Separation, Loss, and Something New

(Kirishima POV)

HEY WAIT UP- a familiar voice calls

"Oh hey Mina"

How ya feel- she asked

"Just trying to get my stuff together, Losing all might like that, just haunting"

I know and Tokoyami as well- she said sadly

I saw start to choke up I was feeling the same way so I wrapped my arms around her

"It's gonna be okay"

(in otherworld)

What in the, where am I, my quirk, I'm human again- Tokoyami said

Welcome to another world- King Yemma said

What's going to happen to me- Tokoyami asked

You along with Toshinori or as you may know all might are going to be BY REQUEST to King Kai's planet- King Yemma said

King Kai, Goku mentioned him before he's the one who taught him kaioken, has he died before- tokoyami thought

Well at least you're not going on foot here's the transporter, it'll take you to the end of snake way- King Yemma said sending him through

(At the end of Snake way)

Holy crap how long is this thing aaAAA- Tokoyami was pulled all the way towards a planet gravity was pulling extra hard on him

Welcome Tokoyami, Goku told me about surprised you're dead 2 things don't annoy me and don't eat my food- King Kai said


SHUT UP BOJACK- King Kai yelled

(With Kamijirou)

So where are you going- Jirou asked

Eh where ever I can afford I'd never expect to be in a post-apocalyptic/recovered future and lose my friend and it was so fast in a blink of an eye- Kaminari said

Wow I've never heard you so serious- Jiro said

I can't play around anymore, Seeing how I can die in battle I can't be the clown anymore not until we get home safe- Kaminari said

hey um off-topic question, well after today I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while so can you like sleep in my room until we get home, our home- Jirou said

Kaminari blushed after hearing that

Sure- Kaminari said

(With Tsuyu)

Than you for letting me stay where- Tsuyu said

No problem seeing what you're going through I can relate to that pain, losing Mei even if it was for only a few minutes it hurt like hell on the inside, but here's some advice surround yourself with people you care about it'll help- Future Vegeta said

He left the room and left her by herself

Tsuyu, can you hear me- Tokoyami said telepathically

Tokoyami- Tsuyu said

If you're wondering how we're talking its trough king kai the man Goku was talking about- Tokoyami said

I can't believe it - Tsuyu said

I'm here to tell you that I will be looking over you always- Tokoyami said

I...I love you- Tsuyu said

Hmm I love you too, Goodbye Asui- Tokoyami said leaving
