I-Island Part 1


Hey Goku Wake up where here-Midoriya said hitting him on the head

Ow, what the heck-Goku yelled

Where here, where here- he yelled

We are-Goku asked

Yeah, Kakarot there's something here I want you to see-Bardock said

Yes, you're a deep sleeper aren't you young Goku-All Might said

Attention Passengers, The Plane will soon begin its descent to I-Island

This is going to be monumentally exhausting, but I'll have to maintain my muscle form in public constantly-All might said

Now time for you two to change, you did bring your hero costume correct-Bardock asked

Oh sweet-Goku said changing

This is shoot style Deku for other not his updated from the og movie and goku is in a different from the tournament and future arc, the Capsule Corp gi from SDBH

I still can't believe we're here-Goku said

Yeah, this place has a security system with the same stuff like at Tartarus prison-midoriya said

Both Midoriya and Goku were amazed by the sight

This place is full of stuff to see you two should occupy some time to see this stuff-Bardock said

Hell yeah-Goku said

Welcome to I-Expo... Masked Saiyan All Might-Staff Lady said

Everyone stampeded towards the 2 and the paparazzi were trampling the 2 students

(After Goku and Midoriya's trample)

Ow, ow ow-Goku said wincing from the pain

Well that took an unnecessarily amount of time to do that-Bardock said

We're going to be late if this continues, we won't meet up with an old friend-All Might said

UNCLE MIGHT-someone yelled

Who's that- Goku asked

This is my friend's daughter Melissa, melissa these are my students, my son Kakarot, you can call Goku and this is Izuku midoriya- Bardock said

Oh hello, my name is Melissa shield- She said

Um, weren't we going somewhere-Gokku asked

Oh yes, Melissa mind taking us to your father-All might asked

(in the Lab)


SO what do you guys have here-Goku asked

Well the real question is what don't we have-Melissa answered

They walked into a large exhibit where multiple gadgets and machines along them


The scream was very familiar to the boys and was somewhat scared of it

Oh crap- they said

What wrong-Melissa

That voice-Midoriya said

The man walked out of the machine

Oh crap, crap, crap ,crap-Goku said

Vegeta-Midoriya whispered

Who's Vegeta-Melissa asked

A man was thrown outside of of the Cubical

This thing is stronger than I thought-Vegeta said

AH CRAP VEGETA-Goku yelled

KAKAROT-Vegeta yelled


The real question is what you're wearing-Goku asked

Hey Deku-Ochako said

Goku-Momo said

Uraraka-Midoriya yelled

Momo-Goku yelled
