Universe 17's Last 5 Fighters

After the Break Aizawa was in the next fight against someone named dyspo

So this Old man, against me-Dyspo mocked

Alright eyes on him, Can't blink-Aizawa said

The fight began and Dsypo was at the speed of a national runner

My speed, it's gone-Dyspo yelled

Aizawa kicked him across the face and grabbed him in a headlock

Don't Blink-Aizawa thought

His eyesight was then blinded by a flashing light causing him to blink

Dammit, Lost him-Aizawa grunted

He was then kicked out of bounds

Dyspo from Universe 11 wins-Grand Priest announced

Aizawa and Midoriya are out, Guys don't let your guard down during these fights, we might get putted against each other but if one of us can make it to the finals, win the gold-Goku said

The Fights went on and on, and our team went down, leaving Todoroki, Kirishima, Goku, and Vegeta

I'm disappointed in you Kaminari-Vegeta said

He was still retarded as he went over is limit and discharged himself

Are you sure you're okay, Uraraka-Midoriya asked

Yeah Deku, I'm fine-Uraka said

She was fighting another version of Stain, which in his universe he killed All Might

Bakugou was against Frieza, luckily, the match ended before he could kill him, it was to close, Bakugou though is unconscious

Iida's fight is going on right now, he's against a "Captain" Ginyu guy


Ginyu was knocked into the air

THIS ENDS NOW-Iida yelled


He used the speed and was bursted above him and ended it with one last kick 

TENYA IIDA WINS -Grand Priest yelled

Alright-Goku yelled

Nice Job Man-Kirishima Complimented

Well with that were in the Semi-Finals -Todoroki said

It was another Intermission and our team senzued up and prepared for the match

Nice Job Guys-Bardock Complimented

Thanks dad-Goku said

Yet there are 5 of you, you need to be more careful-Tokoyami said

How's Bakugou-Ojiro asked

Still, Unconcious, that Frieza guy really did a number on him-Kirishima said

Whis walked towards the group in awe seeing how the 5 he expected to pass through did

Hey whis-Goku said

Just as expected you 5 would go through-Whis said

You knew we were passing-Vegeta said

No, I predicted it-Whis said

Hey whis, can we talk in private-Goku asked

Yes we can-Whis said

They walked to a secluded area away from everyone else

Can you Give this to Universe 7-Goku asked giving whis a Button

What is this may I ask-Whis said

Well, I've been noticing their teams power, and their Goku is really powerfull, unfortunately, we're in a different division so we won't be fighting, so I had Mei make this thing for us to meet and fight or anything else they may need-Goku explained

Son Goku, one of the unexpected, Consider it done-Whis said leaving

(With Shadows team)

Goku-Oh whis what's up

I'm sorry but I'm not the whis you know, I am one from Universe 15-Whis said

Goku-So what is it that

A device that'll call our universe, my Goku really wanted to fight you so he got his friend to Make a device to call our universe and Vice Versa-Whis explained

Goku-uhh, Thanks

Well, I'll be on my way ta-ta-Whis said leaving

Goku-Why Do I feel like I'll need this later 
