Midoriya's Breakdown, New Power Awakened

(Izuku's POV)

Why am I so weak I can't do anything, can't prote4ct Uraraka, Todoroki, not even All Might

He finally stopped running and knew exactly where he was 

My Apartment

(3rd pov)

He flew to the entrance of his "old" home and knocked on the door

Hello- A old lady said

There was no one there to answer her

Midoriya remembered what Goku had said

"If word got out that the past selves of pro-heroes have died it would've been a nationwide panic, none of us want that"

Midoriya Jumped away to Dagobah Beach where he used to train with all might

The place was empty, barren almost, The perfect place to train

RAAHHHHHHH- He yelled Charging his power

He Remembered Back at the Sports Festival the man Goku faced TienShinhan he was someone really strong and remembered one of his tricks "Multi Form", and He tried to copy it

For about an hour midoriya stood there trying to make a copy of himself until he felt a sharp pain of a punch against his face

He finally did it but he was left drained and the clone kept attacking him the best he could do was dodge but for brief moments he was able to charge his energy

Once he was at full strength he fought his clone

Yet something was off it was weaker than himself

Hey, why don't you go 5%- he grunted

The clone followed at they were at equal strength

Midoriya did all he could but his clone was somewhat evolving making clones off itself

Thank you Midoriya, Now it's time for you to die

What the heck- He said

In retaliation, we went 8% and beat down most off the clones

They got stronger by the moment and got way more aggressive, grabbed weapons, and bricks and many more lethal items

Izuku was angry that he couldn't do anything to defeat himself when 1 was defeated 2 more came in its place

He threw out his arm and Black Tendrils erupted from it

What the- He said

The same happened with the other

The tendril was semi-sentient they had control over themselves but followed the orders from Izuku

Two of the clones the giant pipes at him but the tendrils caught it

And he threw it right back at them

AGUH my arms- He cried

WAKE UP- Someone yelled

He then fell to the ground covered in sweat and his arms were, what looked like burn marks

You okay- Future Ochako asked

HOW DID YOU FIND ME- Midoriya yelled getting into a fighting stance

WOAH WOAH CALM DOWN, this is my Uraraka yours is still can android- Future Midoriya yelled

Your arms are they okay- "F" Ochacko asked


They were burned like whatever happened at the beach was real

What happened to me- Midoriya asked

Well I found you passed out on the beach You're arms scarred and your pulse was weak so I took you to my place- F midoriya said

How long was I out- Midoriya asked

3 days- F Ochaco said

3 DAYS- Midoriya yelled

Calm down- F Midoriya said

That power that scarred my arms it was- Midoriya was cut off

Black whip- F midoriya implied- I encountered it once but I need to tell you this, It's beyond dangerous and It can kill you
