I- Island Part 2

Both Goku and Midoriya were shocked as both their girlfriends were there

Momo-  Goku mind telling me why you're here and who she is

Goku- Hold on Momo, this is just a friend of my dad is nothing but a friend 

Midoriya- yeah what Goku said, its nothing but a friend

Both of the girls looked suspicious yet the greeted themselves to her 

Jiro- I'm being ignored as well

Goku- oh sorry didn't notice you, oh, and Boly how you've been 

Broly- I've been fine Kakarot

they walked outside and found 2 more familiar faces

Midoriya- Kaminari Mineta

Kami- Hey guys surprised to see you here

Goku- Same here what are you 2 doing here

Mineta- we needed some money and how could we miss out on going here

Tenya- Nice to see you here too Goku, Midoriya

Midoriya- Iida good to see you

Tenya-my internship brought me here and I had some free time so I went to go look around

before they could continue talking some more a giant explosion (Not from Vegeta) came from an arena

Vegeta-the hell is going on over there, if there are any explosions around here it's by me destroying something

they all ran to the place and found this

Goku was up next and he destroyed everything in a matter of seconds

Announcer Girl- 3....3 seconds flat

Vegeta- Out of the way Kakaot

before the trial started Vegeta went Super Saiyan 4 blue 

the trial begin as soon as it ended


Announcer girl- 2..... seconds

Broly- Me now

he went into his Ikari form and floated down to the platform

announcer girl- begin

Announcer girl- 0.5 seconds

the entire arena was destroyed and everyone beside class a was jaw dropped

Goku- wow we really did a number on this place

Momo- what did I tell you about holding back

Goku- But Vegeta and Broly transformed and caused most of the damage

???- Hey guys, Mom Dad how to have you been

Both Goku and Momo were surprised by this voice

Goku & Momo- Gohan?

Momo jumped into her future son's arms and goku patted him on the back

Goku-how you've been man

Vegeta- is Trunks with you

Gohan- Nah he's back with the ship

Melissa was the weirded out by the entire ordeal from the Saiyans to "Future" Son

Melissa- may I ask what is going on 

Midoriya- oh yeah, okay long story short, he is their son from the future and Goku, Vegeta, and Broly are part of a warrior race that is barely extinct with them being one of the last few full-blooded ones alive 

Melissa- okay I'll try to understand that

they all went to get something to eat and melissa invited them for something to the formal buffet

(That night with Goku and Gohan)

Goku- so what'cha wearing

Gohan-I bought something a while ago so yeah I got something same for you

He held two suits up and threw one to goku

(in the lobby)

Goku and Gohan showed up and Midoriya was waiting there 

Goku- you look good

Midoriya- you look good you too

Everyone else showed up and when Jiro and Momo showed up and Goku obviously blushed when we saw her

Melissa then arrived and they left for the party
