Time For Revenge, Class 1-A's Assault

(Outside an Old Warehouse)

This Place Brings Back Memories- Midoriya said

Yeah, this is where it all started- Gohan added

All for One's warehouse- Goku said

Well we should wait for them by now they probably sense our energy- Vegeta said

Well they're already here- Momo said

Black, Todoroki, Kaminari, Tsuyu, Tokoyami, Bakugou, Jiro, and Uraraka Dropped from the ceiling and stood across from their enemy

Ready to die- Black asked

No one is dying today, except for all of you- Goku said

Well let's not waste any time and fight already- Todoroki said

Finally, something we can agree on- Vegeta said

They all charged at each other with Vegeta going Super Saiyan 4, Trunks Super Saiyan 2, and Momo Super Saiyan, Goku stayed in his base form

Black made a sword of Ki and went to stab Goku, It made contact, but had no Damage

Is that all- Goku asked

He grabbed the sword and broke it with a slap

I'm going to make sure there isn't a trace of you left- Goku said charging a Blast

Hey If you Fire that thing at me, you'll destroy all of your original power- Black yelled

Goku stopped in his tracks as Black started to calm down

I don't need it- Goku said Killing Black and destroying his power along with him

Vegeta Had the offensive on V Todoroki and took every chance he could to knock him into the ground

How, where have you gotten this power-V Todoroki asked choking on his blood

From sheer will power and not stollen energy-Vegeta said Picking him up by his hair

Begone- Vegeta yelled


V Todoroki was gone, killed like his Comrade


The Shockwave sent V Uraraka back

Ow, Deku Are you really going to kill me- V Uraraka asked

I already have her back, so I don't mind killing a Creation of Villainy of her- midoriya said


Goodbye Doppelganger, hope you never comeback-Midoriya said


Wow, at the beginning these guys were a handfull now there no more than a side task- Kirishima said

DAMN YOU-V Kamianri said


He's out for the count now, thanks for the assist Kirishima- Kaminari yelled


My attacks are so much stronger, I have to thank Goku for this- Momo said

Now is not the time for recognition- Jiro Yelled

Bakugou throw her in the air- Trunks yelled

Bakugou threw V Tsuyu into the air as trunks went into his new form


V Tsuyu was then killed from the attack

Frog Villains' dead- Bakugou yelled

Well that's a way to put it-Gohan said

Hey Gohan, wanna get beaten up again- V Bakugou asked

No, not this time, Bakugou because here I have the advantage- Gohan said

Oh really show me the light show- V Bakugou taunted

Gohan went into his Super Saiyan form yet kept his normal state

This Take's a lot out of me so I'll have to end this quick- Gohan yelled

He then went into his Potential Unleashed form

I Call this Unleashed Super Saiyan- Gohan said

Gohan Charged a Masenko and Vanished Below Bakugou

MASENKO HA- Gohan yelled

V Bakugou's body was destroyed from the blast

All that was left as Tokoyami

Well, heroes, I guess you have the power to challenge me-All might yell

The heroes gave a menacing look at him

Well I don't need you pawns anymore- All might said killing Tokoyami

Broly then Fired a Ki blast from his mouth and Scarred his hand

You challenge me-All Might Threaten

Fine, let the fun begin
