Our Team Develops the Results of our Training

Why are you here- Goku asked

To Give you a Chance- V Momo said

A Chance for what- Goku said

To save her, If she can't control her Super Saiyan 2 form it will kill her one day and you won't be there to stop it- She said

Goku then Charged at her and his hits did nothing to her like they were phasing through her

Dammit, why can't I hit you- Goku said going Super Saiyan

V Momo then gut-punched Goku, causing him to power down

If you want to save her then you can't transform use your power, not multipliers- V Momo demanded

In secret Villain Momo was really training Goku to use his base form as his power and not relying on transformations, and throughout the 3 days the Fighterz train their body and powers to their limit

(1 week Later)

Oh look who decided to come out- Mr.Popo said

Trunks and Vegeta exited the Time Chamber and their power had an amazing Difference

Hmm so 3 years and 4 days have done you good- Mr.Popo said

4 days- Trunks said

I muted the time dilation those "4 years" was actually 4 days- Mr.Popo said

Why- Trunks asked

Because Fuck it- Mr.Popo said

Well we should be on our leave- Vegeta said

Bye- Mr.Popo said creepily

(With the other)

Midoriya ready- Kirishima said

yep, 20% vs Hardened power- Midoriya said

Okay 1 attack full strength- Bakugou yelled

GO- Uraraka yelled


The jumped at each other and Midoriya kicked and Kirishima punched his foot that attacks caused a crater the size of a basketball court (For measurement)

Wow it seems like weren't the only ones who've gotten stronger- Vegeta said

Yeah you and trunks have gotten very strong in the past week- Gohan said

Yes and I have ascended beyond as well- Vegeta said

Really- Bakugou asked

I would like to show you Super Saiyan 4

Super Saiyan 4- Gohan asked

Yes, a level beyond Super Saiyan 3 and Far Beyond the strength of Super Saiyan Blue- Vegeta explained

He trained me as an Oozaru and he transformed into this when he turned Super Saiyan as an Oozaru- Trunks said

Trunks, Vegeta you have really grown- Broly said

Same with you- Vegeta said

yes I now have full control over my Legendary Super Saiyan form, yet I haven't Mastered it though- Broly said

Well that's an impressive boost you have- Trunks Admired

(With Goku)

This is your Last Chance to Beat me- V Momo said

Yeah, I beat you today- Goku said

His Power is far beyond what it was before we began, beyond his former Super Saiyan God Form, if I was to estimate in his god form 250 billion at full power and now 500 billion in base- V Momo Thought

I guess I can't hold back anymore, Goku H- V momo said

The fought with pride in the mindset, Goku because he has reached a level more powerful than his god form, and Momo because she helped Goku reach his new power

Goku easily dodged her attacks and had an opening for one fatal blow

Goku punched V Momo in the stomach as he punched through her abdomen

Congratulations Goku, you saved Momo- V Momo said Dying

Goku then Buried his Mentor, fully know that she was training him to stop All might

Thank You Momo, this power won't go to waste- Goku said flying off

(Back with the Gang)

Well it's nice to see you again Kakarot- Vegeta said

Same with you Vegeta- Goku replied

Your Power Impressive, stronger than Super Saiyan God- Vegeta said

Same with you Vegeta We both may have different ways but we keep getting stronger- Goku said

The three of us are all going to need new uniforms though- Trunks said

I agree with trunks- Goku said

Well Vegeta Trunks we made some for you- F Mei and Mei said

Oh great, well it doesn't look that bad- Vegeta Said

Well I'm going to check on Momo I'll see you guys later- Goku said walking off

(in her room)

Momo- Goku said

Goku is That you- momo asked

Yeah I'm Right here- Goku said

Momo was sitting on the bed looking out the window and Goku sat right next to her

How long was I out- Momo Asked

A week, and I wasn't there for you- Goku said

Momo laid her head on his shoulder and started to hug him

I have a feeling that it had something to do with me- Momo said

I saved you, I killed your duplicate, and she trained me for that week and now I'm stronger than ever- Goku said

Your clothes show it, Before we left our other selves house my future self gave this to me, it was something she never gave the future you but she wants me to give it to you so here- Momo said giving Goku a box

It was a brand new gi made by the future Momo

Thank you- Goku Said going to put it on

I promise you all might the next time we fight it will be the last- Goku said walking off
