chapter 9 ✩₊

a/n; its 4 in the morning so if shit doesnt make sense then thats my bad. also a bit short since im getting back into the feeling of like. making shit up. but we keep grinding. also im not gonna follow the plot anymore so. yeah <3 actually before i start i just wanna mention some guy asked for my feet pics and i think that's so fucking crazy bc what. i thought we were all joking abt the foot fetish thing.

its a cold afternoon, you're sitting on the couch besides the fire with harry as students pass by to go to their dorms.

you two stay on the couch. well, youre mainly staying since harrys giving you a weird look. 

a look that says "you need to sit down because im about to reveal a life changing secret to you. either that or im about to confess my never dying love." and yes it really does say all that.

"y/n i keep,, hearing voices." now youre the one giving harry a weird look. "what voices?"

silence follows your question. the common room is almost completely empty now. harry contemplates telling you. would you think hes gone absolutely insane? would you really do that? its too late to be a pussy though. "harry?" you break the silence.

"someones voice,, they want to kill,," he tells you. "you know what i think harry?" 


"it's way past your bedtime." you answer. honestly, nothing a good old nap can't fix. everyone starts hallucinating a bit when its late! ( funny story i actually have been hallucinating a bit so. i get him fr.) "no no, i'm being serious." he replies seriously as if you weren't being serious.

what's up with men assuming that women aren't ever serious? seems pretty misogynist to you. why are you, as a men, as a MALE, assuming ANYTHING in the first place? 

"what time do you usually go to bed harry,, i think you might wanna brush your teeth soon?" you say and pat his back, signalling him to get up. he does not get up. "i dont sleep at 8 pm y/n." his tone is dead serious. but so are you.

"okay badboy, calm down! dont break too many rules now!" you pat his back some more, this time for mental support since you genuinely do feel like he's been a bit unwell mentally. he takes a deep breath and gets up. "quit joking." he snaps. it's the first time that he has found you annoying. before this, he always thought you might be the most trustable friend he has. and the prettiest one. "i'm not,, maybe you've gone a little insane?" you reply as you force him to sit back down.

he still thinks you're his prettiest friend. maybe even the prettiest girl he has ever seen in his entire life. both in the 'normal' world and the wizarding world. even now, he can't help but admire you for looking so gorgeous from the horrendous angle he's looking at you. but that's all completely off topic, because what the fuck, you just called him insane.

",, it wants to kill. i hear it when i walk along the walls." he sighs as he continues. to be fair he does sound pretty insane. now that hes self reflecting. "hmm." you signal him to go on. "well,, i think it has something to do with the,, you know,," 

oh yes, you knew god damn well. a few students had been petrified in hogwarts hallways and it had caused the whole school to panic. you were also quite panicked, dragging a whole group of girls with you every time you wanted to go somewhere. 

"you think that the thing that has been petrifying students is inside the walls? moving?" you ask.

"yeah, more or less. it might be a snake by the sound of it moving." he furthur explains. 

you don't really have anything to say to that. it's not like he would just lie about something like that. but how would a snake in the walls petrify students?

 "hermione's finally getting discarded after being un-furry-ified from the nurses office tomorrow,, you could ask her about a petrifying snake. or whatever it is that youre hearing." you suggest. honestly, you trust hermione more that you trust any book. or any teacher. or just anything or anyone in general. 

"i've already told hermione and ron a while ago." he says and you take offence to that. WHY exactly are you the last one to find out? and he told them A WHILE ago. what's that suppose to mean. "harry,," you get all up in his face. you think you're being intimidating, he thinks you want to make out. 

"y-yes?" he really does try to be cool about it, but youre a few centimetres away and he can smell your perfume and shampoo perfectly and oh he can see every signle one of your lashes and how your hair frames you face and ohhh damn you've got his heart beating, palm sweating, hands shaking. 

"why didn't you tell me?" you lean back a little to raise an eyebrow at him. "well,," he wants to say that he was a little too intimidated to approach you since you've been dragging this huge group of girls around but he doesn't want to sound like a pussy. "well??,,, never mind that, we're breaking up as friends." you say as you quickly get up and walk to up to your dorm.

harry doesnt exactly know how to feel right about now, but he figures he should go up to his dorm too and really think about what the fuck just happened. 
