The Multiverse Tournament

This is my team pov if you want the main detail go to Shadow2190 he has the good stuff, sorry for being out Family Death issues so chapters will be spread apart kinda thanks for cooperation 

Well, is everyone ready-Whis asked

The Team going into the tournament and in their traditional hero uniforms

Yeah were good-Bakkuou said

Any other spectators-Whis asked

KAKAROT-Gine yelled

Mom-Goku asked

She landed and clocked Goku upside the head

Ow ow ow ow, what was that for-He asked


Sorry, Kakarot I tried-Bardock said

Well nice of you to mention, mind grabbing them-Whis asked

Gine grabbed Class 1-A from their classes and dragged them out

Why can't I be on the team- Broly asked

Sorry but you can't control you power that well if you went outa control who'd know what'll happen-Goku explains

Why are we here-Mina asked

To watch the tournament-Whis said

CAN WE JUST LEAVE ALREADY-Vegeta and Bakugou yelled

Ok in a rush we see-Whis said

They all gathered around him as they teleported to the arena

Wow, This place is huge- Kirishima said

Well you best be on your way- Whis said sending them off

Momo and Gine hugged Goku before they left

Well be cheering you on from the stands-They said

Yeah, see ya guys-Goku said walking off

(In the Arena)

DAD-Gohan Yelled

Oh hey Gohan, You're Here too-Goku asked

Yeah, its trunks and some of our comrades here-Gohan said

Hey Goku, Father-Trunks said walking towards them

It's nice to see you guys again-Midoriya said

Wait who's on your team-Trunks asked

Its, Us, Kacchan, Kirishima, Todoroki, Uraraka, Kaminari, and Aizawa-Goku said

Well we best get back to our team see you guys later-Gohan said walking back


What is it -Vegeta asked

look-Todoroki said pointing over to a team

Its them-Bakugou said

The Saiyans-Goku said

Yeah, they're back, and stronger-Bakugou added

Seeing the other groups it's probably best we don't hold back from now on-Uraraka said

Oh, Katsuki I forgot to say this, lose the gauntlets, this tournament its raw strength and power only-Whis said

Bakugou then took off his grenades and other weapons and neck guard

Wait why you take that off-Goku asked

It's weighted, Round-face did say we shouldn't hold back so I'm not-Bakugou said

The tournament finally started and everyone was psyched

Now then for the first match Frieza vs Nappa from Universe 14

The Fight ended as soon as it started, Nappa was Killed

For people who want to know the fight read Shadow's story he has the detailed version

Weak, in this universe, and the others-Vegeta said

Vegeta was his normal self but he had hints of disappointment on his face

For the Next Fight, Son Goku from Universe 7 vs Magetta from Universe 6-Grand Priest yelled

This Goku was a lot like ours yet his arm was still intact

Heh, this version is a lot stronger than others a little bit stronger than me-Goku said

Are we talking about the base or transformed- everyone asked

Were a lot alike but he has something up his sleeve-Goku said

For people not knowing this isShadow's Goku so yeah curious about him go read his story

The Fight was interesting but quick as the others he fought him and won with.. insults

Now Then, Goku From Universe 17 vs Gohan from Universe 16-Grand priest yelled

The two were beamed to the platform and the countdown started

Hold on I can't fight him, he's my son-Goku retaliated

Yeah, I can't fight him-Gohan yelled

3, 2, 1 BEGIN-Grand Priest yelled

Gohan From Universe 16 has been eliminated

You did good son-Goku complimented

Thanks, dad-Gohan said passing out

Now let's continue the matches-Grand Priest yelled

Goku left to get something to eat

Hello again, Goku-Kakarot said

Hey-Goku said

I really hope we fight Again, I want to kill you for the good of the Saiyan race_ Kakarot said

Well I Don't think we will anytime soon, haven't you seen the brackets, we're in 2 whole divisions -Goku said

Kakarot grunted in frustration from this

But I promise you, we will fight again, and I will win-Goku said

Well I'll be anticipating that match-Kakarot said walking off

Goku had many things on his mind but had one goal: Win the Tournament
