Bakugou's Rage, and more androids


Okay evil bug thing lets fight this guy- Goku said going Super Saiyan charging at the thing

GOKU STOP- Future Goku yelled

KAMEHAMEHA- Goku yelled

The Humanoid being raised his palm and blocked the blast with a blast of wind

WATCH OUT ASSHOLE- Bakugou yelled drop kicking Goku out of the way

Bakugou, why are you here- Goku asked

Don't talk to me after this I want my revenge- Bakugou said

What do you mean- Goku asked

Piccolo went into his true form and looked at Goku

Revenge for my father- Bakugou said

Wait you are king piccolo's son- Goku asked

Get out of here before I kill you- Bakugou said

Goku walked away with a serious look on his face

Hey you freak I'm in a bad mood so you'll be my punching bag got it- Bakugou threatened

oh, oh, oh okay then- he said

The Being Charged at Bakugou but when he attacked his punch did nothing to him

You think that will hurt me- bakugou said

He then uppercuts the thing into the air and vanished on top of him and slammed his head into

The ground

What the hell kind of power do you have just who do you think you are- The thing said

I'm God now bow- Bakugou said blasting the creature far away but not killing it

Kacchan- Midoriya said


What do you mean- Vegeta yelled

BAKUGOU CALM DOWN- Future Bakugou yelled

No, he will pay- bakugou said enraged

It's fine I'll fight him but bakugou this isn't the time or place- Goku said

Bakugou launched at Goku and fired a giant flame at Goku

Goku knocked back the flame and punched bakugou dead in his chest

In a counterattack, bakugou blasted Goku in the chest shocking him and immobilizing Goku

AP SHOT- Bakugou yelled firing multiple shots at Goku

Goku then went into his Super Saiyan God form and Kicked him around the neck

DAMMIT ASSHOLE- Bakugou yelled

They Blasted Giant Blasts at each other and knocked themselves far back

(With Villain Class A)

Is it done- Goku Black asked

Yes Cyborg S and U are complete and ready for travel- Villain Iida said

Good let's send them out- Goku black said

The Pods then Teleported away

(Back at Goku vs Bakugou fight)

YOU BASTARD- Bakugou yelled

RAHHH- Goku yelled they fired giant blasts at each other but the blasts were destroyed by something else

Holy- Gohan said

Shit- Midoriya said

Well well well long time no see friends- Todoroki said

Hey Deku, I've really missed you sweetie- Uraraka said
