A Barren Timeline! Quirks Don't Exists

Goku and Vegeta Woke up after eating the Senzu Bean

Goku can you explain what happened- Momo said

Vegito his power was on a whole new level beyond our Vegito fusion, but unlike ours, he's a Majin- Goku said

A Majin, like Vegeta- Todoroki said

Yes, When he defused it was us but I was a Majin and Kakarot was him but different his energy wasn't his like his body was being used by someone- Vegeta said

Yeah, the energy was way off from my own- Goku said

Dad, Mom are you okay- Gohan asked

Yeah I'm fine, how are you- Momo said hugging

We need to talk, Vegeta, Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki would you mind coming with us- Gohan said

Yeah let's go- Todoroki said

(somewhere in private)

Dad do you still have the scroll I gave you back in the exam- Trunks asked

Yes it's right here- Vegeta said holding the scroll

Trunks take the scroll and closed his eyes

Good its all still here, now everyone put your hand on this - trunks said

Everyone put there hand on the scroll as they were teleported to a desert

Where the hell are we how did we get our hero clothes on- Vegeta said

The scroll is somewhat sentient it puts the needed uniform of clothing on for the timeline so it decided to put you in your hero uniforms here up these on- trunks said handing out bracelets

What do these do- Momo asked

They keep your costumes on whenever we time travel - Gohan said

Walking through the desert they come across a giant wall

HALT- the guard yelled

What is going on- Todoroki said

The guard jumped from the top of the gate and landed in front of the gang

Goku- Midoriya said

Who the hell is Goku- he asked

Wait if you're not Goku then who are you then- Todoroki asked

The name is Son Wukong, and you guys are - Wukong asked

Hey my name's Goku, this is my girlfriend Momo, that's my son Gohan, here's Vegeta, Midoriya, Todoroki, Trunks, and Bakugou- Goku explains

Hm nice to know, come one in- Wukong said

(in the village)

So then I'll take you to out the head leader and then we'll stop by my house- Wukong said

Hey off-topic question, what's your quirk- Midoriya asked

What the hell is a quirk- Wukong asked

You don't know what a quirk is, well it's basically a superpower- Midoriya said

Well I don't know where you're from but so said "Quirks" Don't exist- Wukong said

(At the Head Leader office)

Oh Wukong what do you need- Head Leader said

Head leader I have found refugees and I would like for you to meet them- Wukong said

Walking into the office Midoriya Noticed something Very familiar about the leader

ARE YOU ME- Midoriya yelled

Hello my name is Damian- Headmaster said

D...damian - Midoriya said

Beside me, Damian is the strongest person in our village- Wukong said

So then these people are like this but they have different names and no power yet these 2 are the strongest in the village so 50/50 chance on fixing this place- Gohan thought

(Back At U.A a.k.a our Timeline)

GUYS THEY'RE GONE- Kirishima yelled

What do you mean- Uraraka asked

Goku Bakugou everyone they're gone - Kirishima said

The Same Portal from before opened up were Villain Midoriya and Uraraka popped through

Hmm the boys along with Todoroki are gone well then take yourself Ochako- Villain Midoriya said

Villain Ochako Charged at Urarake sending black energy at her trapping her in a netting of Evil energy

Uraraka- Mina yelled blasting a wave of acid at the doppelganger

GETAWAY FOM HER- Broly charged at the two with rage and sent a ki blast at them

BACK OFF- Villain Ochako yelled sending a shockwave of energy at them

LET'S GO- Villain Midoriya yelled

Villain Ochacko grabbed Uraraka and left through the portal

Whe... where did they go - Jirou said

They're gone and they took Uraraka with them- Tsuyu said
