attention

All Might- They Have the place on lockdown the security is tight leave and get help

They left for the stairs and ran to the top

Vegeta- Damn, they got Bardock and All Might

Jiro- so what are we going to do

Gohan- wait, Trunks is still out there, maybe I can contact him

Melissa- Before that, we need to find a way to the control room

Midoriya- where is that 

Melissa- it's all the way downstairs 

Midoriya- Lead the way 

Goku- Alright lets go

They ran down the stairs and into the hallway where doors were being shut closed 


He busted the door down and they were in a courtyard place

Midoriya- Kacchan, Kirishima

that caught up with each other and 2 goons appeared

one of them shot a beam of water at Kirishima 


Vegeta- Trunks

Trunks- Todoroki- get them out of here

Todoroki used his ice as everyone besides Bakugou and Kirishima

Goku- I can't leave them

he jumped from the pillar down to the trio

Momo- GOKU!

Gohan- DAD! 

Goku- Don't Worry about me find the control room and get this place off of lockdown

they umped onto an overhead and ran

Trunks- Goku, Bakugou I need you to take the water guy out

Goku- Got it





The Blasts merged into one and hit the guy head-on knocking him out

Trunks and Kirishima Charged at the person as he activated his quirk his skin turns purple and his body bulked up

Trunks then went Super Saiyan 2 and Kirishima Unbreakable

Trunks Fired another attack in a way you wouldn't expect


the attack was shaped as middle finger

Kirishima-where did you learn that

Trunks- where do you think

Kirishima- Bakugou

Trunks- Bakugou

the attack did more damage than expected

goon- The fuck

he dropped to the ground dead

Trunks then disintegrated him leaving no trace left

Trunks- Gokuu go find Gohan, I'll take care of these guys

Goku- thanks

Goku Instant Transmissioned to Gohan who was Super Saiyan 2 and damaged and protecting Momo

he was then knocked to the wall knocked to base form

Goku- GOHAN!

Goku looked at the things that did it

Goku blasted it and more came through

he then gave Gohan a senzu bean along with everyone else

Gohan- Dad thank you

he then went Super Saiyan and Blasted more of the robots

Gohan- Midoriya, take melissa and get out of here

Midoriya took Melissa and left
